Polow Da Don ‘King of the White Girls’?

Polow da Don is all over these days,but not necessarily for the right reasons.
First he claimed to be the ‘King of the White Girls’:

“My boys would give me junk about it, but [the white girls’] head game is on a different level.”Source

Now he has something to say on black women too:

AllHipHop.com: Now, you call yourself the “King of All White Girls.” Elaborate on that for me.

Polow Da Don: Just the “King of the White Girls.” I ain’t self proclaimed but I run with it. [Laughs] There was a stage in my life where I went crazy with dating white women. I have nothing against black women, but they’re raised differently. White women are raised to respect and serve their men. Black women are taught to question [their men]. Black women look at submission as being weak. White women look at submission as being a woman. And anyone who has a problem with this statement is ignorant. Just look at the divine order: it goes God, man, woman, child.Source

This Post Has 28 Comments

  1. I’m glad he’s deep into white women. Better them than us. I can hardly look at pieces of shit like Polow these days. Good riddance and I really mean it.

  2. He is sick. White women are not taught to submit. We are strong minded just like any other race. Of course you have those who will do anything to keep their man but most of us aren’t like that. It’s dumb a$$ men like him that give inter racial relationships a bad name. Fake a$$ wannabe pimp.

  3. what y’all bitchaz talk’n bout the vanilla females mme personally
    i love vanilla females & i’m black.
    Y’all fools just hatin cauze y’all probaly think chocolate women are all that. They just like vanilla women only thing different are there skin color & type

  4. he want s to be michael jackson seal and tim duncan
    sellin out
    black dudes these days want to have white father in laws
    like asian women with white men lol

  5. im black nd im jus lyk him i love white girls aint dat that we got sumtink against black women i jus lyl da white women de laid back

  6. “King of the White Girls” that is the most ignorant statement I’ve heard in a while. I mean seriously white women, have at him. It’s hard being a young, black, EDUCATED woman these days. I want nothing more than to have a BLACK man by my side…but this is the shit we have to choose from. I just refuse to date a white man…REFUSE. I’m far from gay, but the odds of me marrying a black woman are a hell of a lot better than me even dating a white man. But to each it’s own

  7. and no im not racist…i got mixed kids…im tired of black females trying to make it seem like white females give it up easy…NOT. Alot of black dudes where im from say black females are too ghetto and wanna argue all the time but that just their personal preference

  8. I think everyone ave their own views. Some white chicks are questionable just like blacks. Just the ones he mess with may see dollar signs insead of a guy. hell if i needed a meal ticket.. I’d freak and submit too.
    By the way my moms white and black dad. Moms has more questions than the PO POs

  9. I just think he is ignorant. It’s fine to have a preference, but to say black women were “raised to question their men” ?!? Good riddance to him cause black women don’t need him!

  10. …and to Ash, yes all races give it up easy but all black women ain’t hatin’ on you nor do we all feel that white women are easy. All women should be treated well and not looked down upon. I understand you being upset with some of the comments but I don’t think we all need to “kick rocks”.

  11. I’m Hispanic and I feel that because a lot of Black women tend to be strong minded and outspoken which is a VERY respectable and admirable thing(from a female perspective atleast)and something they should NEVER change about themselves, unfortunately women of other races are often viewed as “weak” and “submissive” usually by a lot of nieve, Black men who seem to think the grass is greener on the other side-ha(good luck with that, boys)! Speaking for myself, I am FAR from a weak bitch(can’t stand them)and that statement that JOKE of a man made was VERY “ignorant”. How DARE he accuse anyone of being just that! He needs a Japanese geisha girl or a Middle Eastern woman wearing a burka. Lol. They’re the ONLY ones who’ll submit to his INSECURE ass. American women in GENERAL are assertive as we SHOULD be-it is our GOD given right as human beings, damn it! Just deal with it ’cause it’s never gonna change, assholes! Flee the country if you don’t like it or can’t handle it, you WEAK pathetic dicks!!! Lol!

  12. How come a lot of Black men wanna date and f White girls but at the same time wanna trip the minute they see a Black female with a beautiful, White man? Uh, aint that hypocritical? Then they wanna bitch and moan about how Black women were raped by “the White man”. Lol. So what! Get over it! We’re not yours to keep to yourselves while you’re free to screw “the enemy” all you want and a lot of Black men rape White women…maybe they shouldn’t mess with White girls because of this. I’m just sayin’…practice what you preach for fuck sake. That’s why I love that new Justin and Ciara video. Go’ CiCi! Work that hot, White boy! Hee hee.

  13. I’m sorry but this is ridiculous stop justifying what you do and who u do date on the basis of bullshit !!!

  14. You all have time being concerned with his views. To be honest I don’t even know the dude, I’m from the UK and have heard some of the tracks that he’s produced and that’s about it. It’s obvious that the man is confused, possibly even deranged. He’s making blanket statements based on race. The only black woman he’s probably ever dealt with are family members. Move on, forget about this fool. Asley, you’re right. They are probably submitting to the $ and if he is the jacka$$ he seems to be, goodness knows what they do/say behind his back. Oh my, here come the sleepless nights over this guy…. NOT.

  15. LMAO. this guys jokes. im a black man but i dont think any1 should avoid getting involved with some1 based on race. its very shallow and very insecure. personaly i like all races and any1 who has a problem with innterracial relationships should have a good reason. but this guys explanation is shit you shouldnt rule out all black girls because some of them are rowdy, they aint all like that and its a poor excuse.

    funny though lool

  16. I’m latin but I think relationships should be all about passion, romance, and affection not on race or skin color if two people love other they must feel the flame of a rose and share the same heart.

  17. al women wat 2 keep their men and it does not matter the race all women will do wat they got 2 do to keep their men

  18. White girls are so feminine and are just easier to deal with and when they have a big booty, Damn!!! Sistas ain’t got a chance.

  19. You know something all of you peple have a lot of issues. A good relationship should not be based on race or color of skin. It should be based on respect and love for your mate. There are ignorant people in all races, so please grow up and act like you have some sense. I come from a big family, I have 7 sisters and there are 7 boys, none of us are dating blacks, it is by choose, not to say that blacks are bad, it was who we fell in love with. This world has enough problems, stop adding to it.

  20. When a Black man only dates a woman because she is white, well that white girl is just as dumb as he is. To all of the white women in the world, when a black man only dates you because you are white, he don’t give a damnnnnn about you as a woman. He should be dating you because of your personality, not because of your color. To all of the black women out there, from the imfamous words of the wonderful Steve Harvey, “you wouldn’t want them anyway.” Steve Harvey was talking about Black men who only date white women. Let this fool go. When he gets in trouble just like O.J. Simpson, he will be back looking for the first black woman to get his back. If he does get in trouble all black women should turn their back on him and look the other way. He is a poor excuse of a black man.

  21. im black nd i dnt care who yu date, as long as he or she dnt call tha police on u cuz or act so dramatic (lyke white ppl) it dnt matter jus be carefull bout who u invite in yo life. dey cud be after yo $$ or out to give u ah bad name……..IF DNT WANT 2 READ IT DEN LOOK AWAY, oh well

  22. dis fa dat lil gurl dat said black women gets rape by “the white man” 2 get ova it……im black…… i guess u dont kno 400 years ago African women has been rape by white men thats y we all may have some white nd black in us. So no we cant get over it, ignorant Jessica on March 31st 2009 7:43am im talkin 2 u

  23. I am a white female and I do prefer black men. But people don’t realize it’s about the phsical connection too, I could never be with a white man cause I’m not phsically attracted. Nothing is wrong with him just dating white woman, it’s just the reasons he’s doing it.

  24. I don’t see whats the point in getting all angry about his personal preference in women. Im Black and I honestly don’t care if he only dates white women because there are plenty more men that only date black women, so my dating pool is not shrinking. Plus, he’s ugly anyways. Let them have him.

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