Pleasure P Child Molestation News Statement

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Pleasure P Child Molestation News Statement – Pleasure P has just put out statement to deny the allegations that surfaced recently claiming that he molested two toddlers.The former Pretty Ricky singer said:

“All of the recent rumors and accusations that are being circulated about me are 100% false. They are disgusting and vile; and they are being spread by individuals with their own sick agendas. The purported documents that are also being circulated are forgeries. I have never met or known anyone by the name of “AGoldstein” or Laura Goldstein or Ashley Goldstein, which I believe are fictitious names. I have never been represented by an attorney named Goldstein. For someone to go to such depths to assassinate my character and slander my good name is truly criminal. My attorneys are investigating this matter and will take all necessary and appropriate action to protect my name and reputation.”

Do you believe Pleasure P?

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This Post Has 17 Comments

  1. i believe him cuz, they have to many beautiful females in this world for him to be missin wit toodlers. why would he do somethin like that to kids?….com’on man!!! pleasure p, why? think about it people….see this shit right here be pissin me the fuck off….they like to here shit about our black men….why? then they cant wait to have them in the headlines and shit for any lil think… i dont believe the shit…..make sure they some evidence first before they start pointin fingers….thank ya!!! holla at cha girl!!!

  2. I don’t believe it, not enough facts, if it were true it would really be in the media, with pictures of these kids and all.

  3. what everyone is saying about him is wrong , you have too think about it, a guy who is on tour all the time and is busy with music has no time too be around toddler’s come on now how dumb do you have too be too believe stupid rumors like that. It’s ignorant ; and surely the person who said it has too much time on there hands. |I DO NOT BELIEVE THE RUMORS©|

  4. I dont believe the rumor because any case involving children under 16 years old is a sealed document.No one I mean no one can see or would be able to declose those sealed documents…..The internet can be of good and Bad and we cannot believe eveything you read.Remember Guilt has to be proved…..

  5. one he is an awesome singer and very intelligent man i believe him cuz its ppl out here who are very sikk minded and its females out here who wuld do ne thing fo dha publicity and attention so thats why i believe him

  6. i believe every word plaesure is saying not cuz im a fan but if it where true it would be all over the news n media so they need 2 quit hateing in him n get a life

  7. I don’t know if Pleasure P molested a child or not, as no one knows the true situation.

    What I do know however, is that judging from some of the comments above, some people can be very naive! Just because someone is an awesome singer or intelligent is no indicator of their true character. Child abusers and nasty people don’t have to look or be a certain way, they can come in all forms – rich and famous included.

    Just like being poorer or unattractive doesn’t make you bad, being rich and famous does’t mean you’re not capable of doing wrong things.

    Someone commented how he has ‘beautiful women’ around him all the time and doesn’t need to do those things, but again that has nothing to do with it! Child abuse is not really about that, it’s far more complexed. If it were true that if a man was surrounded by beautiful women then he can’t be a child abuser/rapist/whatever, then no attractive or rich men would be rapists – which we know isn’t true.

    Anyway, I don’t know about Pleasure P, but the reasons above, such as he’s rich, famous, or has beautiful women around him so therefore can’t be a child abuser – that isn’t something I agree with. Those things have nothing to do with what a person’s genuine character might be like. xxx

  8. I also dont believe it we dont know for sure because we dont personally know him all I know people will do anything to get camera time. all the girls that I probally sure throw themselves at him im sure he could have any woman he wont what the hell would he wont with some damn toddlers, but if he did that’s sick

  9. I agree jus cuz ya dink he can sing even though he cant dat dont mean anything dude probably like litle chern

  10. yall all dum this bitch did do this he had a case in the past with kids this men did this and all u people that wrote comment yall dnt no shit so sit yo ass down that was my little brother that men was fuckin with.

  11. It’s all fabricated bulls**t created by greedy, perverted-minded haters that wanna screw him up just ‘cuz he’s famous. That’s just plain and simple.

  12. Plus, he would be required to register as a sex offender with the State of Florida; where’s THAT kinda proof? At this point, there is none shown.

  13. I dont believe the rumor its not true he would not do anyting like that . Its amazing what people can do to bring you down because they are down.


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