Roseanne Barr Disses Barack Obama

Roseanne Barr

Roseanne Barr who praises Hillary Clinton has decided to attack Barack (misspelled “Barak”) Obama and Oprah Winfrey on her website.You can read an excerpt:

barak obama is an empty suit selling “hope” in lieu of Truth. Oprah Winfrey helped to elect Arnold Swartzenegger. I have no doubt that she voted her purse by doing this, as she is a large land owner in California, and that ilk fears Dems because they do not want to pay their “fair share” of Cali tax. Oprah has given us Swartzenegger and Dr. Phil. If that was not offensive enough to decent thinking people, now she brings us Obama. He has no ideas, no plan and nothing to add other than the cynical pacification of the masses with bedtime stories about hope, while calling Unions “special interest groups” that need to be done away with.

Obama votes with Bush constantly funding this terrible endless war.

Oprah, you play the race card and the gender card too.

You are a closeted republican and chose Barak Obama because you do not like other women who actually stand for something to working American Women besides glamour, angels, hollywood and dieting!

When Americans find out that Obama backs right wing corporate racist anti worker bullshit, they will not vote for him, and the victory will go to the most racist right wing republican ever…. Mccain, who is a fascist!

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. If she knew any less, it would be a crime. Obama was NOT, nor EVER backed the continuation of this war. What is she talking about? Can you sound a little more intelligent and do some research before you make comments about something that you evidently have no knowledge about? Please! If Roseanne Barr keeps making decisions and comments based on emotion and not facts, she will continue to show America how ignorant she really is. Good luck Rosanne.

  2. roseanne barr is a clown. what does she know? nothing. i always knew she was stupid and a fool but this is an all-time low. congratulations roseanne! give urself a pat on the back for showing the world just how ignorant and dumb u r. just shout out “i’m dumb and i’m proud!” barack and oprah have a good campaign going on and u just don’t wanna admit it because u’re just another white trailer park trash RACIST! do us all a favor and go back to the trailer park with ur momma and don’t come back! oh, and ppl r stupid to vote for the GEEZER Mccain because he’ll probably die the first day in office. and his backup is not to hot too. she’s just a dumb old former beauty queen who knows nothing about politics and is not a great rolemodel considering her 17 year old daughter is pregnant. if she can’t even control her own dumb ass daughter, how could she control the rest of the U.S.? TELL ME! barack is right about her being a pig. lipstick on a pig does not make u a lady.SARAH! so barr,mccain, and palin can just take their dumb clown asses back to the trailer parks where they came from and don’t come !GO BARACK OBAMA 08!!!!!!!!!!!GO DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!

  3. Okay I think you should give her a fair chance. I know the election is over, but before the election I was for Obama. The truth of the matter is that neither of the senators have/had backing. We haven’t had a great president for some time now and we won’t be having one. Why? Because the president’s job stinks!!!! The people who are brave enough to do it are not qualified but there are people in the country who would do a marvelous job and they’re too scared to take the office. They may not even know that they should. Now I don’t think it’s right of her to make a comment that everything is all Oprah’s fault. I happen to think she’s a good person. There is one thing I agree with though and that is where she says that she only cares about Women who stand for glamour, angels, hollywood, and dieting. Now I actually think that’s true. I don’t see a problem with that though. That’s what women want to hear about. Maybe not Roseanne Barr, but the majority and Oprah tries to make a living like everyone else. Like you Roseanne. That’s my feelings and please do not tear me apart like you two did to Roseanne. She was right and wrong as were you two. I actually think you two were more wrong then right, but it all depends on people’s views on things.

  4. Roseanne might speek without thinking but since when has Obama NOT spoke without speaking?! He’s feeding you all lies about all the good, wonderful things he’s trying to do for you when he’s trying to pass a bill that will supposedly help the enviroment but cut even more jobs in the U.S. He’s building nice strong bridges with the Muslims and everyone else that IS TRYING TO KILL US! But then he’s burning all the good ones. Pretty soon everything is going to say “MADE IN PAKISTAN” Say buh bye to our good friend China….

  5. I think is it true what they say, opinions are like assholes, everybody has one. and Roseanne has hers, both of em. But to come out bashing as harsh as she did, was not called for. Oprah backing of whomever, yes may have a affect on some, but not all of the world. I mean come on now. Obama was backed by more celebrities than just Oprah, and more people period. Right now, i think anyone would have a many grave and challenging decisions to make, in order to bounce back . Im here to tell you Roseanne, Mccain would be doing no better. Eveyone so quick to bash, and blame our President Mr. Obama for decisions he has had to make. Im sure those decisions dont come lightly. The fact is our former President(and I hate even calling him that, because no president would let their country go down like the United States went down during his presidency), left this beautiful country of ours, in a horrible state all around. We are at War, job rate high, major companies financial trouble.
    So Mr. President Obama has had to make some tough decisions, and honestly everyone may not like what has chosen. But my question to everyone that is doubting the decisions that he make Could you make a better decision? Could you do better? How is it, that you think McCain, being in office all that time with Bush, would make better decisions. I mean HOW?????
    Roseanne need to get a life and stop commenting on things without thinking first.

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