D.L. Hughley Breaks The News Cancelled

D.L. Hughley Breaks The News Cancelled

D.L. Hughley Breaks The News Cancelled – D.L. Hughley new show D.L. Hughley Breaks The News has been cancelled by CNN.The network booted the show due to “budgetary constraints.” Here’s an official statement from CNN’s rep:

“D.L. approached CNN about being permanently based in Los Angeles, where his family lives. To accommodate this, we agreed upon a new role where he will be a contributor for the network based in Los Angeles. We are eager to continue our relationship with D.L. who is a tremendous talent and a valued colleague.”

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This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Ummm, do you really believe this oldest line in the book ” be with family” story? I guess he maybe embarrassing the wrong people a little too much!

  2. I loved the show D.L. hughley Breaks the News. I heard he cancelled the show on his own. I will truly miss it on Saturday nights.

  3. I don’t get it??? What did he say that’s angering everyone? That the republicans resemble the Nazis. It is exageration, but this reaction? What i really can’t get is how everyone says they are the polar opposite of the nazi party. I have actually read blogs where conservatives argue that the dems are closer to the the nazis. What is this?

    These people actually argue that since obama is more socialist and the nazis were called the national socialist party, therefore he is like hitler. For those who dont have a history degree this might make sense, but the nazis were socialist in name only. The only part of the name that is accurate is the nationalist part, and isn’t that what DL was gettintg at? The Nazis were defined by rabid nationalism, militarism, and the erasure of civil rights. Which party does this sound more like to you?

    I was a republican before the era of Bush. I am not saying that i think all republicans are nazis, but can a convention full of republicans chanting USA USA
    really be considered anything but rabid nationalism? I have voted for many republican candidates and will continue to, but we really need to realize that the values of fiscal conservatism and preservation of the constitution against big government that brought many of us to the party are gone. They are gone; and, sadly, they have been replaced with nationalism and militarism which were the defining characteristics of Hitler’s Germany.

    Examples: The patriot act., the U.S. led invasion of two countries. As I remember Hitler upset some people by invading countires and depriving people of civil rights. These days, it’s hard to tell what the republican party represents. I do know that, with two consty wars, they are not fiscally conservative; and the only civil right that they seem to want to defend is the right to bear arms.

    So I ask those of us who are ready to burn DL in effigy, were his comments really that off base? Are we angry because his comments were totally false, or because they were a little too true?

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