Ted Williams In Sober House

Launched into the public spotlight because of his “golden voice”, former homeless man and now embattled celebrity Ted Williams focuses in a recent story about the effects of his rise in notoriety.

Williams appeared on CBS’ “The Early Show” and discussed his journey to rehab, family problems and his substance abuse problem with alcohol.
Williams pointed out that he felt he entered rehabilitation too early and too quickly and was wrong of him to be doing phone interviews from the rehab facility.

Williams is quoted as saying, “It was too much, too fast, and I was just not really focused on what I should be doing. I felt scripted,”. He also went on to point out that reuniting with his family was too speedy as well. One such reunion ended in a conflict that brought in police as Williams and his daughter got into a fight.

Now, Williams is residing at a location in Los Angeles referred to as a sober house alongside other members of the voice over industry. He states that his associations with companies that made him offers but got wary are now back at the bargaining table now that he’s showing growing stability.

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