F. Lee Bailey Defends O.J. Simpson

F. Lee Bailey is a defense lawyer who is most famous for his work on the O.J. Simpson trial in 1995, where he put all his efforts into attempting to prove that the famous football player was innocent of the murder charges that he was being tried for.

He recently decided that he needed to defend his decision to support Simpson, and wrote up a statement making it clear how he felt about Simpson’s acquittal of the crime.

On his website, Bailey recently posted a paper that is 46 pages in length, detailing why he truly believes that Simpson is innocent of the charges that were brought against him. In the paper, he presents evidence that he feels proves that Simpson could not have been the one to commit the crime.

Bailey, who is 77, recently told the Portland Press Herald that his paper, which he is calling “The Simpson Verdict”, is an effort to show the public evidence that they may not have been aware of and to try to convince them of something he already knows—that Simpson is not responsible for the murders of his wife, Nicole Brown Simpson and a friend of hers, Ronald Goldman.

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