Jesse Jackson Sued By Tommy Bennett

There isn’t a pot of gold at the end of Rev. Jesse Jackson’s Rainbow Coalition but more like a pot of lawsuits as a bombshell accusation has hit the controversial civil rights leader.

Jackson has been accused of several things from a former employee of his, Tommy R. Bennett who says Jackson not only discriminated against him for being gay but also made advances and propositions for sex.

This bombshell hit today as Bennett has filed suit. Bennett makes far more than just those claims giving insight into Jackson’s conduct and character during his two years as Jackson’s aide.

He says the reverend often had encounters with women that Bennett had to not only escort but clean up after. He says that Jackson often ridiculed him in front of others as well.

Bennett is a regular on the Tom Joyner Radio show and also is on President Barack Obama’s LGBT Leadership Council. His position in these venues affords him a platform to launch his salvos at Jackson and be heard.

Jackson’s camp vociferously denies the allegations and it will be a heavy burden on Bennett’s shoulders to prove. With the upcoming elections this may give fuel to Obama’s enemies to bring up other dirty laundry and curtail any Obama aspirations. Bennett had better come up with some very substantial evidence or he’ll be hit so hard in court it will like a circus.

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