Bishop Eddie Long Scandal

Bishop Eddie Long Scandal – Two men have alleged that they were sexually coerced by one of the most prominent Baptist pastors in the Atlanta area, Eddie Long. The suits were filed on Tuesday in DeKalb County, Georgia, and state that they were coerced by Long into performing a number of sexual acts. The suit said that Long made a habit out of selecting small groups of young male church members and using his authority over them to intimidate them into engaging in a sexual relationship.

He is considered to be one of the most prominent black pastors in the nation, and this will certainly be a spot on his previously stellar career. The pastor reportedly took Anthony Flagg, 21, with him on a number of overnight trips to different cities in the US. The two of them reportedly shared a bedroom on the trips and Long initiated sexual contact through coercion.

The other plaintiff, Maurice Murray Robinson, 20, was taken to Auckland and New Zealand with the pastor for his 19th birthday. Long allegedly convinced the young man to engage in sexual acts with him as well during these trips.
A spokesman for Long said that the allegations were not true, and that Long was upset that the boys would take this route in an attempt to receive money from him.

“It is unfortunate that someone has taken this course of action,” said a spokesperson for Long.
Long has yet to release a formal statement about the allegations against him, but representatives for Long have categorically denied the claims.

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  1. It is past time to start praying! The body of Christ is under attack. LET’S PRAY AND STOP FLAPPING THE MOUTHS! PRAY BODY OF CHRIST!


  3. What if this is true,lord knows already if it is and to run a Big chruch like this Mr. Long i hope this is not true a lot people look up to you,an if you did,God bless your soul.Money not everything if you not liveing right,Bless the long family am from Texas small town call Diboll,Texas

  4. God is handling this…he is exposing it. God is handling this, he is giving these young men the strength to come forth. There will be more, there is always more. Someone in the church knows, they always do. When the emails and texts come out, we will all know.

    I pray for the church, the young men and the pastor. But forgiveness does not mean you do not have to face consequences.

  5. He is in a cover up and is under the Boyle security societies and is well working with the devil. All under the Freemasons, All that want to control and do bold sacrifice for the works of the devil. need to open your eyes, that they are wolfs dress as sheep and ready to kill.

  6. Bishop Eddie Long has taugth us too much about the tricks of the enemy. He is too rich with the word of God and the power of the Holy Ghost to stoop so low. I am praying for Bishop and his fly. in his time of attack. Hold your head up high Bishop, God got this!


  8. The church as a whole needs to pray and not entertain
    the attemps of the devil to black ball the life of Bishop
    Long its bigger than him,the truth and a lie will stand it self.but know the word of God sease the enemy alway
    Shoot to bind the strong man of the house first, to kill the whole house. The way the gay and les.are trying to
    Get there prop.passed hot good would it look to scandal the church…If it is true the accusers need to be held accountable because they used their own words that would that exposes there mess ,notice they didn’t say rape! They said coercion wich sease they would ha ve been fully aware with there given consent. Knowingly going against the word of God so if he deserves Gods wrath they do to……Pray. saints all the devil desire is to kill the influence of the churh and Gods man..

  9. This is terribly ironic. I’ve never been a watcher of tv ministry, and don’t know much about Eddie Long’s ministry. But one thing I have noticed about this man is the number of men he draws. When I was single, I was like man I have got to get to his church, LOL! And my God, if I didn’t question this very issue years ago. I know one has NOTHING to do with the other, but it sure is ironic, and unfortunately not surprising to me. Not to say its true or not—simply, ironic.

  10. I just don’t believe’s the new way to get money..same thing they did to Michael Jackson..2 black men who don’t want to work..just want a big handout to make this go away..You reap what you sow..Touch not my annointed and do my servant no harm!! careful young Gay men..your day is comming get right now while you have a chance.. the door is closing! Hurry up! God LOVES you too and do not want to see you perish. Again I say I just don’t believe this story!! I just don’t!! I don’t feel it in my spirit!!!

  11. i dont beleive it. i think it is a way of hurting the pastor and getting money. why did they wait so long.

  12. The devil is busy and we must pray each and every day that we be not tempted to what he has to offer. This matter is in the hands of God and he will judge. My concern is and always has been with the large TV ministries is what are they giving back into the world with their prosperity. I feel that if a person is giving out and helping others to prosper by giving to organizations that are trying to do a good work such as feeding the homeless, clothing, medical needs, creating jobs, etc. the list could go on, they would not have the millions of dollars in which they have. You cannot take that money with you so why do people hang on to it. I disagree with non-profit organizations riding around in luxury limo, fancy million dollar houses, getting tax breaks that hard working people cannot get because they are a 501c3. God will judge and what is and was done in the dark will come to light. I pray for the ministers, pastors, clergy that are out there, because we are living in the last days and the bible spoke of these, think it not strange! My prayers go out to Bishop Long and Cleflo Dollar as I always enjoy their TV ministries.

  13. He did it. The folks in the church know about him. Why are people shocked. Prayers for those affected by his scandal

  14. Why do we always blame the victim, not the accused. Yes, God will bring light to this matter and all involved God be with you.

  15. Eddie Long is one of the most prominent bishops in Atlanta. I have no idea why you added race to his description.

  16. Devil is @ work again, trying to tarnish the image of a servant of God. It’s time for the Body of Christ to arise and put the enemy in his place. I pray for Bishop Eddie Long & His family, may God give them the grace to move on.

  17. I was a member of New Birth for years. I never forget the kindness that Bishop Long showed to me and my son. I was a single parent and my son was playing basketball and needed money to go out of town. I do not know how Bishop Long found out about my need. He gave me money for our trip. Bishop is a man of God. The devil is trying to destroy him. I know the heart that the Bishop has for helping people. I sorry he is going through this scandal. I love Bishop Long and I do not beleive he is guilty of this crime. I will continue to pray for him and his family. I know everything is going to be o.k.

  18. The church is going to have to come together as a whole and put aside denominations and have Days of nothing but Prayer. There is only One God and he is in control of it all. In the last days the Bible tells us of these kinds of things are to come.The devil has many devices. I can not make a judgment either way but one thing I do know is God is still in control. Church body lets Pray and Repent in these last days.

  19. I knew Bishop Long was wearing those tight muscle shirts and blackening in his bald spot every Sunday for a reason!!! hahaha

    On the real…. Bishop if this is true….although I actually like YOU and YOUR delivery, I’m glad its out because EVERY time I visit New Birth as a homosexual, that LOVES God, I feel worse than I did when I accepted I wanted to go to church period and be around hateful and hurtful “CHRISTians”.

    If it isn’t true may God control this as he sees fit and shame on the ones who are doing this!!

    Everyone be blessed.

  20. Its a sad situation, whether true or not! The true facts to be revealed soon. There is two sides to every story. I have been a follower of Bishop Eddie Long for years. And the allegations, are a shock to say the least, But what we are to do as saints, in the Body of christ is to pull together and seek God, for everyone involved. Thru Prayer, and More Prayer. Judge Not! Only God Can!!!!! Be Bless!!!! And let us shame the devil, in which this seed was planted by.!

  21. People are saying you don’t believe it. Why? because he has a mega church, or because he is a bishop. Why? He is only human. he is not God. he is not perfect.They say the young men just want money handed to them and they don’t work. how do you know. maybe a bishop with such status was influencial in the matter. Is it because he is married or have a family, open your eyes, there are so many men on the down low. these day’s. as a christian woman, I hope it’s not true, for the sake of his family and the pain that it will cause so many, and if it is true, then God sees all and he know’s all and it is really no one elses business, we get so carried away on negative gossip, not only we the people of other churches and around the world, but especially the media. and seamingly don’t care who it hurts. let’s just clean up our own business, and let Bishop Eddie Long and his family take care of their business. negativity breeds negativity. If it was something positive that had happened we possible would not have heard about it. my heart goes out to all three grown parties, and If true I hope a lesson was learned from it and that they can move on. May God keep you all in his protective Custody, hey people how would you feel if it was your son, husband, going thru this. (judge not lest you be judged) (what’s done in the dark shall come to the light) ( If you are free of sin cast the 1st stone). these are the thing’s my mother taught me early in life . and got a spanking for for gossiping and not knowing if it was truth or not. the world is in enought tormoil, let’s pray for one another. as I so do for the world it does not matter to me the race the color or the creed, we are all God’s children and He Loves Us One and All. we are precious in His Sight. God Bless !!!!

  22. This doesn`t surprise me! Anytime you have someone who comes on so strong about “homosexuality” usually, there`s something to it, and in this case, I

  23. So many scandals have come out about those who profess to be God’s prophets. I think that we get so caught up in the messages from these prophets, that we forget that they are human first. This does not excuse any of their alleged actions, by no means. I just think we should stay focused on the word of God, not the man. For the word prevails. Bishop Long will be exonerated if and only if he is found guilt free by a jury of his peers OR the allegations will be dismissed because of unfounded proof. We have to trust that our justice system will serve “justice”. Remember, “in God we TRUST!”..

    As for the two young alleged victims, I wish you healing and God’s speed, whether this is true or not. I wish you well.

  24. I pray we don’t hasten to make any decisions. Ours is not to judge!!! God is in control. Let us pray their strength in the Lord as this situation is uncovered. On another note, Dave’s comment 9/21/201 about Freemasons has nor relevance in anything. It’s people and comments like what is being spread now that make for sensationalism. To God be the Glory, give no place to the devil.

  25. We as adults teach children to tell if they are abused, but then when they do how can you all automatically not believe them. I’m not saying the Biship is guilty and I’m not saying he’s not…hopefully the evidence will bring out the truth. But remember, wolfs often come in sheeps clothing. Just because a person is a Bishop does not exclude them from doing wrong. Too many people idolize the “man” standing in front instead of trusting and idolizing God. If you all continue to put down those (if it’s true) then if there are other victims they will be too afraid to come forward. Remember…what is done in the dark will always come out in the light.

  26. BISHOP, I am praying for u and your family, we all knw that the devil comes to still kill and destory, But he has no power.NOW the devil will try to foam the weapon, but BISHOP it want work, this come to knock you even the more to your knees to pray more, the enemy knows you are a mighty man of GOD and yes he has a job to do ‘BUT GOD’ satan is the accuser of the brothern,so hold your head up stick your chest out and know that your GOD got your back, and whatever is the outcome GOD loves you always, not like man GOD never change HIS mind about us.BISHOP fight your battles on your knees,GOD is a man that he shall not lie, and you were made in his image and you knows what the word say.and if its true who are we to throw stones. be bless BISHOP and know if GOD be for you who can be against you.



    yes the bible says judge not that ye be not judged it also says, AN OPEN CONFESSION IS GOOD FOR THE SOUL.

    Why is eddie hiding behind the BIBLE?





  28. This is not a surprise to me! Anytime you have someone who comes on so strong about “homosexuality” usually, there`s something to it, and in this case, there is! Buckle your seat-belts! People like “Bishop Eddie Long” that prey on men, are no better than a pedophile. I`m so sick & tired of people hiding behind the blanket of “God”,professing to be something & ending up, the opposite! Just like in the movie “American Beauty”, it`s always someone with repressed feeling, that come out in opposition against homosexuality! KARMA!!


  30. I will keep his 250,000 members of his Church in my prayers.What you do in the dark,even a prominent pastor…will reveil it self in the light!!!

  31. Sigh…my prayers go out to all mentioned in this story. True or not, rumors can tarnish any reputation. As always there are 3 sides to every story: yours, mine, and then the truth. I do not have room to throw any stones; I need the blood of Jesus to cover my sins, past, present, and future.

  32. In today’s society we find that every time someone walking in the things of God comes into the spotlight, they are quick to tear them down. But the bible says to touch not my anointed. I can not judge any man that job belongs to Lord. The one one thing I am sure of is that we must pray ye one for another. It is my prayer that God reveals anything that is not like him. I pray for all involved because there is a battle going in minds of people and the bible says that those who have been strengthened needs to strengthen their brothers.

  33. Why is it so quick for people to judge, but get highly upset when they are in the hot seat? Why are we so quick to believe and hang on to people’s every word? God said if you’re without sin then throw the first stone….and all of you who are throwing it, so quick to throw him under the bus, are on your way to getting hit! I don’t believe a word of this, people talked about Jesus, and none of it was true. We need to be careful how we turn our backs on people when they are in need and deserve to be uplifted. Wouldn’t you want the same?

  34. In the above regarding the pastor, it have not been mentioned that these two young men want any money.
    Also, when the “white priest” do such things, he’s wrong,nasty, it’s a shame ect but this man here(Long) may have done it, and some people are attacking the accuser’s and wondering why they haven’t came forward until now…smh
    With all that said I am not judging the two men nor Eddie Long. I’m with most, just gonna pray for them all.

  35. It causes me such grief to know the measures people will use to attack one of GOD’s chosen vessels. The body of christ knows that the enemy will use anyone and anythiing to kill, steal, and destroy what God is planning to do for his children. I stand in authority rebuking the attacks the enemy is using to try and attack Bishop Eddie Long and I pray for those who are being used in the plot of these allegations. I am praying for Bishop Eddie Long, Elder Vanessa Long, their children, family and the Newbirth congregation.

  36. No one but God can judge. The charges I admit are shocking, but the story thus far does not add up. I pray for all who are involved in this situation.


  38. The devil has been at work, but working through Bishop Eddie Long. He is a predator, and needed to be stopped. How would you feel if it were your sons (or daughters), that were coerced into having sex with their pastor?! There have been these kind of rumors about Bishop, for awhile now. I can only pray and hope that the other young boys will be brave enough to tell the truth. The parishoners have known a long time, about Bishop. The jig is up, and satan (as usual) has been exposed!!


  40. It is funny how God reveals things and christians tend to blame it on the devil. It you weren’t ever in the circle please do the world a favor and shout your mouth. This is not the first time these allegations has arised in the New Birth Community and it will not be the last. It’s you good old christians that are weak to the church who are not getting the picture. So far every allegation has been proven. It’s your job to do the research and stop looking in from the outside and thinking and assuming. He is human just like us all. How many of those kids that he adopted? I bet you can’t answer that. Why do he prefer the adopt males instead of females? I bet you can’t answer that. Do you research folks and stop being no Earthy GOOD saints……………………..


  42. we look to these guys like they are demo gods please people read your bible and stop putting your trust in men.the truth will come out sooner or later

  43. We have to remember that Pastors/Bishops are human first then they are Pastors/Bishops. The only person to walk this earth sinless is Jesus Christ. We don’t know what truly happened, only those involved do, so I nor noone else should judge him. If you read the actual legal documents, you will see there are others named within it that are linked to what allegedly happened. I don’t put anything pass anybody-regardless of who you are-so I don’t why some people act as if all men of the cloth suddenly become anti-sinful?! Anyway, let’s just pray there are no photos, in addition to the text and emails. But then again-knowing some people, even if there are photos they still won’t believe. So all I can say is pray for all involved.

  44. I’ll support the Man of God who preaches God’s Word any and everyday. Fight-on Eddie, Fight-on.

  45. He is in a cover up and is under the Boyle security societies and is well working with the devil. All under the Freemasons, All that want to control and do bold sacrifice for the works of the devil. need to open your eyes, that they are wolfs dress as sheep and ready to kill.

    ^^^^^Dave, i saw a documentary on all the ones involved with the Freemasons…it is sad…i pray that it’s not true, but if it is, God have mercy on his soul.

  46. this could be true as a young man in the church I to experienced the power of the pastor this is a part of the church many pastors lead that life they have their families and they have their boys and yes they do take us on trips give money and whatever wake up church people what you do in the dark will be brought to the light

  47. I say to all that have left messages, none of us were there so we don’t know exactly what happen. if you believe this could not be true, i respect that. However, life has taught me that illusions are just that…..illusions….remember Peter? He gave the impression that he loved Jesus, but what happen?

  48. Eddie Long is a mighty awesome man of God who has boldly entered the enemies arena and has driven him out by the power of God’s word! It stands to reason that the enemy would use every evil wicked device he could use to come against the man of God! The kingdom of heaven has endured violent assault, and violent men seize it by force! Men and women of God rise up and take your place when the enemy comes in like a flood we who are led by His Spirit are to lift up a standard against him and put him to flight! No weapon that is formed agaisnt us, Eddie Long shall prosper, and every tongue that shall rise against us in judgement shall show to be wrong! This is our heritage as servants of the Lord!

  49. I believe as it is stated in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 ;
    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. It’s ironic that when I picked up my bible to find this chapter and verse that it had already been read and underlined by me a few days ago. Still it is my belief that one should not be so quick to judge. I was at a doctor’s office one day and nurse said that I appeared to be dressed as if I was attending a C. Dolllar service. I’ve never attended such a service, and now having his name mentioned along with Bishop Long’s gave me reason to pause., I have no personal opinion of either man except that they were men first, and to the accusers if they aren’t truthful….
    Remember an empty wagon makes a lot of noise, so please speak the truth.

  50. How dare that uncircumcized Philistine place a hand on a child of the One ,True and Living God. This is spiritual warfare. All those who how to war in the Spirit should do so now. I will meet you in the air and on my face before a faithful God.

  51. New Zealand, where are the passports the truth will be out, passports do not lies
    it look like someone is leaving a paper trail dumbo Eddie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  52. “Let God take care of it.” ???? Well God is NOT going to physically come down from heaven and take care of this. And yes, the Devil is at work again. But not with those who chose to have an opinion on this (that’s why I love freedom of speech); God is giving these young men the strength to come forward. The devil is in the deed. The devil is not the victims. It appalls me that as soon as there is a negative comment or story or situation or when people seek to change things in their congregation, the high and mighty “religious” folks say that’s the devil. Come on people. I’m not asking you to judge. But don’t start out blaming the victims. Keep an open mind until the facts are revealed.

  53. I totally agree with you Faye…THE New Birth Members know and are aware, i want to encourage all to pray for the entire NB family they ALL have been brainwashed into believing what is evident! Im so sorry for all families involved. however, I AM NOT SURPRISED AT ALL.. Money of that sorts makes one feel invensiable…so sorry!!!

  54. I have seen too many word filled Bishops, Pastors, Ministers, etc fall from grace or whatever title we have placed them into, not GOD. I am not suprised but what is being now said. I am quite sure that there will be more to come from other prominent names out there. I have had my eyes open to the fact that we are always being ministered to in regard of what we should not be doing as a christian and we have not been ministered to about the WORD OF GOD. It is always about what to give, how to give, what to wear how to wear, drink, don’t drink, premarital sex, homosexuality, smoke, don’t smoke. When will we hear about the love of GOD, seeking that relationship with GOD, and saving souls. We have forgotten about that. I have yet to find a CHURCH that absolutely helps the community without them having to give financial information. Help is help (the widows and the children).


  56. This is why I dont go to church much. The people in the church that work close to the pastor want to cover for him. Then you say The devil is attacking Christians. No its the devil in the pastor that got lose. STOP serving your pastor and start serving the true master which is GOD! I can guarantee you the deacons as well as his wife knew something wasn’t right with him, but like most Christians are taught to do is turn the cheek and let God handle it. PLEASE I say “CLOSE ALL THESE CHURCHES DOWN and may evey man stand on his own with God. I dont feel sorry for BISHOP LONG He did something with those young guys. Anthony Flagg, you stay strong to your convictions regardless what others say son. May God give you strength to expose the true DEVIL.

  57. Once again May God give the victims strength to go forth with the legal process and NOT take a bargain from the devil. We always blame the other person and not the pastor. BISHOP EDDIE LONG forgot it is God who exposes the Educated, intimadators, PREACHERS! You did something Bishop, why dont you be the first “well known” pastor and come forth. What you need to do is put the bible down and pick up sticks I can’t say what I really want too but you know what sticks I’m talking about the one you truly love.


  59. Has it occurred to anyone that this man who is defending same sex marriage and against gay lifestyle is under attack? Kind of obvious to me! Isn’t this the way the adversary always works? To try to discredit a man who stands up for what is right in God’s eyes and to attack the christian community. I am praying for this man and hope the rest of the christian community is doing the same. Keep praying saints, it is going to get worse in the days ahead but we must stand and after all keep STANDING!!. Pray, pray, pray!

  60. Whether he did this horrific act or not is really not for anyone to determine but the authorities(especially if these young men where under age when these acts took place) the real horror in this is that guilty or not this man of God will never be the same and nor will those young men. So let of not just pray for the minister and the young men, but for ourselves because this world is truly in need.

  61. The LORD knows the truth. Let him deal with it and let’s ALL stop adding comments and assumptions!!! Praise The LORD!

  62. Regardless of what Bishop Eddie Long is being accused of, God is the only one that the Bishop has to answer to.

  63. I have no desire to pray for the preacher. HE TEACHES US THE WORD. I will pray for the victims involved.

    BISHOP IT’s about time GOD hears the cry of his real children to expose those wolves in sheep clothing Thank you GOD for answering my prayer! I love it.

  64. I was shocked but not surprised when I heard the allegations. Are the allegations true? Don’t know, but I know who knows….GOD ALMIGHTY……EDDIE LONG and the 3 MALE ACCUSERS.

    What is done in the dark …will come to light eventually!

  65. It’s time for the real men of God to stand up and come to the aid of our brother. This is a public lynching waiting to happen. These ignorant young gay opportunist are trying to get rich quick but will be exposed before it’s all over. Once and for all we have got to rid our churches of this kind of awful behavior and need to be more mindful and discerning of those who labor amongst us…certain people should not be allowed to even get close to certain leaders without several witnesses there to keep an accurate account of the events. my prayers go out to Bishop and his family and the NewBirth family….this to shall past.

    Minister Aubrey

  66. Folks, it’s time we realize that we are no match for the devil. He attacks the root of the tree to ascertain death of the trunk, branches, leaves etc. If the head of the church is destroyed, then the body of the church gets violently shaken or if not well grounded they will fall by the wayside.
    Guilty or not, we are told to look on Christ alone and not man. We are all sinners born in sin and shaped in iniquity. Instead of condeming, let us pray for the brother and the young men concerned that God will do what needs to be done in this situation. Let us also pray for the wife and children of Pastor Long that they can still walk with their heads high and keep praising God no matter what. We need to stand in the gap for our brother and each other.


    FOR REAL not faking it to make it. BISHOP pay your way out of this one, you know how you preachers do it. Pastors will come to your rescue because of the pastors club you all have when you go to these conventions. You have your girlfriends or boyfriends there. LIAR LIARS pants on fire.

  68. may god contiune. 2 bless u! pastor long, @ thoses families, thats invovled in this !!! situaton… my prayers. @ blessing go out 2. u@urs! as well as thoses that affected! by this.. we leave it in God’s hands… let go let God!!! he’ll work it out 4 his purpose!

  69. I HAD A DREAM, and in this “DREAM” it revealed that there were many upon many people preaching false teachings. The “sound-good communicators” of the world, not saying that’s Bishop Long and I HOPE all of this is made up. GOD is much more than a or any relegion.

  70. Vanessa, I can tell you how Bishop found out he probably gave your son a blow job and in the mix of it, your son told him about it. WAKE UP BABY>your pastor is gay,guilty and need to confess his Hypocrispy to his church and the world.

  71. Preachers are put on a pedestal and treated like they are GOD and the women and even some men are in awe of them. they can do no wrong in the eyes of their congregation and women offer themselves and their children(little boys preferred) at his disposal.Clergymen, especially blacks cannot handle that kind of power and they being human, there is so much temptation and fleshly weaknesses and everything they desire at their fingertips it is near impossible to overcome. Imagine what MLK went through!

  72. I’m just praying. We are in the latter days and these are the kinds of things we should pray for. This is a true test for the church. All of the homosexuals who want this to be true so they can say it’s allowed, just know that God has not changed his standard for those of us who have messed up. God has a standard. There is a standard of salvation and it does not matter if I dont apply it to my life. He has let me know what he wants and me being a hypocrite or preaching what I’m not living does not change that the bible is the bible. So this should wake up the Christians and remind them that time is coming close and each one of us need to get our houses in spiritual order. Not only do we need natural or financial insurance that we we will be put away properly, but spiritual insurance to make sure our eternity is taken care of. PRAY.PRAY.PRAY!!!!

  73. How can someone make an allegation against another person and automatically we have tried and convicted the person on the spot? I do not believe the allegations that they are saying and feel they are trying every act in which to gain money. One preacher cannot be judge by another preacher’s sin. Until Bishop speaks out and confesses yes this is what I have done it’s just two individuals telling lies. Those who believe that God is in control of this situation we need to pray really hard for our spiritual leaders. The devil is mad an on a rampage and the first person he is attacking is out spiritual leaders. PRAY SAINTS PRAY!!!!!!!!!!!

  74. I understand that fact the the devil comes to kill, steal and destroy what is good.

    I understand that we should put trust in no man, only GOD.

    I understand that GOD ordains shepards to watch over his flocks.

    I understand that these shepards are (should be) equipped with the Word of GOD.

    I too understand that when those shepards repeatly commit a sin and ignore GODs numerous warnings, it is THEN that their secret sin is exposed and when it’s exposed, IT’s EXPOSED.

    Why then are some trusting in Pastor Long that the STRONG allegations against him are not true?

    Why is he waiting until Thursday to make a statement? are

    Yes, pray for the families of these victims. Pray for Pastor Long’s wife and kids because their the ones that need all the support.

    I am so tired of men feeling that they can get away with adultry of any sort. He needs to be morally punished.

  75. I’m not saying Bishop Eddie Long did it or didn’t do it. I am not a vey religous person but what I do know is that people are human. I have personally witness Gay pastors in the church. I can care less about what he does in his personal life. What I do have a problem with is the fact that he can preach Sunday after Sunday about the immorality of homosexuality but yet is doing the same things he speaks against. I am a person more of empirical evidence than religion. The evidenve that is presently within the case is not i his favor right now. If it is found that he did partake in these allegations, what does that say about the credibility of the religious community?

  76. This CAN NOT be true…Bishop has sons and there is no way in this world he would allow this kind of behavior to go on. The devil is a lie and God will get all the glory out of this situation. Long family, hold on….God knows your heart.

  77. I believe the boys. They were Spiritual Sons of the gay pastor. It’s so hard for some folks to believe that a “MAN OF GOD” who is so power would do this type of thing to children. The preachers are the worst kind. God standard is LOVE nothing els. REAL LOVE not the kind Bishops, pastors, preachers, show. Their love is conditional. IF you pay your tithes, you will be on my good side, if you cant then you aint. But hey they’ve been taught by the best deceiver there is! GOVERNMENT

    Go PASTORS Go, Keep taking the money buying the women or men whichever you like, and live like nobody can tell you anything.

    GOD PLEASE show us more, it’s not only Devilshop Long, Its in other States also.

  78. You know what we are speaking about the Devil and how he is attacking Eddie Long …FIRST WE GIVE THE DEVIL TOO MUCH CREDIT! HE is a grown man there are emails, texts and photos to support these young men allegations and somehow the supporters for Long is over looking this evidence because you choose not to believe that this is possible…. WE CHURCH Goers its Real and perhaps true!
    God has a way of shinning the spotlight on those people who cry….Lord, lord while doing wickedness….day of reconning is HERE! Accountability!!! Even as so called “religious figures” If this is not true, it is a damn well out together lie…
    It kills me when people blame the devil for their dealings. Like it is a “Free Pass”. God gave us “FREE WILL” which means we can make choices. He was the Man of the Cloth… he, if anybody” should know right for him. He is human, GOT THAT! He made a mistake – Got it cause he got caught. MAN UP and own your mistake and stop blaming the devil. I would NEVER give my power of choice to something that is less that God’s awesomeness. REMEMBER GOD is the HIGHEST –

    If he did it then he should be held accountable for his actions…. Many more will come forth and more truth will come out!!

  79. Every body please shut your mouth and Just Pray for yourself , you can be the next victim.


  80. Well if he did it, he had better start praying Psalms 51 immediately.
    Repent and get back on track with God. If he did it he needs to sit down get off the pullpit and make amends to the families who have trusted him.
    Nobody is above falling, nobody. And he needs to cry out on the mercy and grace of God. There can be fleshly weaknesses in anybody me included.
    So, I reserve Mathews 7:1 and will not Judge him.
    I pray and hope that it is all a lie, but people out there we have to accept truth if it turns out that he really did do it! If he didn’t do it, God has said that No weapon formed against a man or woman who is saved according to Romans 10:9 shall prosper. It is my hope that as a fellow Minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ that he is vindicated of this lie.

  81. My heart goes out to the Long Family and the church family as well, being a pastor’s wife myself really puts the pressure on the family. We as believers first need to pray hard and long for this man of God. The bible say “TOUCH NOT MY ANOINTED AND DO MY PROPHETS NO HARM” and it means just that. As i read the remarks from my brothers and sisters in Christ, remember if your closet doors were to be opended what would you do? I just pray that we come together and pray for him and his deliverance whether it is a trick of the devil or false alleigations. The bibe doesnt lie when it say it will uncover the just as well as the unjust. So lets all be about our fathers jESUS CHRIST business and start praying for this leader. I dont know why we are acting like we have been saved all our little lives cause we havent. If your issues were to be told or come out of your closet, what would you do???????? Pray sisters and brothers Pray for Bishop Long and the church family. We wont get far in our lives if we are always trying to find fault in people. If you loved him before and we all better had, then still love him now just start a prayer band for him and his deliverance and being set free of these alegiations or truth. God allows your issues to catch you if you dont staighten up, he will expose you and still love you. The bible say “God chasten the ones he love.” Maybe this is a wake up call that he need to address with the maker not us! Pray for the victims as well, that they can still seek after God, and not man, cause man will fail you but the word of God wont ever. That is why we need to take our focus off man and more on the word! Do as 2 Timothy say, Study to show YOURSELF approved unto God………

  82. One thing is for sure, every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!!! But all the ones that are hiding behind Gods Word for the almighty dollar, and to gain control over peoples lives and mind, they have a lot to answer for on judgement day!!

  83. If this is not true, who you need to pray for are those who have coerced these boys to file a force report. You have not seen anything yet, wait until those who are politically trying to destroy the fiber of this country, by destroying what God has ordained or called for a time such as this. Please don’t forget the story of Daniel in the bible. Judgement is about to begin in the rival political house.

    The table will be turned.
    If this is not true, who you need to pray for are those who have coerced these boys to file a force report. You have not seen anything yet, wait until those who are politically trying to destroy the fiber of this country, by destroying what God has ordained or called for a time such as this. Please don’t forget the story of Daniel in the bible. Judgement is about to begin in the rival political house. The table will be turned.

  84. you ppl rele need 2 have more respect 4 ppl geezzzzzzz u only make funn of ppl to fit in wit every1 else thtz just fckin stupid

  85. Ok people, take it from me — Someone who works with a lot of prominent Pastors, Gospel recording artists, and more in the industry. Most people in this business are devils…straight up demons. I believe Jesus is our savior and the son of God. My advise to most people entering into this business is you better be prayed up and have a personal relationship with Christ, otherwise these people will turn you away from God. Black people love a good show. Where did you ever get the idea that its a sin to point out the faults of people in the pulpit? Just like you won’t boo persons who sing a Gospel song no matter how bad they sound in talent shows. Pastors are just regular people with a good rap. They pray upon your frustations, fears and hopes. Stop drinking the Kool-aide. I’ll pray for all you being misled by these demons. Anybody remember the name Jim Jones? Here’s a quick sermon – Do unto others as you will have others do unto you. Build up your heavenly treasures. Do not hold false values of earthly treasures. Tithe reaonably — There is Christian Cost associated with those Sunday Mornining performances — What did you pay for the last movie you saw. Measure your chuch by the size of its benevolence and works in the community, not by the # of members and the size of the pastor’s rolls royce.
    Ok people, take it from me — Someone who works with a lot of prominent Pastors, Gospel recording artists, and more in the industry. Most people in this business are devils…straight up demons. I believe Jesus is our savior and the son of God. My advise to most people entering into this business is you better be prayed up and have a personal relationship with Christ, otherwise these people will turn you away from God. Black people love a good show. Where did you ever get the idea that its a sin to point out the faults of people in the pulpit? Just like you won’t boo persons who sing a Gospel song no matter how bad they sound in talent shows. Pastors are just regular people with a good rap. They pray upon your frustations, fears and hopes. Stop drinking the Kool-aide. I’ll pray for all you being misled by these demons. Anybody remember the name Jim Jones? Here’s a quick sermon – Do unto others as you will have others do unto you. Build up your heavenly treasures. Do not hold false values of earthly treasures. Tithe reaonably — There is Christian Cost associated with those Sunday Mornining performances — What did you pay for the last movie you saw. Measure your chuch by the size of its benevolence and works in the community, not by the # of members and the size of the pastor’s rolls royce.

  86. Let go and let God. Instead of talking about it pray about it. Take your mouth off of people. Take time out to read Gods word and find out what happens to people who talk about and judge the people of God. I dare not judge. We are living in the last days how sad it is to waste it on gossip. People should be using every free moment getting their own houses in order. Jesus is soon to come Will you be ready? Thats the question of the day.
    Let go and let God. Instead of talking about it pray about it. Take your mouth off of people. Take time out to read Gods word and find out what happens to people who talk about and judge the people of God. I dare not judge. We are living in the last days how sad it is to waste it on gossip. People should be using every free moment getting their own houses in order. Jesus is soon to come Will you be ready? Thats the question of the day.

  87. Come on people he’s a pastor of a lot of people what do you expect !!!! he has a lot of money because of the money the people give to the church but do you know why he has a lot of people at his church ITS BECAUSE HE ONLY PREACHES THING ONLY A MAN OF GOD WOULD PREACH and ITS NOT LIKE GOD DOESNT WANT TO BLESS THE PEOPLE THAT SEARCH HIS PRESENCE !!!!!! they want his money !!!!!!! cant you understand!!!!! why didnt they target some small church pastor thats …..because they DONT have that much money…… why specifically 22 mill ???? becuase they know he has money!!! and why did they wait so long to sue ?????
    Come on people he’s a pastor of a lot of people what do you expect !!!! he has a lot of money because of the money the people give to the church but do you know why he has a lot of people at his church ITS BECAUSE HE ONLY PREACHES THING ONLY A MAN OF GOD WOULD PREACH and ITS NOT LIKE GOD

  88. Eddie Long only God and a few others know weather you did it. It is however a time for the church to engage in further reflection on the issue of homosexuality. Pastors and preachers need to preach from the reality of their own humanity and struggle while acknowledging the grace of God that redeems and restores. Self-hate is a phenomenon that is increasing in the black church and preachers should do everything in their power to alliaviate it. It is my hope that these young men are wrong and if so, they should withdraw all charges from God’s servant. If the servant of God is guilty, it does not make him less a servant of God. Romans 3:23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Preacher are now called upon to examine the realities of their humanity and that of their congregants. The fact is that many pastors and their parishioners alike are struggleing with sexual urges that are not approved by traditional society. Now is the time for clergy and laity to deal with the truth and identify ways of dealing with the reality of homosexuality. Who knows this reflection could all begin a at the Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta.
    Eddie Long only God and a few others know weather you did it. It is however a time for the church to engage in further reflection on the issue of homosexuality. Pastors and preachers need to preach from the reality of their own humanity and struggle while acknowledging the grace of God that redeems and restores. Self-hate is a phenomenon that is increasing in the black church and preachers should do everything in their power to alliaviate it. It is my hope that these young men are wrong and if so, they should withdraw all charges from God’s servant. If the servant of God is guilty, it does not make him less a servant of God. Romans 3:23 says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Preacher are now called upon to examine the realities of their humanity and that of their congregants. The fact is that many pastors and their parishioners alike are struggleing with sexual urges that are not approved by traditional society. Now is the time for clergy and laity to deal with the truth and identify ways of dealing with the reality of homosexuality. Who knows this reflection could all begin a at the Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta.

  89. Wow, Who Ever Knew This Would Come True, it Still Feels To Hard To Believe.
    Wow, Who Ever Knew This Would Come True, it Still Feels To Hard To Believe.


  90. You know what we are speaking about the Devil and how he is attacking Eddie Long …FIRST WE GIVE THE DEVIL TOO MUCH CREDIT! HE is a grown man there are emails, texts and photos to support these young men allegations and somehow the supporters for Long is over looking this evidence because you choose not to believe that this is possible…. WE CHURCH Goers its Real and perhaps true!
    God has a way of shinning the spotlight on those people who cry….Lord, lord while doing wickedness….day of reconning is HERE! Accountability!!! Even as so called “religious figures” If this is not true, it is a damn well out together lie…
    It kills me when people blame the devil for their dealings. Like it is a “Free Pass”. God gave us “FREE WILL” which means we can make choices. He was the Man of the Cloth… he, if anybody” should know right for him. He is human, GOT THAT! He made a mistake – Got it cause he got caught. MAN UP and own your mistake and stop blaming the devil. I would NEVER give my power of choice to something that is less that God’s awesomeness. REMEMBER GOD is the HIGHEST –

    If he did it then he should be held accountable for his actions…. Many more will come forth and more truth will come out!!
    You know what we are speaking about the Devil and how he is attacking Eddie Long …FIRST WE GIVE THE DEVIL TOO MUCH CREDIT! HE is a grown man there are emails, texts and photos to support these young men allegations and somehow the supporters for Long is over looking this evidence because you choose not to believe that this is possible…. WE CHURCH Goers its Real and perhaps true! God has a way of shinning the spotlight on those people who cry….Lord, lord while doing wickedness….day of reconning is HERE! Accountability!!! Even as so called “religious figures” If this is not true, it is a damn well out together lie… It kills me when people blame the devil for their dealings. Like it is a “Free Pass”. God gave us “FREE WILL” which means we can make choices. He was the Man of the Cloth… he, if anybody” should know right for him. He is human, GOT THAT! He made a mistake – Got it cause he got caught. MAN UP and own your mistake and stop blaming the devil. I would NEVER give my power of choice to something that is less that God’s awesomeness. REMEMBER GOD is the HIGHEST – If he did it then he should be held accountable for his actions…. Many more will come forth and more truth will come out!!

  91. I’m not saying Bishop Eddie Long did it or didn’t do it. I am not a vey religous person but what I do know is that people are human. I have personally witness Gay pastors in the church. I can care less about what he does in his personal life. What I do have a problem with is the fact that he can preach Sunday after Sunday about the immorality of homosexuality but yet is doing the same things he speaks against. I am a person more of empirical evidence than religion. The evidenve that is presently within the case is not i his favor right now. If it is found that he did partake in these allegations, what does that say about the credibility of the religious community?
    I’m not saying Bishop Eddie Long did it or didn’t do it. I am not a vey religous person but what I do know is that people are human. I have personally witness Gay pastors in the church. I can care less about what he does in his personal life. What I do have a problem with is the fact that he can preach Sunday after Sunday about the immorality of homosexuality but yet is doing the same things he speaks against. I am a person more of empirical evidence than religion. The evidenve that is presently within the case is not i his favor right now. If it is found that he did partake in these allegations, what does that say about the credibility of the religious community?

  92. It’s crazy that anyone would think this accusation to be true. All these men or boys want, is money and the attention. Anyone who believes this to be true has nothing better to do with their time and mind. it does not take a rocket scientist to know that this is nothing but a made up story for attention. Bishop Moore is married. He’s under scrutiny all of the time, by everyone. There’s not way this happened at all! Pray for the lairs who brought this lying, insane scandal up. I hope they get found out for falsely accusing and they get pressed with charges and do some time.

  93. All i can say is pray on it and wait god will get u out of all this he never put more on us than we can bare god will walk u threw this as people we so quick to judge not knowing whats going on sometimes we have to keep the faith in eachother at times of need as a team foreal its hard out here and u have people thats looking toget something out of destroying someone elses life i hope and pray thats not the case because you just dont know how it feel to destroy someone life and they cant gain any trust back and you put they name out there for the world to see wow all i can say to you sir is let go and let god he will work this out ya life is in his hands keep u in prayer

  94. Body of christ rise up.This is not a tlme of pointing finger to someone.Body of christ need to pray always for our ministries,church leaders&workers,our families and winning more soul to christ.The sad thing the devil & his agents now are laughing because we dont have unity.Imagine bishop Eddie Long church is a megachurch.When the Devil succeed to destroy the leader reputation all the sheep will scatter.This is not time to judge or condemn is not our job body of christy.Our duty is to pray and making sure the gates of hell will not prevail in body of christ.

  95. my main focus is to do the will of GOD.learn of HIM and keep his a black man, I say lock the white priest up. now here is a black man. and I want to say, judge not. I must learn to not judge equily

  96. Oh Lord….We are not to let our good be evil spoken of and we should not give an ocassion for one to stumble. Men and Women of God should always travel and conduct business with a witness this way our adversary (others) cannot bring accusations against us. However, times we don’t think before we “do” innocently and times we “do” as we would because we have something to hide. I pray we as people of God are awake and taking instructions. Time is winding up…better go tell your Preacher, that time is winding up!!

  97. If only the Catholic Church would allow priests to marry, this sort of thing wouldn’t happen.

    Wait. You say Bishop Eddie Long is not a Catholic? And he is married?

    Never mind.

  98. As a parent and a child of God I say let he that is without sin cast the first stone. Oops now we will have to all just wait I say wait on the Lord. God is not a man that he should lie.

  99. It is so refreshing to read that there are some analytical atheletes in the world. For the rest of you mindless Zombies- I will do the work for you once again.

    2.Forge your own personal relationship with GOD (Relationships are managed daily not on Sunday morning)
    3. Pastors/Prophets/Bishops/Ministers are human- not super powered Avatars!

    If you follow those 3 simple principles things like the recent scandal with Bishop Long will not shock, shake or sever your spiritual bond.

    One final message- All of you that realize that only GOD can judge and are reminding everyone of that so eloquently. Remember that same principle applies to those you judge daily for being Gay & Lesbian. Total duplicity Mr. & Mrs Christian!

  100. Know GOD for yourself – EVERY BLESSING IS MY WISH FOR YOU ALL!
    It is so refreshing to read that there are some analytical atheletes in the world. For the rest of you mindless Zombies- I will do the work for you once again. 1.Self Education, (READ PEOPLE, THE BIBLE ISN”T ENCRYPTED!) 2.Forge your own personal relationship with GOD (Relationships are managed daily not on Sunday morning) 3. Pastors/Prophets/Bishops/Ministers are human- not super powered Avatars! If you follow those 3 simple principles things like the recent scandal with Bishop Long will not shock, shake or sever your spiritual bond. One final message- All of you that realize that only GOD can judge and are reminding everyone of that so eloquently. Remember that same principle applies to those you judge daily for being Gay & Lesbian. Total duplicity Mr. & Mrs Christian! Know GOD for yourself – EVERY BLESSING IS MY WISH FOR YOU ALL!


  102. I don’t believe anything these people are saying, the devil is a LIE!!!!
    I don’t believe anything these people are saying, the devil is a LIE!!!!

  103. If this is not true, who you need to pray for are those who have coerced these boys to file a force report. You have not seen anything yet, wait until those who are politically trying to destroy the fiber of this country, by destroying what God has ordained or called for a time such as this. Please don’t forget the story of Daniel in the bible. Judgement is about to begin in the rival political house.

    The table will be turned.
    If this is not true, who you need to pray for are those who have coerced these boys to file a force report. You have not seen anything yet, wait until those who are politically trying to destroy the fiber of this country, by destroying what God has ordained or called for a time such as this. Please don’t forget the story of Daniel in the bible. Judgement is about to begin in the rival political house. The table will be turned.

  104. you ppl rele need 2 have more respect 4 ppl geezzzzzzz u only make funn of ppl to fit in wit every1 else thtz just fuckin stupid

  105. Let go and let God. Instead of talking about it pray about it. Take your mouth off of people. Take time out to read Gods word and find out what happens to people who talk about and judge the people of God. I dare not judge. We are living in the last days how sad it is to waste it on gossip. People should be using every free moment getting their own houses in order. Jesus is soon to come Will you be ready? Thats the question of the day.
    Let go and let God. Instead of talking about it pray about it. Take your mouth off of people. Take time out to read Gods word and find out what happens to people who talk about and judge the people of God. I dare not judge. We are living in the last days how sad it is to waste it on gossip. People should be using every free moment getting their own houses in order. Jesus is soon to come Will you be ready? Thats the question of the day.

  106. Come on people he’s a pastor of a lot of people what do you expect !!!! he has a lot of money because of the money the people give to the church but do you know why he has a lot of people at his church ITS BECAUSE HE ONLY PREACHES THING ONLY A MAN OF GOD WOULD PREACH and ITS NOT LIKE GOD DOESNT WANT TO BLESS THE PEOPLE THAT SEARCH HIS PRESENCE !!!!!! they want his money !!!!!!! cant you understand!!!!! why didnt they target some small church pastor thats …..because they DONT have that much money…… why specifically 22 mill ???? becuase they know he has money!!! and why did they wait so long to sue ?????
    Come on people he’s a pastor of a lot of people what do you expect !!!! he has a lot of money because of the money the people give to the church but do you know why he has a lot of people at his church ITS BECAUSE HE ONLY PREACHES THING ONLY A MAN OF GOD WOULD PREACH and ITS NOT LIKE GOD DOESNT WANT TO BLESS THE PEOPLE THAT SEARCH HIS PRESENCE !!!!!! they want his money !!!!!!! cant you understand!!!!! why didnt they target some small church pastor thats …..because they DONT have that much money…… why specifically 22 mill ???? becuase they know he has money!!! and why did they wait so long to sue ?????

  107. Lets Pray Intercessors.. It’s time to War for the Kingdom… The Devil always trying to expose the Kingdom… We need to focus on the crime on the outside. Jesus Christ has the Church Covered..
    Lets Pray Intercessors.. It’s time to War for the Kingdom… The Devil always trying to expose the Kingdom… We need to focus on the crime on the outside. Jesus Christ has the Church Covered..

  108. Wow, Who Ever Knew This Would Come True, it Still Feels To Hard To Believe.
    Wow, Who Ever Knew This Would Come True, it Still Feels To Hard To Believe.

  109. I believe that we walk into turmoil when we take our calling lightly. Bishop Long is truly gulity of one thing in my eyes and that goes for us all… getting caught up the people’s perseption. I think about the Apostle Paul and how he was never concerned with outter appearance, but only that the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ being spread and not perverted by our filthy ideas and rationalizations. That flambouant lifestyle, in my opinion, doesn’t belong to the church and the things that come with it are 90% of the time demonic. We are servants, stewards of the gospel and when we become concerned with how we are seen, trouble is on the horizon. Let us all stand in prayer for Bishop Long our brother in Christ Jesus and not be judgemental but loving and caring. Charity is above all things. We all gotta be delivered and true deliverence has no time table. My prayers go out to the Long Family, his congregation, all effected by this saddening allegation, and the entire Body of Christ. My the undying love of God keep us all.

  110. Its pastors, preachers and bishops like this make people steer away from the church, whats in the dark shall come to light.
    Its pastors, preachers and bishops like this make people steer away from the church, whats in the dark shall come to light.

  111. Well since noone knows but him and his baby mama who cares if he hit her he shouldn’t have he’s a boxer and if he would have just got with chilli he might not be in this situation………
    Well since noone knows but him and his baby mama who cares if he hit her he shouldn’t have he’s a boxer and if he would have just got with chilli he might not be in this situation………

  112. I hope this isn’t true but the best thing for us to do is to just pray for him and the young men.
    I hope this isn’t true but the best thing for us to do is to just pray for him and the young men.

  113. No one is exempt from temptations to engage in inapprpriate acts. However, men and women of influence should be cautious not to nfluence others negatvely. I trust that the truth will set them ALL free. That is the best way to live. Free from guilt-free from shame.

  114. LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get.

    LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get. Expose them OH GOD PLEASE EXPOSE THEM!
    LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get. Expose them OH GOD PLEASE EXPOSE THEM! LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get. Expose them OH GOD PLEASE EXPOSE THEM!

  115. one thing forsure,we are living in the last of the last days and Jesus Christ is soon to come,you can rest assure saints that God have not forsaken His people.HE declare upon this rock HE will build HIS church and the gates of hell shall not prevail, and though it may seems that satan is prevailing,God knows that he want, remember the darkess hour is just around dawn and light is coming God will show up. The church belongs to Christ not man, and it is know way on God’s green earth that HE will let man or the devil take charge, so dont get it twisted. Yes it can be some what a little annoying when we hear of those that suppose to be representing our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ doing things that the unsaved do, and then they think that all of God’s people is a hypocrite and then they laugh and talk about the church,even some think that they can continue in their sins. The devil is a liar, God have Him a people that fear HIM and is living holy and is not living in known sin or living in hypocrosy.Our prayer to God should be LORD WE NEED A HOLY GHOST OUT POURING OF YOUR SPIRIT AS YOU DID ON THE DAY OF PENTECOST,THAT THERE BE KNOW FLESH ON PARADE THAT THE WORLD MAY KNOW THAT THIS WORK IS OF YOU AND NOT OF MAN OR OF THE DEVIL, AND LET THERE BE SIGN AND WONDERS LORD THAT SOULS MAY BE SAVE AND TO DELIVER YOUR PEOPLE FROM WORLDLINESS, THE world may be laughing now at the church, but you can rest assure people of God that God will have the last laugh, stay strong Jesus Christ have not forsaken His church and HE is coming soon, be encouraged saints and God bless,

  116. This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover.
    This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover.
    This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover. This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover.

  117. Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR
    Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR
    Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR I CAN BELIEVE IT

  118. Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.??
    We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc.
    It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s.
    We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence.
    Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit.
    Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls.
    Evangelist DH
    Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.?? We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc. It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s. We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence. Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit. Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls. Evangelist DH
    Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.?? We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc. It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s. We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence. Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit. Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls. Evangelist DH Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.?? We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc. It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s. We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence. Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit. Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls. Evangelist DH

  119. Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face.
    Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face.
    Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face. Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face.


  121. A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up.
    A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up.
    A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up. A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up.

  122. I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!!
    I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!!
    I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!! I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!!

  123. I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!!
    I have a sinking feeling that there is alot more to this story than the boys are lying. Prayers are needed for all involved!!

  124. Let it be none that we all fall short of the glory of god. ALSO WE ALL ARE HUMAN AND NONE OF US ARE EXEMPT FROM THE DEVILS ATTACK.
    Let it be none that we all fall short of the glory of god. ALSO WE ALL ARE HUMAN AND NONE OF US ARE EXEMPT FROM THE DEVILS ATTACK.

  125. Yeah I was always suspicious of those tight designer jeans and tight Ed Hardy t-shirts he likes to where. A pastoer really?? more like con man


  127. If this scandal is true we need to pray for all involved. When we point the finger we have to remember, there are three fingers pointing back at us. We all sin and fall short of God’s glory, so who are we to judge? We need to take a stand and pray, this scandal isn’t the first and it will not be the last. There will be a lot revealed before the day of Judgement, we are all sinners but God has the final word.

  128. All people are humans, my mom use to tell me to not sit on any man’s lap not even a priest (i’m catholic) . Education begins at home. but if the home is not educated things like this will happen. The world that we live in today is not the safe trustworthy world that should be. Eddie Long is human, and the temtptation of the flesh is his downfall. Yes as we have sinned in the past we were forgiven, so we must forgive, but now this new education must be past down to our children so that they know what type of world we live in.
    These alleged victims, did the right thing by coming forth, even if 2 of them did steal prior to this incident. I find that members of thos e types of churches are so blind to the Pastors/Bishops behavior that they are giving him carte blanche to allow this type of behavior to continue.
    Let man be man, and come out of the closet if you like men, say so, aren’t they the first one to cast the stone as they stand at that pulpit???
    Pray? pray for your own sins, pray for your children, there are predators out there, beware of the fakers, the haters, beware of everything…
    Just be an educated aware member of society

  129. We are living in revelationary times in which wickedness in high places will be exposed. If then the lost sheep remain lost so be it. Every one of the Almighty’s children has a responsibility for their own soul/rightousness. it’s so foolish that one would place something so sacred in the hands of these religious pimp who call themselves ministers and such. When Yashua renders punishment upon these and those who defend evil, it will not be any excuses. What about the victims, who’s coming to their defense. Guess what? The Almighty will!!!!

  130. We are living in revelationary times in which wickedness in high places will be exposed. If then the lost sheep remain lost so be it. Every one of the Almighty’s children has a responsibility for their own soul/rightousness. it’s so foolish that one would place something so sacred in the hands of these religious pimps who call themselves ministers and such. When Yashua renders punishment upon these and those who defend evil, it will not be any excuses. What about the victims, who’s coming to their defense. Guess what? The Almighty will!!!!

  131. I can’t see why anybody is surprised about any mess that goes on in this world. Can’t you all understand the devil tempted Christ Himself. Did the devil not tell Christ to bow down to him? My mom use to say that what goes on in the dark will come to the light. You can run, but you certainly cannot hide. The devil’s job is to seek, kill and destroy. God told the devil, while he was looking for someone to try His servant Job. God told him that he couldn’t have his soul and the devil did all that his could to destroy Job. The devil is just doing his job. The devil was so bad while he was in heaven that he tried to override God. God kicked him out and the devil took 1/3 of the angels with him. Hell is enlarging every single day and if we as God’s people don’t get it together, we’re all going to hell ourselves. Whether the man is guilty or not, church don’t stop praying . Pray changing things, people and situations. Pray can go where no man can. I’m Sis. Faye D. Simmons, bringing you greeting form Miracle Temple Apostolic Holiness Church here in the great city of Winston-Salem, NC. Pray my growth and strenght in the Lord!

  132. I believe that God knows everything just like he knew everything when eve was tempted by greed in garden of eden thinking that she was going to be a god when she and adam already posess the land. If bishop eddie long did do this he must repent and set up a plan so this doesn’t happen anymore in the natural. This is a spiritual battle that manifested it self into flesh. Saints of God PRAY

  133. Whether or not he is guilty of the allegations or not, he is STILL A MAN OF GOD! Anyone posting here can end up with drama and mess in their life, guilty or not! It is time to stop accusing or excusing and simply pray for this man. Guilty or not, he needs support. EVERYONE is guilty of something. When all the facts are revealed, the people saying he is guilty will be proved right or wrong, and the people who are saying he is innocent will be proved right or wrong. My point is, to speak out without knowing the whole truth is foolish. Stay quiet and pray.

  134. Things done in the dark, will eventually find it’s way to the light. Whether true or not, Bishop Long isn’t the first, nor will he be the last man to be accused of such acts, committed by men in the pulpit. Funny how everyone starts to attack the victims and want to blame the devil. The devil isnt’ the blame for EVERYTHING. Bishop is a man who is of this world and has carnal desires too. We’ve all sinned(and are sinning) and have fallen short-so not quite sure why this “scandal” surprises anyone

  135. When you talk about all gods children, you begin to be a judge. Only god can judge anyone. Even Eddie Long, He acts as though we are invisiabile, but now he is in the spotlight, he can’t hide can he?

  136. I hope and pray that the allegations against Bishop Long is not true. However, I have asked my self this question, “Why would these young men come out with these allegations if it is all lies.” If they are lying these young men a deeply disturbed to bring up allegations such as this that has already destroyed the Bishop good works. I am not saying that the Bishop is guilty, but it does not look good that he was going to make a statement and changed his mind. It has been three days now since he’s been accussed of sexual misconduct. If I was being accussed of these allegations I would have spoken immediately with the press to clear my name. Once again, I hope and pray that these accussations are false, because if they are true this will affect many lives. As I close, I just want to say this that God is exposing false prophets and people that are proclaiming that they are Christians. I believe that the end is near and God is patience is running out and he is revealing what is done in the dark will come to the light. My prayers goes out to Bishop Long and his family and to the young men.

    May God Bless and Keep all of them.

  137. We are in the last days we as God’s people are to recognized this the enemy is running rampant who first to attack if he attach the head then he has the body, I plead the blood of Jesus on the situation and all that are involved Jesus Blood Cleanse, Wash and Correct everything and everybody. I will keep Bishop Long and all three young men in prayer.

  138. It happens all the time. I knew of a prominent Methodist preacher in my city who used to go and pick up boys every friday, and pay them for sex, so why can’t this be true. We need to stop exhaulting the preacher!! He did it, and probably with many more people in the church, those of whom are too afraid to speak up. What we need to do is pray for all involved, because no man is perfect!!!

  139. think about the young men who have been led astray – if this is true! Where there is Smoke there is a Fire. Long is just a man, true —who happens to lead a congregation of thousands of souls…… God is merciful! if true E. Long need to be dealt with!!!!!! Just like any other man who use their position to do wrong things.

  140. And,,,,its deeper than being Human! Come on, “we are just human” ? Baby, God WILL NOT BE MOCKED! BY NO MEANS, DOINGS!!!!!

  141. My problem with this situation is that this man is a pastor, a husband, a father of four, and most importantly, an advocate against homosexuality. There are now three individual young men that he is accused of starting a relationship with when they were children, yet I have not heard one person say that regardless of Atlanta’s consent law at the age of 16, this pastor was wrong for having a sexual relationship with the children that he was supposed to be healing and leading. Worst of all, he is a married man with four children of his own! It is shameful to think that we are here to protect the young, yet we never question the behavior or intent of the adults in authoritative positions amongst our children; we see the BLING, and we forget what is important. In addition, we are so quick to call our children liars when they come forward with information about despicable behavior such as those the three young men exposed. It is no wonder we have millions of sexually abused children who are silenced by their attacker, making them victims for a second time. I believe these young men! I also believe that the number of victims will grow! Predators like Pastor Long tend to become serial in their behavior when they see that they are not getting caught, and it was not coincidental that he situated himself in that program that he created for young men; the same program that he picked his victims from. Anyway, this is no surprise because those who speak the loudest against the gay community are always the ones with the greatest indulgence in its activities.

  142. God is a God that sits high and looks low and he knows all things nothing surprises the God we serve. Psalm 139:7-12 Lets not think so highly of ourselves lest we also fall into the same temptation 1Cor.10:12 lets all stay focus with what is going on in our own back yards pray and let GOD take care of what HE knows how to do best PRAY!!!! PRAY!!!! PRAY!!!!

  143. We should one, Here the whole matter, 2, pray for God to reveal the Truth and Three not assume the allegations are correct until the complete investigation is done. WE as the BODY of CHRIST should be holding one another up in prayer and not condemning any persons without truth. Be mindful of oneself and that should keep us busy enough not to gossip. Wait for the Truth.

  144. This type of things should not be accepted, and the faulty person should be punished. However, it should not be done simply on claims. Indeed, someone who is openly an opponent to something like homosexuality may be the target of those supporting it. They may have succeeded in bringing dishonor on his name, but now they should be able to prove it. Otherwise, it would be too simple to destroy a man, just by creating a story. And if they don’t prove anything, I would strongly recommend the bishop to engage a prosecution against them. This is not a matter of forgiveness or not, but this will discourage future jokers / hostile people.

  145. Here’s my take on all pastor scandals. I’m been a christian a long time. God warns me of impending dangers. Where was the body of Christ before this happened. Who raised a warning? I have taught my children what is right and sexually wrong. Why did these young men allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Better still are they telling the truth. Members stand up for your church and your leaders. Be a hedge around them and stop being such a bunch of silly fools.


    I am so angry at these Jim Jones tobe church folks. Watch out Sunday when he request his follower to drink the kool-aid !!!!!!

  147. Why has it taken all this time for the men to come out with this scandal?l. It looks to me that they did not have a problem taking the money or trips. Why are these guys being made out to be saints, if it has taken all these years then that means they were enjoying what was going on….Please! this is so sad that people are making such a big deal out of this…..The only thing that the bishop did wrong was to get involved with some load mouth Queens, he should have gotten a partner who could keep him happy while keeping his mouth shut.

  148. Frist of all let us stop judging and running off he say she say. In the beginning we may not know that these two young men were already gay and Bishop wouldn’t have sex with them, so they had to turn it around. It’s always two sides to a story and now days people will do anything to try and get money. It’s just that the gates of hell trying to come against him and the word of God. We all have some skeltons in the closet and maybe one day ours skelton will come out and the shoe gonna be on the other foot. We as people need to stop living on the outside of a person life and not looking at what’s on the inside. If he did this then let the Lord handle this, This is a problem that God has to deal with Bishop not us. Be Blessed everyone and Bishop hold your head up, It will be all over in morning, Aint no need to worry what the nigh is going to bring cause it will be all over in the morning. Go ahead and cry let it all out , it be all over in the morning.

  149. He knows the word very well I hope and pray that his members will not stray from GOD. Who are we to judge? Just because he may or may not have done what he is accused of. Only he has to give in account to GOD. I pray for him if it is true, and his members. I too am a member of NBBC in Florida, I am sure I will hear about it on Sunday. May GOD bless us ALL.

  150. Whether it is true or not, let’s get one thing clear, this is os much bigger than Bishop Long, the Arch Bishop of the Catholic Church or any other church for that matter. This is an attacke against the Body of Christ. When devil attacks in this way, this is a direct attack against the Lord and all of us Christians. He wants to discredit the Body of Christ to turn away believers and to away those who are considering giving their life to Christ. This is meant to be a stumbling block. On another note, “He who is without sin, let them first cast a stone”. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Not saying that Bishop Long is guilty, but All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. We have skeletons in our closets, things we dont want anyone to know about. The difference is, ours are made public by the media. We should be praying for Bishop Long and other leaders as well as for one another, instead of running one another down. He is only human, just like you and I. If he is gulity, that’s the thorn in his flesh. We also thorns in ours too. No one is perfect, no not one, except Christ himself. Let’s come together fellow believers, and be there to help one another in the time of need. Don’t look down at a man when he’s down, unless you are stooping/bending down to help him up.

  151. The “Body” of Christ is NOT under attack.

    HIDDEN sin is at the forefront.

    Wake UP!

    The Clarion Call.

  152. We as the body of Christ have to pray for our nation, my pastor went through the samething not only him a lot of men and women the teaches gods word, we as africian american always tearing each other down, instead of lifting them up no matter if this is true or not, we should not let the devil take our focus off of what god is trying to do for the nation no matter what your race may be. All I know is that”GOD STILL SITS ON THE THRONE HIGH AND MIGHTY!!!! God bless us all.

  153. these words goes out to Angela Wilson and Darnell: If we could look in your closet that you keep so lock up with all your faults wonder if your comments will still say the same? No it would not, god knows and sees all!!! this situation, yours and mines everyday we ALL fall short of gods glory. But I THANK GOD FOR HIS MERCY AND GRACE his everlasting love!!! Instead of us accusing Pastor Long or the so called victims, we need to pray for them all. LET GOD JUDGE!!!
    step out and let god handle it, thats why things are so messed up now in the world we are always trying to do what no one can do BUT GOD!!!!! Bless you my brother and sister

  154. Well a lot has been said, about the what have and could have been done. The reality of it all is that why r we as a nation of believers r not standing up 2 justice?We defend man when n reality we r 2 defend only what is TRUE and the only thing that Jesus said would not pass away is HIS WORD. Mere man is only a vapor n the wind. We r here 2 justify CHRIST AND CHRIST ONLY!!! Think of the new converts that will now fall back n2 a life that they thought they were FREE from. If ur a believer u knw how satan will play with ur thoughts until ur able 2 have control over ur thoughts. My heart and prayers go out for all who r nvolved however all that were n volved whether young and couldn grasp everything or old and new better, still have 2 live with the fact that the WORD says if u tell a man to turn from his sins and he does its good for u both but if u don’t tell him it’s on ur head. I believe some heads will soon get ta rollin when the dust settles from all of this but can we plz pray 4 all of those “baby belivers” who i pray with the divine intervention will not digress and do like a dog does by returning to their former vomit.

  155. You say pray, how do you know what to pray for? When you pray for this type of thing you don’t know what you are coming against in the spiritual realm and that could possibly effect you. I hope this is not true because he has impacted so many lives, however if it is true it only proves to me that the principalities and powers satan has employed to bring down the church and word of God from being preached to the world. Do NOT give the enemy the glory by getting into gossips about this matter, however do what your calling that God has written for your life and be concerned what the Holy Spirit is speaking to you about that calling. If you want to pray, pray in the Holy Spirit and get the revelation that you need for your life. Don’t let this minor matter of Bishop eddie Long be a distraction from what you need to be doing.

    You cannot fight satan without wisdom. Be wise as a serpent yet harmless as a dove.

    If you don’t understand your enemy, then how are you going to stand?

  156. Listen , first we are human.. We as people put too much trust in Man.. We are all human. We make mistakes.. Just because one has a mega church and always in the spotlight.. doesn’t mean that he/she doesn’t sin… Sometime we are our worst enemies you know why because we make poor judgements that gets us into trouble.. not just Eddie Long but all of us… So I say to everyone put your trust in God and not man… because man will fail u everytime… Let God be the judge… we all make mistakes… and God forgives us…. in the a few weeks the truth will be revealed. God Bless….

  157. the devil”s ministry is to steal, kill and destroy… he is the author of confusion. so whenever u hear stuff like this… know he is at work…but the bible says ” i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail”..glory to God!!

  158. Sometimes we put too much faith in Pastors. The word instructs us to trust no man. It is time to read your own Bible, and ask God for the understanding. Yes, he uses teachers,pastors, bishops for the perfecting of the saints; but in the long run, you better know Jesus and His Word for yourself.

  159. What a sticky siyuation. I think we forget that preachers are human and not god. I really believe that. So it does not surpise me when these things happen. People worship the man and not the word. They are human(preachers).Hemay have had an improper relationship with these dudes. Why take them on trips and things of this nature. Folks, just don’t be so hurt and surprised if this turns out to be true.


  160. We live in a country where you are suppose to be innocence until proven guilty. The word innocence means a : freedom from guilt or sin through being unacquainted with evil : BLAMELESSNESS b : CHASTITY c : freedom from legal guilt of a particular crime or offense .

    Now it’s a shame that we who call ourselves children of God are so quickly to judge our brother. Yes there is a lot of “ifs” lets forget them and lift Bishop and his family up and the young men that brought the accusations in prayer because…. that is not a if …..they really need prayer at times like this no matter what.

  161. Only one who knows what happen is God, Dollar, and person’s involved. Always remember Dollar is flesh even though he knows the word, none of us are perfect.

  162. The first concern is the continual progress of the body of Christ and the healthiness of this local church and when ensuring that Pastor Eddie Long is being handled both biblically and spiritually and fairly as a Senior Pastor of a local Ministry. We must deal with people fairly. This must be handled by his peers or those who has mentored him personally.
    In St. John 8 there is a woman caught “in the very act” of sin and Jesus Christ response is important. He that is without sin cast the first stone. This is a matter that spiritually mature within the Body ought to be judging rightly and keeping the opinions of the wordly at by – only those that have experienced the Great Grace are able to deal with these type of situation rightly considering their own selves first.

    L. Richardson
    Senior Pastor
    Living Waters Ministries
    Baltimore, MD

    By: PaNdOrA

    Can I ask you these questions my fellow Americans? If this is something he did this cannot be the first time if he did something like this. We all know there should be tell tale signs if someone is like this. He would have developed a pattern. Someone would have picked up on it if he were preying (preying as in stalking or watching) on them. With this in mind wouldn’t others speak out? Why are there only two boys speaking out, out of an alleged group of young men? What do these boys have to gain by saying such fallacies against a man of God. After all I believe the old saying is “Tell the truth shame the devil.” REMEMBER I’M A BIAS PERSON!! Now it is said that they have text messages and letters to support their allegations. If so, are they from the bishop and can you prove it? Do you know what these messages say and have you seen them? Has these young men or the bishop been given any sexual type test to check if they were forced or if they were penetrated? Have either party received a polygraph test? NOW PLEASE REMEMBER I”M A BIAS PERSON!!!
    Most of you don’t recognize that a miracle wont happen without you believing in it. You also don’t realize that when you speak on things you speak these things into existence. So for those of you who want to help the situation stop talking negative stop thinking negative because so as a man think so shall he become. If half of you were as motivated to get out of poverty and I dunno say deal with your own issues you might be better off. Don’t take offense to the information I am feeding you but digest it and out it to use because you can spend your whole life trying to see what the “Jones” are doing and how you can compete without realizing that you haven’t really lived your life right yourself. PLEASE REMEMBER I”M A BIAS PERSON

  164. I don’t know Bishop Long nor have I ever heard any of his sermons. I didn’t even know he had a “mega church” if this is what you call it. Maybe it’s because I’m not into televangilism. I didn’t even know what Bishop Long looked like until the other night while watching CNN there was a news “blurp” referencing sexual allegations against him. Notice I said allegations because I too believe a person is innocent until proven guilty. I will say this, it’s no wonder a person who is a victim of rape, sexual abuse, or molestation does not want to come forward. Let’s not forget they are victims too. My prayer is that Bishop Long is innocent, but we know most cases such as this one end of being true. I was living in the state of Colorado when a prominent Minister in town (who had a “mega church”) was caught in a homosexual relationship and drugs. He denied the allegations at first but later admitted they were true and he had a problem. This Minister is truly a man of God because he admitted his sin, asked God for forgiveness, his wife, the church and all those he offended. This minister is now in the healing process and has started another ministry. Like I said, I’m a Christian and I’m far from being perfect. If Bishop Long has fallen from grace, he should first ask God for forgiveness, his family, his church family and learn to forgive himself and move on. My Mom used to always say “God will allow sin to run it’s course, but one day it will be exposed. We also know what the Bible says about sin and there is no degree of sin; a sin is a sin. Let us pray that Bishop Long will be exonerated if he is not guilty and if he is, he will admit it , get the help he needs and move on with his life. I would like to make one last comment; the pictures posted on the website I visited of Bishop Long in his workout clothes, which expose his muscles and body definition are not pictures I would think a Minister would want posted on a website unless he was in some sort of body building contest. Looks like Bishop Long took the pictures of himself with his cell phone camera. Even though he may be proud of his body, I think this was inappropriate of a Minister. All I can say is the enemy (Devil) is happy because he thinks he has won another battle with God; but any of you who know the Lord, know this not to be true. Let’s continue to pray for Bishop Long, the church, and that people will read the word of God for themselves and stop worshipping ministries instead of God.


  165. Does not ANYONE fear God any more!!! If Eddie Long did in fact do what he is accused of doing; he has made a mockery of my Lord and Savior which infuriates me even more then the accusations.

    If these youngmen are in fact seeking to profit then they too are making a mockery of my Lord and Savior!

    We have been warned of false prophets and yet we seek counsel of a mere man. How foolish are we?

  166. I am a member of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church and have been since Jan.,1998. I would be willing to bet that all these negative comments are coming from people who have never even set foot in New Birth. If you knew about (I say knew not heard) these things years ago why didn’t you report it since you’re such an outstanding person? We, the Church expected this attack especially after just finishing a very successful visit to Africa, an uplifting “Spirit & Truth Conference” & a Spiritual healing service that laster for hours and was also very successful.
    In my years at New Birth I have never known Bishop Long to “Preach Sunday after Sunday about the immorality of homosexuality” I would surmise that is something you heard also. If someone comes to New Birth and does not feel comfortable it’s because they need to take care of some things within themselves
    & he reminds them of that with every word he preaches.
    Bishop Long & his family live off of our( members) offerings, which most of is given away. How many Pastors do you know that can say that?
    Have you ever heard “Give and it is given good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.(Matt 6: 38). You should try it, it works.
    I pray that the people will realize the same pattern that has used for years is still being used to divide & conquer. I will surround he and his family with love & faith and keep them covered in prayer. I hope and pray that the people who have been riding his coattails for years will do the same. The ones who received homes, cars and had their rent paid, not to mention all the ones whose college tuition he paid. I pray for all involved knowing that the Lord commanded us to love one another.

  167. Have you ever heard “Give and it is given good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.(Matt 6: 38). You should try it, it works.
    I pray that the people will realize the same pattern that has been used for years is still being used to divide & conquer. I will surround he and his family with love & faith and keep them covered in prayer. I hope and pray that the people who have been riding his coattails for years will do the same. The ones who received homes, cars and had their rent paid, not to mention all the ones whose college tuition he paid. I pray for all involved knowing that the Lord commanded us to love one another.

  168. i believe that this is all about money i do not believe this at all god will take care this matter the truth will come out and when it does may god have mercy on there soul

  169. Even if this is true it should not affect anyone…not even his wife because she should already know.When you serve man God will make sure man will fell you. Pastors are human and sin too. Trust in God completely so next time and there will be a NEXT TIME or the NEXT LEADER scandal you won’t be surprise or affected. You just never know!

  170. You all know that God is good! So we must not judge, but use wisdom from past experience of the church as a whole. Let God do his will, but remember our children are special and need us to believe them no matter what the cost. I pray for both the children and the pastor. read on

    Their have been many scandal in the Catholic church that has been proven true. (Not to say this scandal is) Many young mens lives destroyed, as the church sweep the problem under the rug. We have abuse running ramp in our society and people searching for peace anyway they can get. Be it the church or the streets. Only God can give us peace in the mist of the storm, it not for us to debate for someonelses peace. Do we continue to use God’s word to defend, what we do not know? Are do we go up in corporate prayer for the TRUTH? Lets ask God to heal our minds and set us free from trouble thougths, and heal and bless men, women, and the family as a whole. Proverbs 7:4 tells us that wisdom is my sister and understand is the kinswoman (family). Lets meditate on that and ask God to step in and reveal this situation for what it is.

    There is no side to be taken here, just prayer for the TRUTH!

  171. It’s amazing how the Sr. pastors and preachers are taking a stand for their fellow clergy. You say Let God Judge? Dont you think he is? Pastors, Preachers it’s time for your motives to be exposed.

    I love it that God is showing his people that no matter how much money, popularity you have, YOU WILL NEVER BE HIGHER THAN GOD!

  172. And can somebody tell me who is the devil. Don’t give me king james scriptures. Tell me in your own words who the devil is?

  173. I believe the lord will reveal the truth. Put your faith and trust in no man for he wil decieve you. He is also a man don’t worship man worship God.

  174. In light of all the circumstances, GOD is still in control ! Sin is sin, the same compassion that GOD has shown to us, let us duplicate that love unto our fellow brothers in christ. Its so amazing to me that for years we can call a man blessed and anoited, suddenly tribulations rise, and we’re so quick to pick up stones ! LET HIM WITHOUT SIN CAST THE FIRST STONE ! TO ALL THE MEMBERS AND TO EVERY AND ANYBODY WHO THIS MAY AFFECT, GOD WILL GIVE YOU STRENGTH AND CLARITY TO GO ON. IN THE NAME OF JESUS !

  175. It’s funny how we as Christians are quick to quote bible verses, to make excuses for stepping out of the will of God. First of all we need to stop worshipping and praises these mega Pastors. They are not God. If you summit to his will. He will give you the same knowledge and understanding. One thing I can say is that you don’t see any of this going on in non-Christians churches. Why because they worship God and only God. The very elect will be fooled in the end. For those of you who know the word front and backwards pay close attentention. I also would like to encourage all Christians to get a copy of the Quaran. You would be shocked and amazed at what you will discover. If you seek knowledge for yourself and not be brain washed by American Society.

  176. Well all i can say is were living in the last days and it is not impossible to believeLet us look at the facts before we judge

  177. I am glad that most of these posting are keeping the bishop and those boys in your prayers. I hate to see when people judge and a few of these post are the same kind of people that need to look in the mirror. If they believed in God they would not be on here and judging and using God’s name in the same manner. Innocent until proven guilty and when some has that much money there is always a scandal of being accused of some type of allegation.

  178. I don’t know if this pastor is guilty or not, however, pastor who do wrong must not believe the word that they preach, because the scriptures said that what ever happens in the dark will come to the light. All of us need to keep that in mind.

  179. Marsha, can you honestly say you never heard rumors since the time you been at New Birth that your pastor was gay? I saw him on t.v. one day and thought to myself is he gay. It’a only obvious that he has some girl in him. It’s okay the devil love to give good gifts also to decieve people. Just don’t you give up your faith in GOD when you all come to see that your pastor was GAY all the time.

  180. Pastor Larry Jenkins, you’re probably gay yourself. STOP quoting them bondaged scriptures and let GOD speak through you.

  181. they that worship the Lord, must worship in spirit and in truth. im not going to put my mouth on the man of God situation, but know, that God’s Spirit was not in it ( where the Spirit of the Lord is there’s liberty, FREEDOM ) so whatever may happen God is the ultimate Judge. therefore know ye this, whatsoever is done in the dark will come to light! no matter if it’s a Bishop or a lay member; as a matter of fact! it dont matter who you is….God has no respect of person…………as stated before. Judge not lest ye be judge first. God is fed-up with sin in the lives of his elects as well as the Gentile (worldly people. ) remember Christ came not to condemn but to call sinners to (true) repentance! know that your lives was brought with a price, and as follower we must present our bodies a living sacrifice unto the Lord, Holy and exceptable which is our reasonable service, Amen!


    Lord you are faithful, just, honest, and true, I ask that you whip Bishops ass and then lead him back to you.


  183. I am very saddened by this situation. I know that the truth will be revealed. I hope that this is not the truth! Being that Bishop EL is a man of God or posing as a man of God, he should be very well versed on “Woe be unto the pastor that leads my sheep affray…” I am truly disillusioned. If the young men are not telling the truth and making false accusations just to get money, shame on you! Regardless, as to how you look at this situation its bad.

  184. “Judge not that ye be jugded”, He’s only a “man” and as imperfect as you and I , with carnal thoughts just like you and I, and, has possibly done and will make mistakes, just like you and I, but forgiven not by you and I, But , by God the Father in HEAVEN, WHOM, BY THE WAY, already knew what all there is to know…..Do you think God is constantly talking about it with everyone in heaven or when “we” do wrong???? I say not……Only one who knows the “whole” truth is God; Lets let him rule and discipline in this situation, not us or our repribate minds…..Love in Christ…..

  185. This is too big a scandal and so I pray that God will convict the lying party to come out and confess: be it the bishop or the young men. I pray that if the guity party refuses to come clean, confess and ask for God’s forgiveness, THAT PARTY/ PERSON(S) WILL END UP DEAD! THE GOD WE SERVE IS TOO BIG TO BE TAKEN FOR RIDE. REPENT OR DIE!

  186. First of all…..We are all Gods children and I will say this and only this. You don’t have to be me but for all the people who love the lord. I like when God send messages to his children.In the bible it says that when he comes back you will not know that it is him anybody can cay God is over there and if you go you are wrong. “STOP THINKIN’ THAT GOD IS IN THE PEOLPE YOU LISTEN TO!!!!? Read the bible for your self. We are alllll human. If he is homosexual;he is and if not;NOT! Stop putin’ people before your faith. WE ARE ALL HUMAN!!!!GOD is in you but not in you. We make our own decidions. Flesh is weak. Stop belivein’ in preachers and start believein’ in yourself and GOD. Not the people who you think is him. Eddie Long is not, he is flesh, he is human, he is us.STOP BELIEVEING flesh and read your bibles. I never seen Bishop Eddie Long hung between two crosses!!!! READ YOUR BIBLES!!!! STOP THINKING PREACHERS ARE GODS! BELIEVE IN YOU AND GOD ONLY! READ PEOPLE! GET YOUR ANSWRER ON YOUR OWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. Can anyone say this sounds like the script for an academy award-winning movie? Get ready, thus saith the Lord.

  188. I sure hope that this is not true about Bishop Eddie L. Long. I watch him on t.v. every sunday. I love the way he teaches the bible. I really think that he is great. I am praying so hard for him, and for his family. This has to be very embarrassing. We all need prayer, it is very easy to fall weak. These allegations are hurting a lot of people. The Bishop is a big and a powerful man. He is very much loved by many, many folks. We love you Bishop Long. Stay strong. May God be with you.

  189. He is not GOD and he will let man down from time to time. No one person on earth will be completely satisfied with everything that he does; ever. We expect that people in these positions have a stronger power than we do to carry out ALL aspects of the word but the truth is that they are still flesh. I am a devout christian and I come from a long heritage of preachers so though I am not ordained as a minister, I never run away from the chance to witness to someone about Jesus. However, I have sex unmarried. I also drink a bit from time to time. I also get angry and cuss every so often. Does this mean I am not a christian. No! It means that I just have some areas in my life where the Lord has to strengthen me in. Anything that he’s done in his ministry that doesn’t line up with the word of God will he be judged by God; but this does not make him an outkast to the christian faith. He is but a man, doing Gods’ work who has fallen, (no matter what subject we are talking about), and he will continue to fail us. But Jesus!…..(I’m about to get happy!)…knew that we couldn’t do this thing alone. So he died!!!! Just as a sacrifice for every sin that we would commit!!!!…and just by believing on and in him we are saved!!! He didn’t stop there!!!! But he did something that no other god could do!!!!! Early! on Sunday morning!!!! He got up!!! and ascended up to heaven to take his throne as the King he was!….as the King he is! and the King he will always be!!!!!!(my-my-my) I almost just preached myself happy!!!!!!! That my friends is the gospel…the unadulterated word of GOD. Everything else is a distraction. Let us then pray for the MAN of God…pray that God keeps his heart and his mind through whatever my come his way during this period and all periods of his life to come, ( because hardships will come…some as test).” If I gave you everything and took it all away, would you still trust me?” Amen.

  190. I am always amazed at how much power we quickly give the devil. God gave man free will.. Period. Man chooses to live his life in an un-Godly manner.

    This issue is not uncommon and has been happening for decades. I grew up living in several cities. In each of these cities, I recalled incidents of this nature (whether the victims were male or female) happening. I can personally name numerous incidents. There are usually sexual indisgressions in the church. Black churchs are no different from white churchs. Black churchs accuse the victims of lying and encourage victims to keep quiet just like white churches. They turn their head and pretend nothing happened just like whites. Blacks worshipe false prophets just like whites. We are no different. Yet when it is a priest we immediately condemn them but when it is a pastor when shun the victim. So so so sad.

    What type of message are we sending to our children??? That people of power and wealth do no wrong and if you are molested – keep your mouth shut… you say don’t judge Mr long but you immediately judge these young boys. You say wait till the facts come before you judge but you immediately say these young men are lying. Are you serious?????? Then many of you have the nerve to make these comments saying you are a minister or head of church. How sad.

    I have worked with many children that were molested by someone they trusted. 7 times out 10 the family blame the child but immediately forgive the predator. So sad.

    We as black people need to wake-up and think about the message we are sending to our children. I am in no way saying Mr. Long is guilty. I don’t know this and nor do you. I am saying he is a man first. I am saying that Blacks immediately accuse victims of sexual abuse of lying because we can’t handle the truth.

  191. The bible say judge yet not least we be judge. I know that however I can’t help but judge. I believe it happened as they say. I find that it is very difficult for men to come out and say they have been molested by a woman and especially by another man. What benefit is it to them, knowing that they would be ridiculed. Eddie Long is a man of God and has a great reputation in the community. Can anyone imagine how difficult this would be to make an accusation of this nature”just because” I believe that he was molested as well. Molested people, Moleste people, ( for those of you who don’t understand, anyone who has been molested chances are they will do the same, now obviously not everyone.) I pray for Bishop Long as well as the gentleman who have filed the complaint. They all need our prayers. I pray the truth comes out, if Bishop Long is guilty, these young men are protectinng other young men from the same devastation.

  192. Are we really surprised? It’s amazing that it’s taken this long for the enemy to rise up against Bishop Long. What’s amazing to me as well is how does T.D. Jakes keep his name out of so much conflict and confusion? Both of these men are prolific speakers and very public figures. What is the difference? Not sure, but know this, it is imperative that we pray for our leaders everywhere. It is important that we cover them in the blood and matchless name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. One thing I do know for sure, if God can bring back Hezekiah Walker, He can bring back Eddie Long. Go through, Bishop Long, for if you hold fast in truth and integrity, deliverance is yours!

  193. God is not the author of confusion,
    I do not know rather or not this is true, but for the sake of those who are involved. You have the right to tell your store however you yourselves I pray have seek God’s forgiveness for your life as well as the life of Bishop Eddie Long. Now I donot disregard God’s punishment against sinful acts, yet as a pastor, man or woman of God in Christ , we ourselves are subject to error and who weighs our sins to be less or greater. Be careful body of Christ the scriptures has not changed because ones life is spent in the plublic eye (bishop Long). Gal 6:1-8 Brethren, if a man is over taken in any trust pass pray for the accusers, and may God bless those who are called to restore our brother Pastor Eddie Long.
    Repentance is the lifestyle of the perfect Christians.

  194. God is not the author of confusion,
    I do not know rather or not this is true, but for the sake of those who are involved. You have the right to tell your store however you yourselves I pray have seek God’s forgiveness for your life as well as the life of Bishop Eddie Long. Now I donot disregard God’s punishment against sinful acts, yet as a pastor, man or woman of God in Christ , we ourselves are subject to error and who weighs our sins to be less or greater. Be careful body of Christ the scriptures has not changed because ones life is spent in the plublic eye (bishop Long). Gal 6:1-8 Brethren, if a man is over taken in any trust pass pray for the accusers, and may God bless those who are called to restore our brother Pastors.

  195. I pray strength over Bishop right now. For those young men may the lord relieve himself to them. People are so quick to judge and in minds of many he is already condemn. A message to all those that think that way, remember one day you may be accussed of wrong doing. You may not be in the media but you do have loved ones around you. What would be your feeling then. Don’t rush to judement! You may end up reaping what you sowed. I have listen to Bishop for years and all I have to say is that the lord has spoken to me through Bishops messages. He is a man of God. Has anyone stopped to think that the picture that was allegedly sent is what he usually wears. The top for example he has preached and muscles shirts plenty of times. He is known for the preacher with the muscle shirts and infact was not liked by many because of that. The shorts is he not allowed to go wear that for the gym, a quick run, anything? What was wrong with the pic? The word is the word and God uses who he wants to use. It’s funny one of these men was accused of stealing. Why did he not bring fourth that allegation then? OH what bothers me the most is how people are concerned with the cars, money, and other things. Did anyone stop and think that not only do Pastors get paid for what they do, but Mr. Long is also an author. Why be mad cause he makes money?

  196. pastor these days are becoming to flashie, God is not about glitter, and all that gold, why would eddie long, need a private jet. And if he was doing for these young men, out of the kindness of his heart he should have, had more people with him at all times, while with these young men. pastors, cover yourselves.

  197. To all of you who believe this lie, to all of you who don’t trust in the Lord. You people are sick, and it sickens me to know that as much as you all can quote the Scriptures out of the Bible when it comes to someone else, but you won’t use it when it pertains to your own lies. I am going to say this with all the feeling in my heart my spirit and my soul; this is a trick of the devil and you all know that, and if you don’t know that you must be worshiping Satan. Ever since this gay right has been an issue in the United States, they want to marry one another they want to perform their filthy acts in public and don’t want anyone to say anything about what thus says the Lord concerning their actions. Remember Sodom and Gomorrah people, God has destroyed that evil back then and God have placed His people here on earth to preach his gospel. Bishop Eddie Long always spoke out against that evil spirit and we all know that the gay community doesn’t like it. Check out the history of their actions toward Christians as well as non-Christians who disagreed in protest against them in the recent years 2005 and still active. There plan is to bring down the man of God with this evil act. I want to let you all know today that God will vindicate Bishop Eddie Long. The time is nearer in the devil knows this and he is trying to get as many souls as he can. With this act of treason you all make it easy for the devil to have your soul. The word of God says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. You need to keep your hands off of the man of God. I for one do not want to be in your shoes or standing near you went the raft of God come down upon you. It is so sad to say that many will see heaven, but all will not stay. I am going to continue to live up the man of God in this scandalous lie. I pray God give them strength and serenity to carry this cross. I pray that God continue to bless Bishop and vindicate him of all wrong that has been done to him, in the name of Jesus. I pray that God be the judge and the injury in these proceedings. Remember, Sodom and Gomorrah; Genesis 19:12-29. Repent now, because at the end there are no do over’s. I pray that God brings conviction over each and every one of you, in the name of Jesus. Do not let the devil control your thinking, and your actions, do not let the devil win. Send all lies back down to the pits of hell where he came from, and Jesus powerful name I pray, AMEN.

  198. We are not hear to honor the devil or tell who he is! He is nothing compared to the God I serve. Re-read your posting and allow the love of Jesus to reign over your heart.

    With Love and Peace

  199. I concur, lets pray one for another, we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, He who is out sin cast the first stone, We are all innocent until proven Guilty.. so Lets just Pray and keep our Brother and sister up in Christ.

  200. Tell us what you know about sodom and gomorrah? Surely you cant believe the whole city was gay and that is why it was destroyed? Read your bible for yourself and dont believe the preachers. NOT ONE RIGHTEOUS PERSON COULD BE FOUND> Remember lot and his wife and supposedly son in laws were in the city. one more thing. after Abraham rescued his supposedly “nephew” lot. he went and met with the King of Sodom hmmmmm read for yourself. YOU WILL also see that Abraham did not tithe to MELCHEZIDIK Genesis 14 chapter 17-20 Melchezidik tithed to Abram
    Why did lot after all of that want to return BACK to Sodom?

  201. Pastor Long’s sexuality is not at question here; his behavior is. I am heterosexual, but I don’t bash or question anyone’s sexuality because I don’t care about that. People’s character is the measurement I use to decide whether I want to be around them or not.
    I am a big advocate for children, and I think that every adult should have their heart and mind set on protecting the innocent. I am SICK AND TIRED of turning on the news and hearing how many children were sexually abused by the people who should be protecting them. What’s more sickening to me is that other people knew what was going on, but they did nothing! I AM SICK OF THIS! IF YOU ARE NOT PART OF THE SOLUTION, YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM! WHEN ARE WE GOING TO TAKE A STAND AND DO THE RIGHT THING FOR OUR CHILDREN?

  202. ZUzu GOD love is reigning it’s only because he is exposing the deceit of man that you church going christians cant handle. I’m so glad God even decided to allow the thought to come in our minds to know that something in that church is not right. Now I am not the judge (GOD is) but I am judging the “household of faith” We CAN DO THAT read your scriptures for yourself.

  203. Praying for all that are involved in this especially the memebers and the family of Bishop Long as well as the young men who have come forth. Ultimately Truth, right and righteousness will prevail.

  204. AMEN Bridgitte, I am also an advocate for children. I am also an advocate against Hypocrisy.

  205. bishop long didn’t practice what he preached what makes him so innocent? what about children the church doesn’t care about them

  206. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR!! As Christian, we know the devil tries different ways to attack us; the devil is using these young men to attack the man of God. Although I believe these accusations are false, but I was not there and I can’t say 100%. But in any case, let’s say IF it is true, why are we so quick to judge? we sometimes forget that even though He is a pastor, he is also a human being. Human make mistakes and we sin. So look at our ownself and realized that none of us are perfect and we make mistakes. It may not be that kind of mistakes but we all have fault. so IF HE did (which I don’t believe he did), let’s learn how to forgive so our Father in Heaven can forgive us. I believe that this man of God is under attack by the devil and the devil is MAD and want to destroy something GOD created. As a believer, GOD is already working this out. FOR WHAT GOD CREATED, NEITHER THE DEVIL OR MEN CAN DESTROY IT. SOOOO many souls are at risk with this allegation and so let’s keep praying for the bishop, his family and the souls in the church or at home that listen to his services. GOD is in control, Bishop, your faith will get you through this.

  207. He that is with out sin cast the first stone. God will be the judge in all of this and remember the truth will always out way a lie, it make take some time bu tit will prevail. LET US PRAY for the boys who mad eth accusations as well as for Bishop and his family. LET US PRAY!

  208. We are living in the last days and one of the tricks of the enemy is deception. Let us all, as the body of Christ, pray for Pastor Long , his imediate and his Church families around the world. We most also pray for the acsusers of the Bishop for the love of money is the root of all evil.

  209. Just as everyone said, we don’t know if it is true or not, but I have learned though my own experiences that you can not say that a person, whether he is a Bishop, pastor, deacon, missionary, knows the word, teach the word, etc is not capable of such a thing. Until God calls us home, we are human and we sometimes do stupid and ungodly things. The church is being condemed on all fronts, but we as a body of believers must not be ignorant to the devices of the devil. I will never put it pass anyone to fall out of grace, but do know that if you do, God can raise you up again only if you repent. I pray that this is not true. If it is true, I pray that the “church” will forgive and allow God to heal all those involved.

  210. Why is this so shocking! Bishop Eddie Long is a man. Ppl, please stop putting all of your faith in man! Whether innocent or guilty, I pray for the ppl affected including the Bishop.

  211. Let our God be the judge ot his situation while we learn from it. Man was born in sin and he shall die in sin because of his sinful nature. Let it not still your joy nor let it keep you from admonishing God in all that you do all day. The devil is using this to let everyone know that he’s alive and well and to steal our time from the One we need most. But he is a lie and this to shall pass. So make sure your tree has strong roots so that you don’t fall by the way side and let the Judge be the Judge.

    Little Memphis

  212. The church is not under attack nor is God or Jesus, Eddie long is for being foolish. Claiming to be a man of God and living in a mansion and riding around in a $350.000 vehicle is guilty enough for me. I suggest some of you sheep wake up, do some research and see how Eddie got that home in his name for starters. I know some of you want to hold on that he is innocent because you then would have to admit you’ve been pimped to do otherwise. Sorry but you have been pimped, all 25,000 of you.

  213. I will not deal with the ifs. If this ,if that, if they knew, none of them do I even care about at this point in time, because at this point he is not proven guilty.
    I do have a question and maybe someone can answer it. Did the ministry of Bishop long help anyone ? and if so how?.
    Did it help anyone way more than it hurt anyone?. Now what the ministry did or is doing is a fact not a if.
    So lay your views of the man down, look at the ministry I don’t know of anyone that can look at someone and know 100% for sure that – one is gay or not. Now what is if one is gay do you take there rights from them because they don’t think like you. People are people, some right, some wrong, some fat ,some skinny some smart ,some not so smart, some white, some black , but they are people.
    And we are to love one another. Jesus said that we are to love our enemy. It seems like the only people that kill their wounded is christians
    My prayers is that the family of God will do what the Bible says and not judge. Leave it in the hands of God.The Bible says touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm you need to read what happen between David and Saul. All of the families that are involved need our prayers and while you are praying pray for my family, my church family and the entire christian family.

  214. You have to question any grown man’s actions that would lead him to leave his wife at home and take young boys…men on overnight trips which they share the same room. If he is innocent…he surely is wearing the the outfit of a sexual predator.

  215. I don’t know if Eddie Long committed these acts or not. However, I will agree that the devil is busy and God is and has always sat high and looked low. As a social service worker for 17yrs., it saddens my heart that more young men have possibly been sexually abused again by a “Man of God.” What does this phrase really mean when more of my sexually abused clients (male and female) continue to destroy their lives because “Men of God” continue to manipulate and take advantage of them.

  216. That DECEIVER is being exposed. I can see if one, even two but if three is coming forth come on BRAINWASHED CHRISTIANS wake up and stand for RIGHTEOUSNESS for real.

  217. Pastor Joble you should be quoting the love of money scriptures in your bath tub. Because that scripture is for you greedy ass pastors and preachers who lie to us and say we are giving it unto God. Please and you fags get to spend our hard earned money? I say step your asses out on faith and get a job and stay the hell out of our pockets you deceivers.

  218. I’m sorry now there are FOUR accusers. CHRISTIANS BRAINWASHED what do you say for your MASTER now?


    The first thing I would like to say to the christian world you love to say let God be the judge as if no one suppose to tell you when you are doing something wrong or as if God would sit back and let someone mislead His people. I think christians use that line so they can sin. yes, we fall short of the glory of God, but we don’t suppose to be sinning with intent if I am falling short I would want someone to pull my coat so I could grow in my christian walk; by the way if Bishop Long is guilty it is

    God who is bringing him down (give GOD His glory!)
    If he is not guilty the gates of hell shall not prevail because God want let it ( give God His Glory!)


  221. People its true rev, Eddie Long been gay you church bible reading lovers need to open your minds I live 2-3 minutes away from his church my mother used to go listen eddie long back in da days when he had a smaller church i dont know eddie long personally but i know for a fact he was messing with my cousin (female) Homeboy back in 2002 eddie long bought her gay homboy a brand new 2003 benz CLK AMG folks those are the FACTS I hope yall prayers could save him but this is reality and prayers dont work in reality

  222. “Relax young man and receive the spirit of the lord into you. Can you feel the spirit? Can you feel it? Now tell me how good it feels to receive the spirit. God loves you young man.”

  223. I have watched and followed Bishop Long for years and anybody with any sense at all would know that these accusations are nothing but lies of satan and using these people tear down Bishop Longs hard work and ministry. These people will burn in hell unless they come forth with truth, In the last days people will attack these ministries with any lie or tool to try to destroy them or to get some sort ofm pay off thinking that theseministries will do it to make them go away. mI say no not one dime. I Reuben James is stepping up to the forefront as I encourage all my brothers and sisters in Christ to do and stop these people in their tracks When I come people I can give you a list of about 4 million mistakes I have made and you wont have to make up lies.. Devil and your cohorts get ready. We are in the last days and you wicked devils are most definitely in yours. Stay away from these men and the great work they are doing or I will kick your ass back to hell where you belong. My armor is set ,my sword is ready.

  224. I believe that prayer is the answer to everything.

    The paster/bishop/minister of any religious body has to live up to a higher standard than the rest of us. In this instance, he may be proven not guilty of the actual charges. But he is guilty of two things: 1) creating the illusion of impropriety and 2) creating an environment where it was possible for these charges to be made.

    God didn’t call them because they are perfect. And, I believe God does his finest work through ordinary people. But, he has a responsibility to the church and the Body of Christ to show good judgement in his personal business and his personal life.

    Through Bishop Long’s choices – whether or not they are proven to violate the law or young people – have shown irresponsibilty and selfishness.

    God bless the Church, his followers, his ministers and their ministries.

  225. Its so easy to past judgement on others rather or not all the facts are given, but hard to find compassion in a situation be it true or false. My prayers go to all involved and my praise to god for he knows all things true or false and regardless he is a forgiving god to a sencere heart. When we as people put our praise in man it makes it easy for satin to eventually use that against our church leaders, meaning that sometimes our leaders seem to be the ones people worship and praise, and putting one in such a position of power only makes it harder for them to resist the temptations that come with that kind of authority it seems as though they forget all about being a servant of god because they like having authority and power they have over others but they are not be held completely responsible we as members of the body of christ must remember that it is god and not man to be praised for god rewards us for doing so but man only rewards himself. And yet still we must pray against any thing that tries to come against the body of christ- pray for all involved and let us learn that our leaders need our prayers instead of our praise.

  226. As a victim of sex abuse im sorry but this guy is guilty, help your fellow saints realize he’s just a man. Stop going to church because you like the pastor and start going because you love God.

    Cuz man keeps screwing up !

  227. I pray these allegations are not true, however, WHAT IF THEY ARE???? It’s amazing for me to read all these statements. Some of us are so dead sure that these are false allegations. It’s been known to happen before and as much as the Bishop is held in high and holy esteem, he is but a man and is quite capable of sinning like we all are. Again, I pray this is not true ….but I have a very bad feeling about this!

  228. I have two thing to say about this heartbreaking news The LORD was with JOSEPH when POTIPHAR wife acused him.I judge not God will have his say,read MATTHEW 7TH:21.22 SEPTEMBER 24 2010 10:27 PM mamie

  229. God sees and knows all. The public can speculate, but only he knows whether this is true or not. If the men are lying, then God will deal with them. If Bishop Long is lying then God will deal with him. God forgives all sins.

  230. This is the work of the devil. There is no way Long did what they alledge. Men and Women of God are under attack today. These attacts will only get worse. Christians will be murdered for their faith some day –right here in America. The anti-christ has been born.

  231. Man doses screw up but we who are God fearing people should hate what God hate futher more Bishop Long have messed his on name.the Bible says a name is better than fine you need to know the Holy Spirit came in with a mighty rush the devil comes in quit and leaves with a bang a lotta noise.

  232. I am speaking directly to my black brothers and sisters….Have you all lost it??? Cant you think for yourselves??? Has the world made you so self dependent on what these so-called ministers, bishops, politicians say that you believe everything that comes out of Longs, Jakes, and whoever else’s mouth???

    Before I go any further, I am a God fearing black straight female who has always thought for herself.

    I am not saying Long is guilty, but I am not saying he is innocent either. I bet if these allogations were against a regular joe off the street then you would cast stones. But since its a preacher-bishop that has preyed on our/your weaknesses, he is innocent and ALL those boys are lying.

    Mark my words, there are going to be more young men that come out of the woodworks and they will have evidence. It will be just like Tiger Woods a few months ago.

    Money and power are the root of all evil, I dont care who you are. There was no need for that man to be spending and asking/begging his church members for that amount of money. You only need so much to live comfortably and he was excessive.

    My mother has this saying, do as I say not as I do. And thats precisely what the bishop preached. Oh, he’s a conservative Christian??? Give me a break, the ones that hollar against gay rights are the main ones that are in the closet.

    Just think back over the past few years referencing all these scandals involving conservative Christians i.e. pastors, politicians, etc.

    And whether we choose to believe it or not, gays and lebians are all over the church, gospel and movie industry.

  233. This will be just like Tiger Woods, started out with a few victims and wound up with MANY! God will clean HIS HOUSE because Jesus is coming for a SPOTLESS BRIDE and not Pastors abusing God’s money and other things……….

  234. Its so easy to past judgement on others rather or not all the facts are given, but hard to find compassion in a situation be it true or false. My prayers go to all involved and my praise to god for he knows all things true or false and regardless he is a forgiving god to a sincere heart. When we as people put our praise in man it makes it easy for satin to eventually use that against our church leaders, meaning that sometimes our leaders seem to be the ones people worship and praise, and putting one in such a position of power only makes it harder for them to resist the temptations that come with that kind of authority it seems as though they forget all about being a servant of god because they like having authority and power they have over others but they are not be held completely responsible we as members of the body of christ must remember that it is god and not man to be praised for god rewards us for doing so but man only rewards himself. And yet still we must pray against any thing that tries to come against the body of christ- pray for all involved and let us learn that our leaders need our prayers instead of our praise.

  235. If Eddie Long did this, he is a complete agent of evil, a predator with power and position. At the most vulnerable time in those boys lives he offered them what they needed a father’s attention, affection. Then he twisted it into what he wanted through offering them clothes, cars, jewelry, college tuitions, trips, a place to stay with no strings except for their total dedication to him. (This is a perfect picture of what SATAN wants from each one of us COMPLETE LOYALTY). Im reminded of Jesus’ temptation when he was fasting in the wilderness.

  236. A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up.
    A truly sad incident for such a high profile church because of a few fellas to display lavish lifestyle while millions of others are living in poverty. Such inappropriateness for a pastor like eddie long such that people like him is the reason others laugh at our religion. But God has justice, sooner or later people like these will be cut from the roots up.


  238. Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face.
    Because congregations do not hold their pastors accountable, most would not know deception if it slapped them accross the face.

  239. Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.??
    We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc.
    It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s.
    We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence.
    Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit.
    Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls.
    Evangelist DH
    Just read “Snakes in the Pulpit” and tell me what you think? if these allagations were not true,why didn’t he sue Mr.Ruben Armstrong for the statements in the book.?? We have to be very careful about People,wheather a Preacher,Teacher,etc. It’s sad that our churche’s has to go thru such things,just because of the leader’s. We are just going to have to stay in the Word and trust God for our total Guidence. Man has taken the Word of God and useing it for their benefit. Like Tides>.that is under the Law..not under Grace..Free will Offering is what the New Testiment did Christ die and take away the Curse?/buthe left one in Malchia?? People wake up!!!!!!!!!!! get to knoe the Word for yurselves..if you don’t wrk,you are not earning anything..if you are retired,you’ve already earned and now reaping from your sowing financial when U did wrk.PLZEE read the Word with understanding..don’t be Pimped from the Pulpit by the Pulpit Pimp..not all Pastor’s are a Pulpit Pimp..but,beware and by all means watch your young Boys & Girls. Evangelist DH

  240. Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR
    Denise, baby you’re praying for the wrong person. You should be concerned about the victims. His boys probably already know about his lifestyle. Bishop Long is a Liar you called it right Denise. only put bishop long name in front of The DEVIL (bishop long) is a LIAR


  241. This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover.
    This is of no surprise to me! Eddie Long along with many others are Pulpit Thugs that need to be exposed. Several years ago, I heard of this happening at New Birth; and I am CERTAIN that there will be other young men that will come foward with similar stories. Church-goers often are so brainwashed that they refuse to accept the truth! Stop worshipping MAN and understand that God is exposing this so that no other young men will be used and abused. The truth WILL come out. I just hope that everyone is prepared to accept it. I ask that God bless the young men in this scandal and I hope that they will be able to mentally, emotionally and physically recover.

  242. I agree go because you love God and not the human. Religion has become a big business. I grew up in the church and I agree fellowship is important to make a joyful noise and be around good people. However, it appears to be more of a money making deal. On every street corner you now see a church in a strip mall. Bulletin boards even show the pastor/bishop’s photos? We should not care what they look like. These ministers in these large churches have forgotten that their members are giving their last dollar in tithes but they choose to live extravagant life’s. I love my sister and brother in law that was also caught up in a scandal a couple of years ago but I do feel they like everyone else in that position have been caught up in the material aspect. Everyone is human and will make mistakes regardless of what it is. We have to forgive. It just looks bad to the outsiders that these people are living so high above their congregation. I believe they have worn out the, you shall be prosperous.

  243. I have read quite a few of the coments. We can pray, We can forgive, we can point fingers, we can even find room to feel hurt.
    Facts are developed in time, there are many facts in each of our lives, think for a moment of the facts in our lives. Some of us have money some don’t, this is a fact. Some are loved others are not this too is a fact. Now what we want that has been around before time began,before the foundation of our beautiful earth is (TRUTH )
    TRUTH has always said facts are useless without me. I AM THE TRUTH seek me and you will be endowed with my truthfulness.


  244. LI have read quite a few of the coments. We can pray, We can forgive, we can point fingers, we can even find room to feel hurt.
    Facts are developed in time, there are many facts in each of our lives, think for a moment of the facts in our lives. Some of us have money some don’t, this is a fact. Some are loved others are not this too is a fact. Now what we want that has been around before time began,before the foundation of our beautiful earth is (TRUTH )
    TRUTH has always said facts are useless without me. I AM THE TRUTH seek me and you will be endowed with my truthfulness.


  245. I don’t know if any of this is true, I wasn’t there and neither were you. If it is true God will take care of the matter like Hebrews says “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God….”

    Jesus said “let him/her among you who is WITHOUT SIN cast the first stone”

  246. You religious people are a bunch of fuc*ing idiots; god will f*ck you all in the a8s for being such hypocrites!!!

  247. The truth will set you free. If Eddie Long committed these acts he should confess and ask for forgiveness and step down as a Bishop.

    It is very sad to think he might be guilty of this; however he is a human. Don’t be surprised if more men come forward. It’s no telling how many are out there. I pray for his wife and kids because I know they are hurting right now. I also pray for the men that he has used and hurt for his wants and needs. If he did not do this, he has a lot to explain to his family, the church and to the world.

  248. Look at Mr. Long, Its not hard to figure out by looking at Him, something is wrong.
    His flesh is all puffed up(muscles keep getting bigger and bigger)……
    and I am sure when the its all said and done, many in the church knew, and the young men were sexually abused.
    I feel awful for the young men….teenagers not adults!

    Quit saying this is just an attack by the devil…
    Well of course it is, but you got to have players, The devil did not twist Mr. Long’s arm…he knew good and well what he was doing and he knew it a long time ago.

    God always gives a person a chance to deal with their sin. He could have taken that chance a long time ago, and it would not have escalated to this point and left a trail of damaged young men, who will now have to seek the Lord and stop this evil in its track or they will go on and hurt others…its a vicious cycle.
    May each and everyone of these young men come to know Jesus and may Jesus Heal them because he can— Truly so this vicious cycle can stop!!!!

    We need Jesus to come clean out these unclean spirits that are rampant in America..

    It is sickening– the assault upon young men seems to be as worse as it is upon young girls these days.

    There is a refiners fire that is falling exposing everything, everywhere with everyone. There is so much sin everywhere, and it has to be purged.

    Get back to Jesus and get away from the Mega Church stardom, status and worship.

    Back in the day when white people were going to church, black folks were actually having church…you know why? Because all they had was Jesus!!!

    Deception is rampant these days….
    Lord Jesus Helps us!

  249. for everyone who is making negative comments. as a woman of god i will say the bible say touch not my annointing and do my prophet no harm. If everyone should have a relationship with God and not human we wouldn’t be so shock when man/woman falls. remember anyone can make up a scandal about anybody. we should not be so quick to judge. God is still God and he knows how to expose All wrong doings.

  250. Jesus is the Ultimate Example of how we ought to live!

    The people are responsible for the church. When the church is set up as a business, what do you expect? The power is in Jesus! People elevated Bishop Long in power, and high esteem.

    No lie lives forever! Let’s begin to look at ourselves and ask God to clean us up.
    Anything goes, and is excepted in our churches today, and it’s not addressed. What do you expect? Nakedness———–inappropriate dress etc.

    There’s nothing new under the sun. It hurts when you’re caught doing evil.
    Prayers are in order for the Bishop Long, and the young men and their parents too. We’re living in the last days. Jesus’s didn’t live a lavish life style. When you see the life style of the rich and famous, and the service of the blessed ; is there a difference. Jesus was a servantl He visited the sick, healed, encouraged, etc. too much to name. He wasn’t in isolation, only talked to certain people, etc.

    If Jesus was everything to everybody, then go figure, “What ‘sgoing on in our church world today’? Take the blinders off and taste and see that the Lord isn’t in this mess. Go to church and worship, and seek His face. Study after you’ve heard the word, and ask the spirit to speak to your heart.

  251. Okay to all those that are having trouble believing this, wake up and smell the gay. C’mon pics taken with a cell phone of him in muscles shirts? CMON!

    I know it is hard for some Christians to see this but let’s face it, human nature kicks. Believe it or not, there are gay or bi ministers out there and there is nothing wrong with it except your perspective on the Bible. What is wrong is the denial and lying that occurs and the use of other people because you are in denial of your own orientation. HELLO, the scandals with other ministers have shown this.

    Bottom line, when ministers speak heavily against gays and lesbians, it usually means they may be having issues themselves. I do feel sorry for the congregation and followers who have a loss of innocence here though. Preach what you may, human nature continues to move forward.

  252. I am from South Africa and the only thing I can do is pray for Bishop Long, the Bible tells me that I must pray for those in authority, the DEVIL IS A LIAR, I am reminded of a Scripture that says “THE ENEMY WALKS AROUND LIKE A ROARING LION SEEKING FOR WHOM HE MAY DEVOUR” we need to pray that the allegations are a lie. Bishop Long is respected in South Africa, he has ministered in our country several times.

    Will be praying


  254. The truth is the truth and the truth is always reveiled! Whether its now or later God knows all and his judgement is what counts in the end!

  255. The Body of Christ is not under attack. smh Enough with this phony crap that have been used to manipulate and control the simple-minded weak emotionally needy ones. Many of us have been there done that! That purple suit wearing fat dope with pretty pink shirts and ties have duped you simple-minded poor people of Georgia. His flamboyant behavior was screaming bells & whistles but when your emotionally caught up and brainwashed, you will respond like the typical Mom who’s son has just committed a heinous crime. “He’s a good boy, wouldn’t hurt a fly & sure he uses drugs but I KNOW my Son.”
    It’s all textbook…psychology. Try opening your eyes to the truth and research Illuminati and you will find “New Birth” and what it really means. They are know to lead the masses and control certain terroritory. Notice in one of the pictures where the so-called Bishop is wearing a tight black shirt: He is wearing a certain necklace that is often mistaken for the Eastern Star. It is not the Eastern Star, it is the symbol of Illuminati. Do your research and you’ll be surprise at the truth. This man has fooled a number of people but most of us who have seen this repeated behavior over a number of years ARE NO LONGER FOOLED like the the fools who mindlessly overlook the truth so they can feel better about throwing their wallets into the pulpit. I have to say the man really had them by their noses if he demanded to see the W-2 Forms. This should have been reported to the IRS right away. “God loves a cheerful giver,” “God says do not give grudgingly,” “God says when you Give, Give in Secret so that your Heavenly Father will also Bless you in Secret.” Anyone can find versus to avoid having the masses focus on the truth but use that which manipulates and benefits oneself. Wake Up See the Truth, The Body of Christ is NOT under attack as this man is not the Body of Christ…I think he has taken the satanic Illuminati Ritual that promises him power to control and all the material goods he can desire.






  257. No one is passing judgment. Anytime there is any form of abuse, allegations, etc. IT NEED TO BE INVESTIGATED! Only fools who don’t want to believe the truth in an effort to keep serving or worshiping their false god or man in a leadership role will be come emotional and say this stuff. It’s nothing new, have seen it many times over: it’s human nature. “God said Obey the Laws of the Land.” There are laws in place against someone abusing their power to manipulate and control others for sexual favors, etc.
    Much like the Jimmy Swaggerts, Jim Bakkers, follwers etc., these blind ignorant sheep are die-hard followers and will only believe the truth when the man themselves slaps them in the face with true confession. Here’s a thought: When the TRUTH is Revealed, Check Yourself. You need to check the kind of person you are to have been so easily fooled and manipulated while putting a man on a pedestal, etc. You have been hoodwinked!

    I thank God for opening up my understanding and ability to see the truth. I am no longer manipulated by the words twisted from the bible to self-serve and manipulated. The bottom line is this man will coward down to prevent the truth/evidence from being revealed by stepping down, aside, etc. He will also choose to settle out of court. I WANT A TRIAL with a jury so that evidence can be seen by public. How does it feel to realize that you were fooled by the purple flamboyant pig? How much money did you give to help him wine and dine his male-lovers as well as himself? Shame on you for turning a blind eye to God’s Word where he says Trust No Man… All of you deserve to be hoodwinked for disobeying God’s Word and turning a blind eye. Can’t wait for the truth to be revealed. I know this prominent lawyer would not have taken the case without substantial proof. She has a deck of aces up her sleeves that she will not reveal until this man has continued to lie, etc. to the public. Then, Bam! Pull out the secret shockers.

    Not to worry, he will still have weak-minded followers who will forgive again and throw their wallets mindlessly into another pulpit.

  258. The Bible does say touch not my anointed prophet, etc. However, who are we to say a particular individual is truly anointed by God? The devil have his anointed Illuminati leaders out in full force fooling the public and playing the role. They know exactly what to say and have good people skills. They have the ability to control and manipulate. Even actors in movies can do an excellent job mimicking the so-called holy dance, speaking in tongues, etc. The devil is busy and you need to wake up and see the truth. My Father always pulled that “touch not my anointed…” out of his mouth when we question why he would cheat, curse out our mom, beat her unconscious repeated, but manage to pull of his Pastoral services almost every night of the week in the pentacostal church. Foolish followers were just like the ones responding to this article: Preach Pastor, I’m telling You he’s really on fire tonight and anointed. He has them all fooled. He is not right and yet they will get up and shout, spin around, etc. and can’t figure out why their lives are still in the dumps.
    Open your eyes and see the truth. The spirit you feel when you enter the grounds of “New Birth” is a spirit alright, but it’s not of God. I would say a god that is connected to the power Illuminati. You will also discover that the word “New Birth” is connected to this satanic crap. A number of politicians, music entertainers, etc. are deep into that Free Mason Illuminati secret society as they take a ceremonial oath with satan. It’s true. Don’t take my word for it. Research it for yourself!

  259. This is primarly for the ignorant pastors, ministers and other” persons of God” who sit so high up above the rest of us that they forget who they are… anyway what people don’t understand about the whole scandle is that we are talking about a MAN who preys on children….a man of flesh…he is not a God. IF he is found to be guilty of these crimes, then he needs to be punished…we do have laws in this society about PEDEPHILES. There is a distinct difference between a homosexual and a PEDEPHILE. IF Bishop Long was a homesexual, the news we would be hearing would be about a Gay lover, someone his own age (give or take a few years), probably married (living on the “downlow”). Thats not the case. Bishop Long used his good work mentoring males, to target children for his personal/sexual use…that makes him a predator of children- a PEDEPHILE. Those boys are not gay and Bishop Long is probably not either (I hope not because I am)…he needs some prayers, yes but he has some Mental Health issues that need to be addressed IF he is found guilty of the accusations against him. If he is guilty, he’s no different than the priests in the Catholic churches who preyed on the Altar Boys. What if one of these (now) young men, was your child?

  260. Well the dumbass preacher put his self on the spot.It was stupid to go alone with another guy and share the same bedroom.

  261. When Leaders fall in the Body of Christ, it’s not that they fall, it’s that there is not enough of the character of God that should tell them to sit down until they overcome their failings. You can’t keep on falling and covering it up and totally give in to the sin! Even our conscious, without God, will tell us when we are wrong. Unless it has been seared.

  262. where there’s smoke there’s fire. wake up people. long is simply among those who use the power blindly given to them by the ignorant masses against the uninitiated for personal gain. no excuse.

  263. Trust God…Have Faith in God…who is man that thou should be mindful of him…let every man be a liar and the word of God be true…Praying for Eddie Long and his family…I forgive you…to my people…God people…be not dismayed or discouraged…Let God be God…he said touch not my anointed…and do my prophets no harm…this is God business…the truth will prevail…some trust in everything but God…put your trust in the Lord…he has never failed his people…

  264. in the midst of the shocking news lets remember these are just allegations so lets allow the process and the quest for truth unfold be the reports are true or fabricated eddie long is a man of flesh and blood sinful child of adam as we all are so lets offer up our prayer for the men making the claims as well as eddie long his wife and children

  265. I pray this is not true but if it is bishop long needs to really repent, This is a sad situation for the familys involved and for the church and for the people who need to get saved.. This is why i beleive the bible says dnt let ur good be evil spoken of and if it is not true boundaries should have been set. between the bishop and theese young men. I think we are living in a time where people are being exposed ,money, power and lust is taking over true holiness people think they are untouchable because of the position they hold but u need to realize whats done in the dark comes to the light..Now u are inocent untill proven guilty and Ipray that he is inocent not prooven by men but prooven by god..

  266. LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get.

    LOL Cross it OVER now Bishop lol at ya boy. I think this is what you preachers get. Expose them OH GOD PLEASE EXPOSE THEM!

  267. I HAD A DREAM, and in this “DREAM” it revealed that there were many upon many people preaching false teachings. The “sound-good communicators” of the world, not saying that’s Bishop Long and I HOPE all of this is made up. GOD is much more than a or any relegion.
    I HAD A DREAM, and in this “DREAM” it revealed that there were many upon many people preaching false teachings. The “sound-good communicators” of the world, not saying that’s Bishop Long and I HOPE all of this is made up. GOD is much more than a or any relegion.

  268. Vanessa, I can tell you how Bishop found out he probably gave your son a blow job and in the mix of it, your son told him about it. WAKE UP BABY>your pastor is gay,guilty and need to confess his Hypocrispy to his church and the world.
    Vanessa, I can tell you how Bishop found out he probably gave your son a blow job and in the mix of it, your son told him about it. WAKE UP BABY>your pastor is gay,guilty and need to confess his Hypocrispy to his church and the world.

  269. Preachers are put on a pedestal and treated like they are GOD and the women and even some men are in awe of them. they can do no wrong in the eyes of their congregation and women offer themselves and their children(little boys preferred) at his disposal.Clergymen, especially blacks cannot handle that kind of power and they being human, there is so much temptation and fleshly weaknesses and everything they desire at their fingertips it is near impossible to overcome. Imagine what MLK went through!
    Preachers are put on a pedestal and treated like they are GOD and the women and even some men are in awe of them. they can do no wrong in the eyes of their congregation and women offer themselves and their children(little boys preferred) at his disposal.Clergymen, especially blacks cannot handle that kind of power and they being human, there is so much temptation and fleshly weaknesses and everything they desire at their fingertips it is near impossible to overcome. Imagine what MLK went through!

  270. I’m just praying. We are in the latter days and these are the kinds of things we should pray for. This is a true test for the church. All of the homosexuals who want this to be true so they can say it’s allowed, just know that God has not changed his standard for those of us who have messed up. God has a standard. There is a standard of salvation and it does not matter if I dont apply it to my life. He has let me know what he wants and me being a hypocrite or preaching what I’m not living does not change that the bible is the bible. So this should wake up the Christians and remind them that time is coming close and each one of us need to get our houses in spiritual order. Not only do we need natural or financial insurance that we we will be put away properly, but spiritual insurance to make sure our eternity is taken care of. PRAY.PRAY.PRAY!!!!
    I’m just praying. We are in the latter days and these are the kinds of things we should pray for. This is a true test for the church. All of the homosexuals who want this to be true so they can say it’s allowed, just know that God has not changed his standard for those of us who have messed up. God has a standard. There is a standard of salvation and it does not matter if I dont apply it to my life. He has let me know what he wants and me being a hypocrite or preaching what I’m not living does not change that the bible is the bible. So this should wake up the Christians and remind them that time is coming close and each one of us need to get our houses in spiritual order. Not only do we need natural or financial insurance that we we will be put away properly, but spiritual insurance to make sure our eternity is taken care of. PRAY.PRAY.PRAY!!!!

  271. JUDGE NOT! THAT YOU BE JUDGED! LET GOD HANDLE THIS AND LET’S NOT JUDGE! you might want to say that to yourself a few times in mirror when you JUDGE homosexuals.

  272. Bishop Long, save your reputation and step down. If this is true. However, these grown men agreed to have sex with you, why are they suing. You should sue them for kissing and telling. I hope these are lies. Ohterwise, this is an abomination.

  273. No disrespect. But, what kind of young men were they that they didn’t retaliate and beat his a*s!!!! I believe my 17/18 year old son would have. Former gang members. lol

  274. I don’t know whether he did it yet or not; the truth will come out in time. But we Christians give way too much credit to the devil! For one, he’s not in charge of the church. God has put us in charge, in the form of apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers, and given us authority and discernment to judge matters pertaining to the church. The Apostle Paul rebuked Christians for sticking thier heads in the sand crying “Judge not!” He said (Paraphrased): “Well, just who do you think is going to take care of it them??” (I Corinthians 6:2) Surely we’re not that flaky!! Come on brothers and sisters; that’s why the church is being laughed at and mocked!! We should be feared and persecuted, not the butt of everyone’s jokes!

  275. Dear Ones: I cannot express how deeply this situation overwhelms my heart with profound sorrow!!! I am not blaming or judging anyone because I know that my name is not G-O-D. However, please hear me. The issue for me is not that men and women of the cloth (ministers) are human. I’m one myself so there’s no doubt in my mind that we have feet of clay/that we are human! No, No!!! That’s not the question for me today. Rather, my concern is this: If we know we have a problem, before we hurt others and defame the name of our blessed Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, I firmly believe we owe it/we are indebted to God, to ourselves, to our family and to others who are impacted by our life and ministry, to go to God and to trusted professionals to get the help necessary to make us whole and fit for effective service. I really believe that from the very depths of my being!!! I am also persuaded that hurt people tend to hurt people. Now, obviously, I wasn’t there with Bishop Eddie Long and his accusers. I don’t know whether there’s any truth to these charges or not, and it’s not for me to know, but I’m just offering a word to the wise today: it is absolutely no shame to have a problem, or a besetting sin, if you will. That’s what the message of Calvary’s cruel cross is all about. That’s why Jesus shed his precious blood for the remission or our sin. In my mind, it’s just a matter of being about the business of getting fixed before we hurt millions, and especially our youth, our children who are looking to us through innocent eyes for spiritual guidance and direction. Although I don’t know Bishop Long, his dear wife and the rest of his family, nor do I know any of the members of New Birth Church personally, still I feel their pain. I feel the pain of those who have announced that they were violated by Bishop Long. However, my friends, the scripture comes to mind that we are to “bear one anothers burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ!!!” So let’s hope for and pray for the best results in this situation. (Romans 8:28) “For we know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord; to those who are called according to his purpose.” Let’s commit ourselves to pray for Bishop, for his family, for the alleged victims and for the millions of people around the world whose lives have been touched and changed by Bishop & Elder (Mrs.) Long’s powerful ministry. Let us pray for our children, our extended family members, and those who are in spiritual and political leadership, particularly in this great country of ours. Remember 2 Chronicles 7:11-14: “When Solomon had finished the temple of the Lord and the royal palace, and had succeeded in carrying out all he had in mind to do in the temple of the Lord and in his own palace, the Lord appeared to him at night and said: ‘I have heard your prayer and have chosen this place for myself as a temple for sacrifices. When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command locusts to devour the land or send a plague among my people, if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.’ ” (From The New International Version of The Holy Bible) Thank you for “listening” and please rest assured that I am also holding you close in prayer today. God loves you (St. John 3:16) and so do I.

  276. How come everybody who commented, EXCEPT ME, got their comment printed? Even Robert on Sept 25th at 12:34 called Christians f@#king idiots and made comments like “Ihope they fry his brown balls” and you put it on the scroll. But my comment, which was very mild, and not even negative, was not put on here. Do I need to cuss and be super negative to see my comment posted?

  277. He did it!! Pastors always talkin’ s**t about how they warriors of God, he took’em out of town and played with they balls!!! No wonder the GA has so many gay men, pastors turnin’ em out and actin’ like everthing is everything cause he got his freak on!! And you holy-rollers talkin’ about “It’s the devil” it’s the devil alright… devil pastor do dirty deeds to dem young dudes!!! WAKE UP YALL!!

  278. It’s funny how everybody is quoting the same scripture: judge not lest Ye be judged ; But you all cease to realize that there is a level of judgement that has to happen when you witness to some one you have to expose their sin to b sin,that’s what children of the light is supposed to do…it is not you that’s judging,its the word of God that does all the judging,so yes you can say that someone has sinned..its not you that’s judging that person its the word of God. The key is REPENTING! Bisop Longs’ sin is no worse than mine or anybody else’s in this World…sin is sin they all will send us to hell all the same,even your very thoughts God knows. But his mercy is soo great that all we have to do is ask for forgiveness and David said he will remove our sins so far from us,as far as the east is from the west..never to touch! Understand your faith people and the reason why Jesus came..he came for the sinners of the world,but if we don’t call sin a sin and expose the dark then we are essentially removing power from the death and resurrection of The Christ..This is main reason why Jesus came! Not to give us millions of dollars but to bring us into his glorious family.. GOD IS LOVE!


  280. Well, it’s no surprise. The TBN/CBN, Prosperity and Word of faith movements are chock full of scandals. It’s tragic, but it happens to these people for a reason. Pride, sin, and darkened hearts.

    [God’s Wrath on Unrighteousness]
    [18] For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. [19] For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. [20] For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse. [21] For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. [22] Claiming to be wise, they became fools, [23] and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
    [24] Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, [25] because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.
    [26] For this reason God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; [27] and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error.
    [28] And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. [29] They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness. They are gossips, [30] slanderers, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, [31] foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless. [32] Though they know God’s decree that those who practice such things deserve to die, they not only do them but give approval to those who practice them.
    (Romans 1:18-32 ESV)

  281. By the by, some of you need to start using scripture in context and TAKE THE CAPS LOCK OFF. I love how everyone here defending “Bishop” Long are not only taking scripture out of context, but misquoting by using some spurious translation or attempting to quote it off the top of their heads from some past video of their beloved “Pastor” . Hypocrisy is not tolerated. Touch not my anointed? Wow, totally out of context again. These people wouldn’t know sound doctrine if it hit them in the face.

  282. I do not know if he did it but I have seen the pictures and if he sent those pictures to them boys he was wrong. GOD reveals all and if he being a man of GOD did these things then he was wrong. I do not care about his fame, the Bible tells us GOD has no respect of person.

  283. Only God can judge. None of us have a heaven or a hell to put Eddie Long. Everyone is a sinner and comes short of the Glory of God. None of us where there and nobody really knows if these young men are telling the truth. Let the truth come out become we send the man to hell.

  284. These are disconcerting and heartbreaking allegations! Let us pray, not judge, nor cast stones. Bishop Long has to carry his cross like the rest of us. Is there anyone one of us without sin? Is there anyone that has not been the target of a lie? Any who, God, Bishop Long, and his accusers know the truth. That said; he is entitled to a fair trial and/or time to investigate the allegations to respond to his accuser(s) and the public. Bishop Long will have his day in court, until then, he is presumed “innocent.” Christians; please pray for Bishop Long, his dear wife, family, and the accusers.

  285. Aniritha, you cant say what your ex gang member sons wont do. Hell if they go to jail and dont have support what do you think they might do.

    Better yet, I’m sure they rather receive gifts then have to sell crack, or kill someone to come up.

    No disrespect for I too have ex-gang members in my family. I just dont say my ,,,,would kick their ass, because if … was in trouble ….would fuck the pastor to get ahead. Most people would. Look at the hoes in the church,

  286. I’m so glad to know that bishop has ministered in Africa. I wonder is that when he took Anthony Flagg with him to minister to him also. Sorry Perfume but you need to know these So called spiritual leaders in America they are not right. They try to lead us into temptation because they are their themselves, they help keep us mess by publicly annoucing mess over the pulpit so the so called members can have something to talk about until the following week.

    I also can tell that you have been touched by Bishops Mastery. I will pray for all you africans over there that you keep your true faith in GOD. What GOD had placed in your hearts from the beginning.

    Its us black americans who have been brainwashed. Dont you all follow our mistakes please

  287. Six, I like your take on the issue at hand. Your right. I know people who have attended his church. And they too have their opinions. Some believe it some say maybe.

    PASTOR< BISHOP EDDIE LONG is GUILTY JESUS was not guilty from my understanding

    Bishop if you wanted to be like Jesus you have to be innoncent and not let your good be evil spoken of

    MY GOD

  288. Oh gosh folks. It is not the end of the damn world. Ya’ll are up here acting like this is the first time a popular figure in “society” has engaged in something against someone’s belief. I mean folks cheat on their spouse (adultery is a sin), husbands beating their wives and the works. So fucking what he in a position of power over all people who follow him. That does NOT mean he is automatically made a man without secrets. Come on. Since when does religion of any kind done a great job in hiding people’s secrets? HELLO! You religious people are some of the dumbest people in this world. I kid you not. Some of you are talking about ‘Touch not my annointed ones because Eddie is still annointed.’ And what about the ones he touched? Are they not annointed just because they are not in such a high position. Funny thing is maybe your bishop should of thought about that before he touched his/your God’s annointed one. But of course you all wouldn’t look at it like that. The body of Christ under attack. Uhhhh seriously? Last time I read the body of your christ is dead and has been for a very long time. You all act like such damn victims. But I guess you would since you all think a defeated entity is out to kill, steal and destroy you. What stupid people you are. God/Goddess/The Universe/It/They/The Divine/The Almighty/ whatever the hell you want to call a creator that you think created you… is control of every little thing that goes on in this world and I mean both good AND BAD. One day you’ll see these words to be true and you’ll snap the fuck out of the spell you’ve been living all of this time. Eddie hasn’t even denied it. And if he has urges and enjoys the touch of a man, then the only problem is that he is a married man and to cheat on his wife is WRONG. But him having the urges to love a touch of a man is not wrong. You who think so is just scared for some reason to think so. You Christians are some of the most paranoid and judgmental people in this entire world. You guys ever wonder why the one you call christ never admitted to be one? Do you guys ever wonder why the one you call christ never once mentioned Christianity is something he belonged to. Did the word ever even come out of his mouth. And yet you all swear up and down you all are christians. What exactly is a Christian if the one you are forcing to be the leader of the religion NEVER ONCE took that position? So seems to me you all are following this christ idea under false pretenses. And the Jesus wasn’t even his name. But you all swear by it like it was. I don’t get that. You all are such fools but you will see soon the truth in these words. WAKE THE FUCK UP! Christ as you call him did NOT ask you to follow him. He didn’t ask you to create a religion called Christianity. He didn’t ask you to attempt to convince others to be a Christian. And you all have the audacity to put his name on it as if he did. If THAT isn’t blasphemy, then I don’t what is. Funny enough HIS NAME isn’t what you all say it is. So you follow a false God. You have blinded yourselves and allowed leaders to continue to pull you in deeper instead of you taking responsibility for your relationship with the Unseen Powers. The man you call Christ didn’t follow religion, so why in the hell do you? False prophets and leaders. False followers just wanting to belong and so will even under lies. You guys don’t want TRUTH. If you did, you wouldn’t be a Christian. There is no such thing but you guys have made it into something because you need something to control people. False! Again, the man you call Christ never once followed any religion not even Christianity and you will find NO proof that he did, not even in your bible you preach and swear from. I can see the man you thought you followed saying, “Wolves in sheep’s clothing. They don’t follow me. Christianity is not mine.” Wake up Christians as you call yourselves. Wake up and see you’ve been living a lie.

  289. The real travesty is that you people are so caught up in “the lords work” and “the devils work”. Take into account the fundamental knowledge that is in front of you. Did the pastor commit these crimes; probably. The people that rally against a cause with full voracity normally hide a guilty pleasure (i.e. the pastor is acting out for his own “impure” thoughts by speaking against homosexuals). The main idea here is that you people get so brainwashed by a book and those that try to interpret it that you lose track of humanity. Could the pastor be gay? Sure, is that an atrocity? No, but the way he went about luring-in the innocent is. As for praying for the pastor, save it. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful, in this case the pastor certainly found religion useful!

  290. How come i didn’t hear all this hogwash from people when it was made clear catholic priests molest little boys?, where were all of you all prayers? and how come some no name Joe just got sentenced last week for abuse and there was not one of you so called church members there proclaiming their innocence? all of u church Sheep sound so pathetic i hope you are willing to stand up for your children without prejudice if they ever get abused by anyone, yes i said without prejudice

  291. Freta why do you have hate towards God. Who hurted you?
    If you really want to know the truth about the book(bible) ask Jesus anything you want to know he will answer you; you will make a good disciple for because you will stand on truth and you will be realistic and spiritual.

  292. i will not try to judge…all i will say is when men or women including myself start believing that we are gods and are untouchable… we better believe that god will not share is glory with no one ,absolutely no one , so we all need to know god gives us all chances to repent and stop our foolish ways when we fail to listen to god then what is done secret will be unvail…..

    so weather we are ministers or just member let us all take a look at us..listen to what god is asking us to stop doing and just stop…

  293. As an author of several books on sexual abuse, I want to caution that the terminology that Bishop Long “coerced” the victicms into sex should not be used. Rather, research shows that adults who sexually abuse children used “enticement” on their victims and the latter then are “entrapped.” Bishop Long used his status as a powerful preacher and a wealthy individual to entice these young men who are coming forth and following their enticement were entrapped by him and his sexual exploirtations.

  294. For I know Bishop Eddie Long is a child of God and this is another one of satans tricks. For we all should pray, the devil is on an attack for God’s Children. It’s not going to stop there. We are in the last days there is no telling what well happen next.

  295. When a pastor needs bodyguards, has two airplanes, flashy cars, more bling than anyone else, something is seriously amiss. Add to that, his reported three million dollar income last year, and I smell a rat. He is practicing liberation theology. He is liberating hard earned money from his parishioners and redistributing it to his own use. What a great gig!

  296. Joy, I was never “hurted” by anyone. I have matured over my 75 years and I have come to the conclusion that God really doesn’t exist. For so many years I have been told what to believe and how to believe it and frankly, I’m tired of it. I’ve read the bible cover-to-cover more times than I can count and each and every time I can’t help but see the flaws and inconsistencies of the bible (religion for that matter). I can’t help but see that religion is a man-made entity that was created in order to explain what wasn’t understood. I will give you an example of why faith in Jesus is no different from faith in a greedy politician. Would you call it a “sacrifice” if a millionaire was to give his entire fortune to a needy family? Sure. But what if that same millionaire did the same act but knew if he was to do this act of charity, in just a few short days he would be rewarded 100 fold the money he had before. Doesn’t seem like such a sacrifice anymore when the deck is stacked. So, now put those same parameters onto the story of Jesus. He knew he was going to die, he knew it would “forgive” our sins, he knew that if he gave his life he would soon be resurrected into the kingdom of heaven and live for eternity (sounds like another stacked-deck). So, I ask you how is Jesus’ death even a sacrifice at all? The defin. of sacrifice is to give up, what did he give up? Don’t say his life, because he knew he would be resurrected into heaven. Now, a 25 year old man dying for our country in Afghanistan that is a sacrifice; no decked-stacked there. A soldier who has no idea of what will happen to him after death; but yet he fights for our freedom, our way of life. Now that’s a degree of sacrifice that Jesus couldn’t even hold a candle to.

  297. I like Eddie Long as a minister and his way of speaking to the church . I find
    it hard to believe that he would have sex with young men . Since it is listed in scriptures as sodomy . That means it also is a form of adultery . None of the
    men realized that not only did they commit a act of either lying or defaming a
    son of God or that they may have commited a act of sodomy and adultery . If either
    of these are true . Then they will have alot of expaining to God himself . Not to
    mention the fornication they are commiting with their girl friends since none of
    them are married . Satan the devil is an accuser so the matter may be having
    a supernatural finger in the matter . Ken

  298. Ken: did you really just say that “supernaturally” the devil might of had a hand in these matters? Boy, if I was your grandmother I would slap you silly. The devil didn’t have anything to do with it. The pastor just needs to decide if he is a closeted homosexual and if he is: come-out, stop slandering gays, and stop taking advantage of young men. Further more Ken, please don’t quote the bible in your statements; it makes you seem ignorant, plus you’d probably get more reliable information from my 1995 Buick Lesabre owners manual (I can loan it to you if you’d like, just be sure to get it back to me). As for lying with another man, my grandson is gay and it doesn’t bother me a bit (well only if he doesn’t come home for Thanksgiving). Seriously child, don’t waste your life thinking who is following god and who isn’t. It boils down to who is kind, loving “regardless” of their way of life. Don’t you see how much hate religion has started rather than stopped. Back to my grandson (love that boy), even if Hell, Jesus, Mary and all the other hoopla was real, I could promise you god would never bat an eye to my grandson and his lifestyle. I ask you Ken and anyone else in question; open your heart to those that are different than you, love them for who they are, not what you want them to be.

  299. either way, whats done is done. Long will have to endure whatever happens and thats unfortunate. It amazes me that someone can write and write about the consequences (gulity or not guilty) and constantly keep bringing God into the picture. Are we really saying that God could or could not have anything to do with this? are we saying that something/someone else could be responsible? or that after the dust clears maybe prayer will somehow shift or help whats happened? this couldnt possibly be an act of man and simply that? will it ease the pain somehow if we bring in this other party to feel pity or pray upon or anything elsewhwere in terms of sympathy or blame? Its amazing what we’ll do or say when we’re backed into a corner. the power shift from ourselves to something ‘higher’ because we can’t possibly handle the blame or shame ourselves.

  300. freta jackson, I will not quote scripture to you but I will share this. The word of God is not just another book you have to understand it with the spirit of God. We as christian don’t always have the answers. I didn’t always believe myself, and I didn’t come to believe because someone told me to or I read something in the bible I believe because God proved himself to me when I needed him the most and he continue to do so.

    I know he is real and he is real rather you believe it or not and it’s not based on our behavior as a christian it based on him Being God creator,self existing and all knowing.

    Jesus sacrifice His life because He is God in the Flesh and He is the only one who can give enternal life, because he is without sin. He came for the broken hearted, the wounded, and the poor so they can restore their lives and live.

    God is not human He is a spirit and if you change your attitude and search for him with your heart and put your opinion down he will be able to answer your doubts about him. I pray that you discover who Jesus is because I would love to see you in heaven.

  301. Seriously? Does anyone even have compassion on the young boys if this is true? Some of you sound like your giving the preacher more of a benefit, just because he’s a preacher. In these situations the victim is often victimized even more after telling. You need to PRAY PRAY PRAY for the young men’s strength as well.

  302. Joy honey, believe what you will and follow as you may. I have no convictions to that. If belief in something of a higher power is what you need to get through the day then fine dear, more power to you. Just remember, two hands working are far better than 1000 hands clasped in prayer and you can take that to the bank (I prefer Bank of America, just FYI).

  303. sad. God will take care of this foolishness! People remember to follow Christ and the Holy Spirit and not to make these “bishops” your lord. as for those who dare sin against the Holy Spirit remember there is no coming back from that now or in the world to come. those of us looking on fear God and depart from evil.

  304. are pastors these days REAL or are pastors, just to hide behind the word and gain trust from the “vain” world that we are…TYPICAL EXAMPLE: the ROMAN CATHOLIC. we trust these people because they are supposed to be our guardians, but instead, they destroy us.
    this is just one of the MANY stories that HAVE to come out. STOP protecting these people…..YES he IS YOUR pastor, but would you be protecting him so much if he had done this to YOUR son…or YOURSELF??????????

  305. I’m sick of hearing “judge not, lest ye be judged.” Did not Jesus say, “Make RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENTS?” We are to use our mind and discern what is true and not true…without thinking ourselves to be in a higher position (we are all vulnerable to sin). Righteous judgments include NOT showing partiality…such as to the rich or prominent persons. MANY, INCLUDING CHURCH MEMBERS AND FOLLOWERS ARE JUDGING ALREADY PRESUMING THAT HE IS INNOCENT. That is showing partiality. Many desire him to be guilty because they hate televangelists, etc. That is also partiality. Further, we are to wait until the facts come out at the testimony of two or three witnesses before the tribunal. Yes, let’s wait until the matter is fully discovered. HOWEVER, if this man is guilty, both the OT and the NT (Romans 1) say that he is deserving of death. He is also guilty of using his leadership position for evil purposes—even though these 2 situations have involved adult, consensual acts. They are acting like this is pedophelia here. Altho, I pray that there are no more reports–there may be. People, just wait and don’t make any final determination one way or the other in this until it is fully investigated and ‘adjudicated’. I pray that he is not still preaching if he’s guilty–that is terrible. This is not something that you can just repent over and go about your church business again. If he is guilty of this, then he needs to step down as he does not fit the requirement of an overlord of Messiah’s people.

  306. Lets be serious…how can another grown man tell or convince another man to have sex or a relationship…reguardless if money or authority is involved…mama always said “CANT NOBODY MAKE YOU DO NOTHING”….a 17 or 18 year old knows how to say no and knows right from wrong…im not the most holiest person and i dont know to much about Bishop Long….but this is ridiclous….Maurice Murray and Anthony Flagg….COME ON NOW…yall must have liked Bishop and what he was supposedly doing to yall or something if yall let it go on for this long and just know saying something than yall need to check yourselves

  307. Very very funny. Even if it’s untrue it’s funny, especially since this man is such a homophobe.

    I notice that he loves the things of this world (lots of bling). A truly modern man of god.

  308. where there sign his hair doo his speech enpidedment the first body problems thier is a scripture in the mistery to man doing this act sodom then its the body thats find its nature to its spirit man looking for a answer in jonathan david then look up there mamas name then search what who whom had the missing link too such acts time to aaddress them with answer they fell to get thru one that who commit the act he cannot talk like this remember arseio liberace luther they searsh but died with the answer im a trooper with godly answer seek it out who is david mother is getting close to open the closest door study first before touching the dirt of man winest he come alittle bit of spiregen
    760 NW 53rd St
    Miami, FL 33127-1840
    (305) 758-0922

  309. Speechless. Yet another case of an anti-homosexual zealot doing it with blokes himself, like Roy Burns (US anti-gay senator who eventually outed himself as gay) and George Rekers (anti-gay religious campaigner caught holidaying with a male sex worker). No smoke without fire. Truly straight men are too busy chasing girls to worry about what gays are up to.

    These preachers send young gays to self inflicted deaths with the self hatred they invoke, and sometimes to death or grievous bodily harm at the hands of others doing “God’s work”.

    Of course these allegations against Long are just that, and have yet to be tested legally, moreover there is no pedophile component involved. It could be that Long is a victim of opportunistic accusation by down and out youths with an eye on the victim’s compensation money, or a cash settlement such as happened in the Michael Jackson scandal. However with all this accumulating evidence, I am more and more coming to the view that practically all homophobia connotes closet homosexuality in some way.

    Long’s sermons promoting personal wealth definitely conflict with Christ’s unmistakable statement, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven.” Maybe Long keeps a small camel and a large needle as workarounds. That said, I think he is right to encourage impoverished blacks to improve their lot in life, just a shame about all the other freakin’ baggage.

    Whether or not he is homosexual, now is the time to repudiate every homophobic sentence he ever wrote or uttered, for the good of all humanity, gay and straight.

  310. The word of God is totally against this type of sin it is against the divine nature of God,This is not a way of life it is a sickness that we should ask God to heal
    This type of scandal should not be about the minister of God who should be an example to the world about following a holy God. God is ho;y and his ministers shpould walk holy and shpould nopgt allow these things be said abougt them. There has to be some and for anyone who preaches the word of God to be involve in a scandal like is not
    acceptable . This brings disgrace on the christian world and the pentecostal faith.
    when you are not accountable to anyone and the whole thing is yours these
    ministers do as they please but they are not accountable to any one.
    I am very sorry that this happened because he is one of my favorite preachers
    but satan now how to destroy the children of God for that is his job to seek and devour the children who love God. I am very sorry that the church has to go through this kind disgrace, very sorry

  311. God is still on the throne…I pray for the Long family and I pray for the victims….I hate that any child has to go through such DRAMA….We as a people, need to stop putting all our trust in a MAN…The Bible is there for us to READ, and we have a Father that we can pray to…So lets stop complaining, We should go to Church for the taught word and fellowship, instead of fashion shows and being in the know…Leave man in a man’s place, the bringer of the WORD but not the AUTHOR….God is still on the THRONE……

  312. i believe god can change people that want to be change , i also feel that u should not hide it if its true ,repent and be free bishop ,pastors , deacons, trustee ,and young people can go through the same thing . im praying for the one’s that call theirselves true christians , instead of talking about the bishop lets come together in prayer.

    thank u jesus

  313. Don’t want to rush to judgement however, taking teenage boys out of the country (and on several overnight trips) doesn’t look good. It just doesn’t add up anyway you look at it!!!

  314. So let’s assume it is true. If it is true then we should pray for this man because he has 250k members whose blood will be on his hand if they follow these practices. Also I believe people so often forget that we are the church. Not four walls, flat screen televisions, 250k members, stretch limos, platinum watches, etc. We, you, are the church. So what you do, how you live, is a screen shot of how to bring people to Christ. You see sooner or later, your entertainment, money and fame will no longer draw a person to your temple. What will draw them is the truth. When this world starts to open their eyes they are not going to want to hear entertainment, they are going to want to hear the truth. How can I live righteous, How can I win over sin, How can I tear myself away from the old things I use to do and become new. Yes. Bishop Long is not perfect. Who is? BUT is he not suppose to be striving for perfection. See we are Christians so often forget that we are suppose to be striving for perfection. But we don’t even try. We cop out and we use the excuse that you know what I can’t be perfect only God is perfect. Which is true. But who are you to use God’s perfection as a crutch to do evil. As a crutch to sleep around, lie, cheat, steal, defy God by resting in your sin. Who are you to do such a thing and then have the audacity to preach the word. The same word you can’t even live by.

    And if it’s false then….well you know what I must be honest and say I doubt if it’s not false. But I’m sure he knows enough people and has enough money to cover it up. The good thing about people and money is that neither can hide from God. He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and I’m sure he can destroy others. We all should be careful who we let teach us. Open the Bible for yourselves and study to show yourself approved. We are to go to the temple to gather ourselves around others who believe in our God. Not to learn everything we know about Christ from a man. You have to study that man, watch him. Because he needs guidance just like you. Don’t let your Pastor be the reason you go to hell. Don’t just follow a man. This is why God tells us to follow him. To study to show yourself approved. Because he knew that one day man would take man to hell. Christ is still the way, he is still the truth, and he is still the light.

  315. Having read a few of the excerpts, I am amazed that people who know nothing whatsoever about the matter can immediately, come to a conclusion which they believe is right. The truth of the matter is that, only the Bishop and the two men involved know the truth and not even their representatives as it is what is told to these people that they would base their arguments upon. Instead of praying for all parties involved, you get ignorant people spewing thrash because they can do so. I do not know what happened as I was not there but I will continue to pray for all parties including their families that God will touch all of them. So you nay sayers, who always look for sides to take in any situation, I pray you and your wonderful lives do not fall foul to any problems in future.

  316. i understand he is labeled as a man of God but everyone makes mistakes, if it was just an ordinary Black man everyone would be quick to believe that he did it but since he is a pastor they think that it’s the Devil. no, he is just like anyone else that may be accused of this and doesn’t have the right to be treated differently. anyway, most pastors are in it for the money and he isn’t the first stage pastor i seen. people, don’t just trust any pastor just because he is one. everyone on this earth sins and Mr. Eddie Long did just that.

  317. The truth will always stand and a lie never will. There are so many things going on in the Body of Christ but we as saints, the true saints have to take a stand and do what is right. I pray for everyone involved in this situation. People have to understand that the devil is out to steal, kill and destroy it does not matter what color, shape, size or your status. It is about who is the weakest link.

  318. Really have nothing to say but this, This is my first time hearing about this name Bishop Long , I do know the face just did not know his name… I’m letting God handle this situation , its between God , Bishop Long and his family … And of course the two men.. I cant say anything but let us see… I feel for the bishop this waiting game will make you lose weight, hair, and everything else…. Don’t want to ever be in his shoes.. Its a sad day for those church members , this could put a stamper on thier personal lives …Them wondering have I been following a false teacher of the word of God …This has to send chills up your spine very sad in deed.

  319. Some comments regarding Bishop Long referred to the scripture “judge not, that ye might be judged”, often this scripure is used inappropiately. Here, Jesus was explaining to a group of people that if you choose to judge someone else they might judge you as well. However, it did not mean that Christians should not be judged. We have a right to judge our leaders, ministers and pastors and those who say they are followers of Jesus. In many cases it will allow us to eleviate situations like the one Bishop Long has created. Even if he didn’t do all that they said he did, just from the pictures taken, it is clear that he did something that was
    against the word of God. And he should be judged!

  320. freta, I like you and would what to continue blogging but I don’t have the time take care and God bless you. ps. Sometimes GOD still watches over us even when we don’t want him to, because he chooses us we don’t choose him. (that’s call grace) when interpret means love.

    Take care precious one!

  321. so many people want to blame the young men who have been deceived and seduced by this so called ‘preacher’. WAKE UP and see it for what it is: outright deception for personal gain and sexual lust on the part of the preacher Long. And YOU PAID FOR IT!!!!!!!!!

    What I cannot and never will understand is why people will so easily be duped by a supposed ‘ man of the cloth’ and follow his every word without question. This is what you get when you put your faith in a nonexistent fairy tale santa claus god.
    Yes, it hurts to know you have been decieved, but it is much better to live in truth and EVIDENCE than continuing to live a life in deception as you have been. YOU have paid for this man to do what he has done, willingly and without question. You only have yourselves to blame. Maybe you should ask yourself why you need to believe in these fairy tales????? My hope is that as we grow and progress as a human race we will outgrow these childish needs for a ‘father figure in the sky”. HE ISN”T THERE. When you present some EVIDENCE, I will consider your point. Otherwise please sit down and question why you need to believe this crap.
    Isn’t it enough to know that nature itself is the creator of all things? Where do you think you came from? And don’t give me that ‘holy spirit ‘ crap either. Go read a physics textbook and then tell me you still believe this ‘god’ mess.

  322. These low-life-urchins and their accusations, allegations, were they handcuffed, or maybe they sprinkled with some magical dust by Bishop Long to dull their brains, or maybe Bishop Long used some spiritual force to force them to indulge in the alleged incident, and the nerve, to say photos leaked, ….I am checking the internet sites…to see these four heathens engaged in positions with each other…they been doing “IT” long before they decided to frame Bishop Long….the guy from cnn did not make a mistake and speak his alleged incident, he been quiet all these years, you four ought to be ashamed, I bet you aint,,,,,Just waiting to get that big check……If I had the ability…I would reach thru this internet and slap the hell out of all ya, I would beat ya like your mama should have beat ya….and I hope ya dont like my comments..thats right sue me….I bet all four of yall…go dress shopping, and compare whose high heel shoes are the highest…….You opened this door with these allegations, but God will shut it…thats right,…God gonna shut your allegated faces…..

  323. No one knows the truth but God, Bishop Eddie Long, and the young men. I know that we as Christ followers must come together and lift up the Bishop and these young men in prayer. Jesus Christ is our vindicator and He will vindicate the Bishop’s character if the allegations are false. I know that those who are not in Christ and even some christians are very quick to judge, but we must remember that there’s only one true judge and that’s is Christ Jesus. Please remember that man is imperfect and will always fall short of God’s glory whether he is a pastor or not. This is not to excuse any wrong behavior on their part. All we need to do is to wait and see the outcome. Whether innocent or guilty we will continue to be prayerful and not allow the enemy to cause any divisions.

  324. i understand that u not suppose 2 put nothin pass nobody, but at 20&21 u no exactly what u-r doin/i dont fil no man can convince no man 2 hav sex. i thought
    these wuz (11-14yr.old)kidz,dem catz grown! if he(Long) did,wuz he wrong? i say yes,
    but sumthin dont sound ryte,suppose we will c what it iz……

  325. I believe he did it but i still wont judge him it’s not for me to do how many people are a victom of rape and tell somebody the day it happens or even years later some people take that stuff with them to thier grave and never tell a soul especially a man cause they don’t want to be thought of as gay some people use thier power for wrong everybody saying poor bishop what about the real victoms the guys it happened too. people forget he is still a man if they all say they have pictures he sent them why would they all lie popes and priest been rapping little boys for years i don’t see any diffrents in him except he black. but this is just how i feel some of you people have been a victom of rape and never told anyone. i commend you guys the truth will prevail.

  326. Noone knows what really happened but Bishop, the young men and of course God. All involved need to be real. Just wait until the end of the world. To God be the Glory!!


  328. Do not judge anything before its time. There is more going on than any of you realizie. You’re looking at this situation from a natural viewpoint instead of a spiritual viewpoint. The Bible says that anyone who chooses to live Godly will suffer persecution. You all are being deceived right now and do not know it. You think you know it all but you don’t. What you all see and hear through media outlets is not what it appears to be and definitely true. Before you condemn anything, please check yourselves. By just attending church does not make you a Christians, because the Bible says for us to be doers of the Word and not just hearers only!

  329. Discernment – CHURCH – Discernment

    What signs did we miss here?

    Let’s start with HOOPING. Do you think Jesus hooped? He was a quiet, peaceful, HUMBLE man. The son of God, yet He let Himself be hung on a cross for all of our sins, when He had every power to just – get down. He was about His Father’s business. He didn’t speak loudly in a practiced rhythmed cadence to entertain people, He just quietly spoke the word, truth.

    The SHOW. Do you think He couldn’t have gotten a few guys to carry Him around on an elevated matt to show his superiority ( Bentley), worn robs of fine cloth with emblems saying JESUS – SON OF GOD on them, had the finest gold from all the earth hanging off of him? Jesus did nothing to outwardly show people who He was, the Son of God. He was humble, unconcerned with the temporal, focused on healing the sick and the hurting, not his ostentatious home, over the top car, designer wardrobe, or wowing his Kingdom.

    Whether Eddie Long through cohesion molested young boys or not, this church should have used discernment to see their pastor was not focused on the things of God. Don’t give me that his outwardly shows of wealth were just to show God will abundantly bless you. Yes, God will abundantly bless us and He expects us to be good stewards of our money. Spending money excessively on temporal items is not what He had in mind. The “Church” should have noticed the pride on this man. It came though the door 10 minutes before he did. The physical appearance, the obsession with the perfect male body ( narcissism), the trappings of extreme wealth, the wearing of the robes to draw attention to himself, the goofy hair, the loud over the top voice, all of these things scream low-self esteem that manifests itself in false pride. It’s huge on this man……………..Church…..discernement!

    I live in North Atlanta and never have attended this man’s church although I have watched him preach on TV several times. The things above are what struck me most, not the word coming out of his mouth, it was blurred by the pride the oozed from him. I had been told years ago that he “preferred men”, was discusted by it, but never gave it much thought. He was not someone who I sensed any sincerity about the Word of God from, so his actions meant nothing to me. Whether it is true or not is between him and God. If it involves children, that is a different story. Just because the state of Georgia says 16 is an age of consent, doesn’t make it right, it is wrong. These are still CHILDREN and these young boys will be scarred for life if this is true. I do agree what is hidden in the dark will come into the light. Let’s see what happens. One allegation could be suspect, but 4?

    As I read though here and see the “Church” say we are under attack and this is the enemy it makes my skin crawl. The only way the devil can get to us is though an OPEN DOOR. What are they being taught at New Birth? Are they learning the actual Word and true spiritual warfare, or just throwing around scriptures where they think it fits?

    Most likely the majority of the members of New Birth are going to be behind Long for several reasons. One, they have no discernment. Two, they have put all their faith in this MAN instead of God, so his fall makes them question God’s existence, truth. Three, it’s a black thing, ya’ll know what I mean. It is a tight knit group that will not admit failure on any level because it takes away from our heritage. OJ didn’t kill his wife, because he was black, Obama for president, soley on the fact that he is black. It validates our personal existence. I know, the truth is harsh, but it is the truth. The CHURCH should be about the people of God, not about skin color or heritage. The heritage should be about being the children of God, period.

    Church, are you there to belong to an exclusive club, there because it is primarily a black church, there because the pastor is so charismatic, because there are many singles and your looking for a mate, what is your reason? Do you know that in an anointed church where the Pastor is truly a man of God, the anointing lies at the head. How are you going to get to the head in times of need if you are one of 25k people? Discernment. Ask God about this.

    In all of this my personal disappointment comes from Bernice King. I have watched and listened to that woman preach. She is truly an anointed Saint who has been given much in wisdom, spiritual gifts, heritage. I’m so saddened that she is apart of this ministry.

    Being a Christian is not easy, of course, neither was hanging off the cross. It is a daily decision to follow God. To pray, to study, to yield. We are in the end times. I seriously don’t know how the church is all going to come together, but God does. We ALL need to focus on Him, pray for discernment. He called us ALL for reason. Step away from yourself and seek Him.

  330. I am still waiting l for Eddie Long to say: “I didn’t touch those four young men”. Period.
    The church is not under attack, it is Eddie Long who is accused of having homosexual relation with four young. Nobody says that the church is a church of gays whatever you want to say . If He didn’t do it , why not come up and say I didn’t do it.

  331. I do not believe it……The devil knows when God is getting ready to bless us and he works very hard at trying to keep us from being focused on Jesus to stop the blessing…Be strong Bishop I do not believe these allegations at all the devil is a liar, walking about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour up and Bishop knows this wisdom already. The Bishop will be fine and some people just love darkness more than light and they love to hear bad things on Pastors and all God’s servants because they want to feel justified in the bad hings that they do. GOD HAS THE LAST SAY SO!!!! Love you Bishop and your family and the people will see you come out the Victor and not the victim!!!! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!!!

  332. I cannot believe how many illiterate, incomprehensible and ignorant people have commented on this scandal. Whether he did coerce those young men (and he probably did, let’s face it), he’s a fat, rich televangelist who does very little for anybody except himself. Calling himself a Christian is a sick joke. I am heartily sick of these kinds of greedy, unethical hypocrites.

  333. iam a minister myself,and i have been in the ministry 30 years or more,i feel very strongly that ,BISHOP: EDDIE LONG,is not guilty of any of these alligations and lies
    BISHOP LONG,is pick out too be pick on,jesus said that he was in the world wih his own and his own knew him not,jesus said remember they will hate you,just like they hated me, the bible say that the devil is going to and fro and seeking whom he may devour,most likely these young men are not saved and dono’t know the LORD
    i really feel bad in my spirit , about these alligations against the man of GOD,none of us is perfect but i just canno’t believe these lies,i truly feel that we are living in the last days,and CHRIST is about to come sooner than we think,and the devil is on rampage,trying to turn every believer of CHRIST,against the truth,but the devil is a liar,remember back in the bible days ,when jesus was PREACHING,the people was talking about him and accusing him of a lots of things,just like these alligations aganist BISHOP: EDDIE LONG,bishop you are in my PRAYERS,GOD will fix it for you,you just keep your faith in in GOD ,and he will work it out for you,remember jesus said that he would make your enemy’s
    your foot stool.




  335. everybody is concerned about pastor long, what about the boys that are involved they also need prayer and forgiveness



  338. Real Christ like people aren’t automatically calling Bishop a predator or the other young men liars. How-Do-You-Know? If you know for sure…you’ll be in court w/them. Faith, hope, prayer, etc should be mentioned instead of criticizing one or the other. Look from both points of view if you really need to rationalize it. We do hold people in ‘high’ places on a pedestal…like they have some superhuman control over being…human. Jesus is the only one that I know, but who am I to say someone else out there can’t possibly be living a sin free life? Just because Bishop is a bishop & has a mega church does NOT mean he did/didn’t do it. Just because these guys have filed lawsuits against a famous, rich bishop doesn’t mean they are/aren’t lying for monetary gain. Either of these is ‘possible’ but our job is to pray for all involved, including the body of Christ who we are supposed to be praying for anyway. People want to keep spitting the, ‘touch not mine annointed’ thing but that is taken out of context. Which one is the annointed in this case? Why can’t both parties be annointed? If Bishop is the only ‘annointed’ one, and these allegations are true, then who works on behalf of the young men (since none of these scripture quotes apply to the young men)? How about we just pray and stop throwing negativities either direction. We’re supposed to be separate from the world but we have half trying to oust the bishop and the other half proclaiming these young men are complete liars for money…neither of which do most of us have a close relationship with to know their characters. Character is not what’s done out in the open, but who we are behind closed doors. We DON’T know for sure but we can ALL pray

  339. I agree with Nikki’s response on September 22nd. “I think that we get so caught up in the messages from these prophets, that we forget that they are human first. This does not excuse any of their alleged actions, by no means. I just think we should stay focused on the word of God, not the man.”

    There are a lot of weak minded individuals who attend church and forget that the pastor is called to deliver the word. The pastor is not GOD himself. I suggest that we pray for all involved, the congregation and especially the families of the accused and the accusers. Be Blessed!

  340. a godly man will give up is right for peace
    a preacher who belive and pratice what he or she preach would not do what
    MR LONG did to the church this pass sunday, if he delive in god he would step aside untill the storm pass for the life of the church, another sad day from a person who protest to be a man of god. MR LONG do the right thing for the church and the people who walk and talk with you and take the SPOTLIGHT off the church. we have all sin and will continue, LETS WORK FOR THE HEALTH OF THE MINISTERY amid the conflick and the strife. I pray yours and the young men strengh in this difficult time. MR LONG please do what best for the church untill the storm pass over you are one person, THE BODY OF CHRIST is the WORLD dont take the PULPIT untill this one pass if it ever will, let us forget about our self and concerate on GOD.

  341. Bishop eddie lond is nothing but a liar and he cheats his way through live that fake ass god lover that is way i have to feel about the shit

  342. ELDER: R.L.SUELL,

    Your sentiments are bound up in emotionalism, totally dismissing the facts and current state of affairs at this church. That saddens me as you say you are in ministry. What saddens me more is your you ability to capitalize the name of Eddie Long, and not even capitalize the name above all names, Jesus. Pretty much says it all.

  343. This is what it boils down to. Whether Mr. Long is innocent or guilty is between God, & Mr. Long. Let’s examine the scriptures. Prov.18:13 ‘He that answereth a matter before He heareth it, it is a folly & shame unto him.” We have been given media bits, & wisdom says until I have heard the whole matter, my interjections could make me look like a fool. Even if it turns out that it did happen, It’s not my job to execute sentence. If I am correct, Galatians 6:1 says “Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted.” Regardless of event, I have a 2-fold response: intercede(restore) & consider myself. Lastly, the passage found in 1Chron. 16:22 “Saying, Touch not mine anointed, & do my prophets no harm.” This was NOT JUST A LEADERSHIP SCRIPTURE. For you see, anyone who has relationship with GOD not only has an anointing, but can speak from the mind of GOD. Lack of knowledge can kill YOU, but I choose not to die by the hands of ignorance. Consider. OUT.

  344. I’m appalled that you people would sit here and defend this man! What about the young men…you think all of them are lying. And to correct you Eddie Long is NOT THE BODY OF CHRIST!! He is a human being no the Body of Christ isn’t under attack jack legged preachers are


  346. I am apalled. Appalled that so-called believers in the One Tru God give so much power to this entity called Satan. You act like more like believers in Mithraism or someother dualistic religion than the monotheism of Abraham, Isaac, & Jacob.

    A grown-butt man sends cell-phone pics of himself dressed in skin tights to teenagers and somehow a Satan inspired GLBT conspiracy is at work. This brand of Christianity sickens me. The worst of slave master “religion as mind-control” regurgitated mythology. Satan as you think you know him is the creation of the Catholic church as a means of controlling ignorant Euro-peasants. Read your so-called Old Testament!

    I wasn’t there, so I’m not going to say he did or did not engage in fellatio or mutual masturbation with those boys. I will say that his sending them pictures were wholly inappropriate – for a grown man, let alone the pastor of a church! But to take this into the realm of a Satan conspiracy just shows to what lengths we will go to delude ourselves.


  347. In N.J. a person of authority over a Juvenile Between 16 to 18 would be convicted.
    Consider the State Statutes and the possibility of prior research in anticipation of future consequenses.

  348. All you have to do is speak it and somehow it takes on a life of its own in today’s world. Put a little interrogative on it and some capital letters and it becomes truth. I had never heard of this man until this scandal broke. If he is guilty of the alleged offenses then i hope that he pays that price. Somehow, it is my best bet that that some type of financial motivation. Time will tell.

  349. May God’s Grace abound to Bis. E.L as he is processed and lives out a message he would have preached to others about going through trials. Reality is that this is yet another wake up call to the people of God to live right. The pharisee spirit tells right but does not do right. We must hunt it down in all of our lives and put it to death. God is still requiring truth in the inward parts. What is needed is not revival but REFORMATION. We need God to show us more of Himself and to then migrate to these positions of Christlikeness. We must then live in these places of revelation as we journey to the Finish, the place of immortality and incorruption.
    Suffer well brother Eddie whether you are innocent or guilty. God is able to vindicate his servants.


  351. i do not know…what to think…about this situation….if these allegations are true…the church….bishops family and the alleged young men in question..are all going to be…suffer….i think the…other pastors…in the church…know more than comes to ….the surface….in general…why are there so many men….all races covered…..are on the ” down low ” …if i may use this term…we have a lot of hidden homosexuality…they marry and have children…etc…to try and hide these urges…going for years….until temptation….rears it ugly head….prayers…for everyone…involved……


  353. I believe he is innocent of these allegations. Every idle word that men speak, he or she have to give in account thereof in the day of judgement. All things work together for the good of them who love God and to the whom are called according to his purpose. Roman 8 vs 28. Blessed are ye when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. May God bless you Bishop Long and family.

  354. I’m with the majority…PRAY!! Even if it is true, or if it’s not, we all have to pray. For Bishop E. Long and the two young men involved. It seems that we judge those who SEEM to do wrong but when we’re in fault, it’s a different story. EVERYONE falls short of God’s glory and no-one is perfect. Despite what they do…I’m not taking sides but basing my statement on what I’ve been taught in the Apostolic church. Don’t place someone up so high until when they fall short, you act like the world’s coming to an end. How do we not know that the same happened to Bishop and has past caught up with him. That’s why we all need to pray.

  355. this guy gay to the maximum gayness. there is report that he spread the cheeks on 1 kid and stick his tongue deep inside.

    now thats gay!

  356. ”ALL PEOPLE” have their own spiritual strong holds that hold them in bondage.
    This is the weakness of the flesh that we are told to kill, Satan knows where were weak and so does God, thats why its so important not to walk in the flesh but to constantly, every second of the day focus on God and God only. The refineing in Gods furnace of afflictions is painful, but its for our own good. when we get Victory in those areas of our lives we are able to become closer to the richtousness of God. I pray that if this is true or not true, God is still God and i know what Bishop preached was anointed by God, and Eddie if your reading this all i can say is that i love you as a brother in Christ and can feel your pain as you go through this time of refining. You’ve been a blessing in my life and my prayers go out to you and your family.

  357. i would watch anybody who like to keep young boys around them all the time. there something strange about that.

    how is it healthy to spend so much time with one group or another. i think people should watch out for situations where a person wants to be above scrutiny.

    if everything is on the up & up a person should care if they’re asked to open up and let everybody see. if you’re wrong then do you want special treatment. that would open the door for everybody else like that.

    let it all come out.

    sorry it had to happen. i don’t know what to say. i’m dissapointed too.

  358. Why do we feel the need to defend this man?? This is not the first time ANYONE has heard of a “man of faith” using his influence to have sexual control over young men. It’s probably happening in most churches in America. Im not saying it happened or not but just because someone says “Jesus” “God” and “Hallelujah” repeatedly throughout the day doesnt mean he’s impervious to sin,

  359. Truth be told, most of B.Long congregation, is only thinking about mr. long, but what about these young men’s, that he has taken into his hand’s, and used them as he PLEASED!!!

    Should he, have know better, than to entertained, these type’s of behaviour with boy’s, being that he, was the ADULT.

    But he, would rather, do these type’s of act’s, with “BOY’S and not MEN’S’,
    Just to say, that this is not a ( HOMOSEXUAL ACT)..

    How ARROGANT of him, to think that this was O.K..

    My Prayer’s, goes out, to these BRAVE young men, for coming forward with this, as much as some people, are too nieve to believe them…

  360. People, let me tell you something about Man of God. Never ever comment about anything .eg these allegations it’s like crossing a police barrier and proceeding to a crime scene where the police are collecting finger prints, you may end up putting yourself in danger. The Angels of God are working on this case so hear me brethren, never cross the barricade by passing out comments about Man of God when you were not there. You will be cursed.

  361. We first must forgive him for whatever he done.So when we fall God will Forgive us.Thats how it work u can get in trouble and expect God to do something for u it dont work that way.Now on Eddie long side I just hope he ask God to forgive him for whatever he done period I do have nothing to do with that Him and God now he’s human im human.The only thing I dont like about this is what we do as human become to take over the flesh.Now come on its alot of crazy shit going on with the the men these days especially in atlanta .That man on man is going on all over the country.In atlanta is big !!I went to man power and their are groups of them having sex together its just now men dont think they gay cause a man pays him to suck his dick its crazy!!Shit all them single fine anointed women at the dome all kinds of women and the men dont pay them no attention. So that been going on along time its just eddie slip because God allow it to happen that way.Peace tracytrace in your face with Gods grace!!!!!!1

  362. I do not know if the allegation against Eddie Long are true. I am a member of the body of Christ and am concerneced abdout the moral breakdown even among ministers of the gospel.. THere is a scripture that says, “let him that thinketh he standeth, take heed that he do not fall.” He also says, God cannot be mocked, “for whatsoever a man sows, he will also reap,” We cannot blame all of our problems on the devil, we need to humble ourselves if we have sinned. I think that we don’t need to worry so much about our “little” kingdom falling by our admission, but be more concerned about the effect our actions are having on God’s kingdom. I think society would respect us more as christians if we would admit when we have sinned and not try to cover it up. “Humility” is the sign of a great leader. The Bible says, he who humbles himself will be exalted. If your eye offends you cut it out, if your right arm offend you, cut it off, it is better to enter into life maimed or blind that to enter into hell where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In other words, lets humble ourselves, and get the sin out of the church, let stop thinking that we somehow have a position of privelege that allows us to get away with things somehow. God is merciful, but…when we continue in sin, and think we are ok, there remains no more sacrifice for sin.. Be sure your sins will find you out. Sometimes, just sometimes it is the devil attacking…but most of the time, we through our sin have opened the door and what we are really going through is not an attack of Satan whom we always love to blame, but it is God’s chastisement of us, and it is really in His mercy that He does this. Throughout history God’s plan was always mercy, not judgement, but, man had to get to a point where he realized that he had sinned and repent, and sometimes had to face a harsh punishment from God, and then was restored. Check out David, “a man after God’s own heart” and adulterer and a murderer, the child that was born out of that relationship had to die even though God forgave him, there was a consequence. I would rather fall on the “rock” Christ and allow myself to be broken, than to have the “Rock” fall on me. Humble yourself in the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up.

    I really hope Eddie Long that this is not true, however, if it is, jsut humble yourself and admit it. Because if you are truly a son, then GOd will chastise you, fall on the rock, and let him break you and remake you, and though you may have a limp like jacob when he’s done, at least you will keep your place with him, and do to humility reach and even greater favor with him. I love you in Christ, and hoping for the best for you! THe body of Christ needs men and women today who do not falter, who remain true to their calling and have integrity and purity of heart. it’s not in what we possess outwardly, but what we possess inwardly. What brought revival on Azuza street? It was not great preaching, it was not a prosperity message(I;m all for God’speople being blessed in every way)., it was a call to repentance and a call to prayer, to seek the face of God, let’s return to that, seek him first and his righteousness”right standing with God” and everything else will be added.. we dont seek “stuff” we seek HIm, when we do He gives it all to us. Just like Solomon in the beginnin, he sought GOd for wisdom, and God gave him everything He didnt ask for…humility, what a great quality that both man and God admires! Let’s be humble!

  363. Some can be so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. God did handle it!!What was done in the dark was exposed by God. So now are we to just close our eyes and continue to be victims and let the devil do his work on more people? The Apostle Paul didn’t. Something happened if not why the questions out in public? Are FOUR people crazy, And the pastor sane!

  364. Let’s face it: Christ was just too wise and understandable to many who call him today their savior. Humility in his teaching and his demeanor as recounted in the Bible should be the yardstick by which ministers conduct themselves. Some preachers today are hypocritical, and carry themselves in a manner inconsistent with Christian attributes. It did not take long for thoughtful people who first saw Bishop Eddie Long dress code and pulpit appearance as being too flamboyant, and troubling. His aggressive passion for muscle revealing t-shirts even at the pulpit, his free flowing pants, and jewelry are too inappropriate for a man of God. Every conduct that has no close references in the bible is just devilish, and sure enough, would end up this way. Trips with boys, sleeping in the same room– that’s troubling. Was he sick, were the boys “physicians” that he needed for immediate attention. This guy’s conduct is questionable. But if he engages in bestial activity with these boys, God will judge him unless he repents and atones with God for forgiveness.

  365. know no man by thefleash but by their works so most people are not close to him to know him closely by his works people always say let God judge but they forget about other things the bible says in oreder to know a man or woman by their works its a process of judgement u have to judge if their works if there of God or not none of us but God knows if its the truth or not unless God has spoken to us if he did do it the bible says whats done in the dark shall come to the light i pray that he did not do the things that they said he did and if he did do them than i pray God would show mercy if he did do it its out in the open so he should tell the truth because when u tell a lie you have to keep lying to cover up lies even if he did it as people of God we cn not cast stones none of us are sinless we were all born into sin and shaped in iniquity lets just pray that the truth comes out not make any rash decisions the devil is tricky it he came to still kill and destroy so this could be one of his tricks lets just all pray because if he did do those things it will keep alot of people away from God it will make gay and lesbian people think its ok to do that it will just make people think its ok to sin just keep it secret this case is a blow to the body of God so lets all pray that people understand that God died so we may be forgiven taht we all fall short of the glory that if we dont forgive how can we exspect to be forgiven i pray God may have mercy on all our souls


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