Melanie Brown to Take Eddie Murphy to Child-Support Court

Melanie Brown and her lawyer Gloria Allred, held a press conference on Wednesday,accusing Eddie Murphy of not doing “the right thing” in regard to Brown’s 4-month-old daughter,Angel Iris Murphy Brown.

Brown told the gathered reporters :

“I am here for one reason and one reason only – her name is Angel. Angel is my baby and Eddie’s. She will always know that she was planned and wanted by both of us, but I want her to know that she has two parents who desire to be responsible for her during her life and who love her so much that they want to be a part of it.”

Her lawyer Gloria Allred addressed Murphy’s lack of actions:

“Murphy was promising to do the right thing, but to date he has not done the right thing,” said Allred. “Mr. Murphy can have all the babies he chooses to have, but his responsibility needs to be to his own children. [Brown] is seeking sole physical and legal custody.”

Allred also dished on Eddie’s recent engagement to Tracey Edmonds :

“He bought a big diamond ring for his new fianceé,” added Allred, referring to Murphy’s recent engagement to girlfriend Tracey Edmonds. “It is nice to be generous to others, but what about his own baby?”

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