Staples Center Standoff

Folks at the Staples Center in Los Angeles got more than they bargained for as the LA Clippers and Cleveland Cavaliers were ready to start their game a man wielding a knife decided to take on the cops on Saturday morning at the complex.

It was a little less than two hours before the game began when the man made his confrontation. Some spectators who had already arrived were evacuated and the players themselves were instructed to remain in their locker rooms.

The confrontation with police lasted for around 20 minutes until the man was tackled by police on the basketball court itself near the visitor’s bench area according to the Associated Press.

Police told the AP that the cops had received a report of a man with a knife at around 11 am from one of their off duty officers.

This incident may have rattled some nerves but it was handled professionally and no one was injured. The man was arrested and the game went on and LA won.

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