Dania Ramirez EA Sports “NBA Live 09” Beso In Hollywood

Dania Ramirez EA Sports

Dania Ramirez was pictured during the EA Sports “NBA Live 09” event at Beso in Hollywood last night.Dania Ramirez who stars in Heroes, has promised that her weeping character Maya Herrera is going to be a sexy hero this time around.She said:

“I know everybody was frustrated… and I can understand that.” “Her story line dragged a little bit, even for me. I wanted it to move along as well.””People loved the original characters, so it was hard to get introduced after that.”

Dania added:

“It’s kind of unfair to judge the character when there was no payoff at the end for why she was introduced.” “Maya is different now.” “I cry a lot less this season and make out a lot more.”
“They fall for each other, and I’ll give you a clue: It’s in an animalistic way.”

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