Kelly Rowland And Tank Dating ?

Kelly Rowland is apparently dating R&B crooner Tank .The twenty-six year old former ‘Destiny Child’ reportedly hooked up with Tank after he helped produce her second solo album “Ms. Kelly”.Sources tell Star Magazine:

“He’s a strong man and a perfect gentleman. His bright smile and bashful eyes won Kelly over completely.”

But don’t expect any confirmation from Ms. Kelly anytime soon, the source says:

“Kelly plans to take a page out of BFF Beyonce Knowles’ book and not talk about her romance.”

Nice one Ms. Kelly,we hope that the sex that you are giving,will be enough to produce a hit album.Sex with benefits!!!

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. congrats to Tank on his new baby. seems your focus should be there and not on sleeping with folk you work with.

  2. Tank has 2 kids from his first baby mama, one on the way from Zena Foster, and one on the way from DJ Alysse, and he had one on the way due in April from another woman, but it didn’t work out.

  3. Seems as if all parties are bashing on Mr. Babbs….the actions of these woman (excuse me girls) laying up with their legs open is less than intelligent. No excuses are to be made for an adult woman. So called mothers and/or mother-to-be…one would have to question the morals of past generations….boo, if you’re unable to grasp the nature of what I’m saying…………….NEXT!!!

  4. Comment by RUkiddingMe? on December 27, 2007 9:15 PM
    Seems as if all parties are bashing on Mr. Babbs…

    Your name fits you well. When you did you become so smart? Was it after you hung up your dance shoes with the clear heels and stopped turning tricks?
    Someone like you would blame the women without knowing if anything you have read is true or not. Or what said relationships might be between these people. But then again, this is your source for world news … the internet. Have any of you losers spoke to any of the people you are so freely talking about as if they know you or want too?

  5. By the the way Rukiddingme?, how is the weather in D.C. see you are the same bitter little girl as always. When are you going to let go of that sad dream of yours. You know the one where he actually wants you. What a sad girl you happen to be.

  6. this is funny. Zena gave birth to Zoey on Dec 26th by having her labor induced. DJ Alysse Stewart is due this month. Tank has 2 kids from his X wife and all this information is FACTUAL.

  7. Damnet.
    Damn 4 kids.
    Condoms? Maybe?
    No wonder all his songs are based on him cheating (maybe i deserve, please dont go…)

    he’s so fine…i bet the d*ck is good.


  8. Dang, “YaGurl”! I didn’t know that “Tank” had all these kids all over the place. I hope all those stupid bitches are hitting him up for some serious child support. I say “stupid bitches” ’cause all those kids just goes to show all the unprotected sex he’s having. If anything is going on (if ya know what I mean) between him and kelly,the only thing I would say to Ms. Rowland would be to make “Tank” put on a lifejacket ’cause I wouldn’t want for her to catch something that an aspirin won’t fix. Ya know what I’m sayin’?

  9. tank should be called stupid. clearly he is telling lies and dipping without cover up. the women should be called lucky that his lies didn’t do damage that kills.

  10. tank is extra fine the nigguh can have 10 kids it dnt matter he still makin good musik this bitches is dumb lettin it happen bt he’s other baby mama is cool zena watever her name isz tank is still ma nigguh nothing changed

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