Thandie Newton RocknRolla London Premiere

Thandie Newton RocknRolla London Premiere

Thandie Newton RocknRolla London PremiereThandie Newton was pictured at the “RocknRolla” world premiere in London,earlier today.Thandie Newton who stars in the “RocknRolla” movie had a chance to show her wicked side,Guy Ritchie directed her every evil move.Newton said this on her character:

“She’s a cold, cold woman,” “The character was written strong in the first half and then just dwindled away when it had gotten more serious so I basically said, ‘Look, think of me as a guy.’ From the middle of the movie to the end, I would change things and he was totally open to it, and that was so liberating, because it’s his material. He just said, ‘All right, this is your character. I may have written it one way, but I want you to do what you want.”

Let us hope the Oscar comes soon.

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