Naomi Campbell To Marry Vladislav Doronin

Naomi Campbell To Marry Vladislav Doronin

Naomi Campbell To Marry Vladislav DoroninNaomi Campbell was pictured with her boyfriend Vladislav Doronin on the coast of Ibiza, Spain,yesterday.Naomi Campbell has apparently told friends that she has plans to marry her Russian billionaire boyfriend Vladislav Doronin in the near future.The model was allegedly overheard at the Fiat Playa disco in Sardinia saying:

‘This time I’ll marry. Vladi is the right man for me.’

The pair was partying with friends,when Campbell asked that the waitresses dressed in skimpy outfits who were serving them be replaced by men.

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This Post Has 30 Comments

  1. forget naomi campbell. dumb ass nigga. tyra banks is way better at modeling and is much prettier and a thousand times CLASSIER!

  2. vladislav, you must be out of your damn freakin mind if u wanna marry nigga ass naomi campbell

  3. Ignorant comments by ignorant people. And P.S. Tyra is not a better model, and she’s as ignorant as you two commentors. And you can’t compare the two in looks b/c thhey are in no way similar in appearance. racists…SMH

  4. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that this marriage between the Russian man and a groid won’t last long.
    Hopefully, Vladislav will find himself a nice Russian woman.

  5. centurion, shut the fuck up! i don’t care about naomi campbell, but how do u refer to vladislav as a russian man and her as a groid. and how come he has to find a russian woman and can’t be with a black woman. that’s the type of people i can’t stand, dumb asses like u! and LaLa can shut the fuck up too. i can’t beleive U r so ignorant to say that about tyra. and so what, they don’t have to look alike for tyra to be pretier. naomi’s a mess. and apparently u 2 are as well!

  6. who is this fool impersonating me? first of all I wrote the first comment that was by in yo face on September 28 and i said what i had to say. now i see some fool over here using my screen name to write why is he marrying her, she’s not his race and all that crap on September 29. the first in yo face comment and this one right now is by me, the real commentor. and i don’t know who this idiot is trying to use MY screen name to make it look like i’m saying something different than what i said at first. so whoever u r who took my screen name and said that is a complete idiot with too much time on their hands and he or she needs to get a life and stop trying to impersonate people.seriously u can’t be that desperate!!!

  7. naomi and her boyfriend make an ugly couple. but if they get married, that’s really their business and no one else’s. and just because naomi’s not russian or vladislav’s not black, doesn’t mean they can’t get married. so whoever said that is an asshole. and i’ve had my screen name stolen lots of times by imbeciles too. america needs to wake the fuck up!!!

  8. Just read the sad comments posted on here…maybe this russian man is with namoi campbell becuase he sick of encountering narrow minded racists biggots who insist he should marry a poor white russian with no career prospect a gold digger. At least Naomi can hold her own she is supermodel with her own career and has her own money, after all she is a self-made multi-millonaire.

  9. Maybe Naomi and Vlad are the right person for the other. he may be the same kind of person that Naomi is. Maybe he can turn her life around.

  10. You all should be locked down! Shame on you little people!

    Naomi is beautiful and so is Vlad. Happiness for you beautiful multicolored couple. They look good together:)

  11. Do any of you honestly believe for one moment, Campbell or her current boyfriend give a damn about your opinions? Yes Campbell can be a diva, yes, she lacks respect for her employees and yes, her time on the runway is rapidly running out. But you have to admit, she manages to attract wealthy playboy types. Although Doronin is Russian, it’s really not unusual for Russian men to be attracted to exotic types. Especially black women. If you’ve ever visited Moscow, you would know why. Some of you would know that, if you traveled beyond your own shores. As for the the first couple of comments, it showed a true lack of sophistication and a definite degree of ignorance about the world and those who inhabit it. It tells the world you haven’t been exposed to very much. Frankly I find that very sad!

  12. c’mon! he’s a gay and all this shit around them is nice PR. for him. for her. had you all ever heard abt him before he met he? 🙂

  13. Their children are going to be GORGEOUS… they are both beautiful.. can’t wait to hear the wedding bells, see the pictures of crib shopping and watch the reviews from the baby showers….. polyracial marriages rock! 🙂

  14. Too bad Vlad is a playa. This is a shame. He should have told Naomi that he was married to ekerina. You gonna get yours Vlad if it is ture. What goes around comes around.

  15. Damn i cant believe they still make ignorant f*#ks like you first two idiots, the world is changing and all those that accept change are stuipd to say the least…damn idoits

  16. OMG Some of the comments on here are absolutely ridiculous and just plain ignorant. Just because Naomi is a black woman and Vladislav is a white man you people have to throw them under the bus. This is the 21st century and people are beginning to care less and less about race and more about finding somebody who loves you and not worry about what color they are. Besides that you people are making it seem like she’s some random chick he found somewhere, she is a supermodel and an international celebrity who makes more than enough money to take care of herself and doesn’t need him for anything, plus she is attractive and can have any man she wants and she chose him. I hope they do get married and have lot’s of babies and stay married forever to shutup all you biggots and jealous haters who wish they could score themselves a good-looking Russian billionaire like Naomi did.

  17. I guess he hasn’t figured out that she is fucking crazy!!!! if he is man enough to deal with her, power above…..I think that Naomi is lucky that a man would even take the time toooo fuck with her with all that violence she has shown in the past…. watch the tabloids for “Naomi arrested for spitting and hitting her man!!!!

    NAOMII GO SEE A THERIST!!!!!!!!!!!!

  18. she’s after his money, he’s a billionaire, also she’s not a self made millionaire, she got her gig through modeling.White men are sick in general will do anything with legs, where I live they have a fetish for black women, esp. the ghetto ones.

  19. and don’t put white men on a pedastal, most of them are fucked up in the head, sick pervs, seriously.

  20. More power to them. It isn’t anyone’s business. They are two people, period. They look beautiful together and I hope they have children, I’ll bet they’ll be super gorgeous!

    Good luck and best wishes!

  21. These are only two people on earth. Why are people so concerned. And to the Russian girls, he has no obligation to marry you because he is Russian. That’s like saying no one has a right to love anyone else outside their nationality which is ignorant. Expand your horizons and get out of your small world and you will see that everyone deserves to be loved.

  22. This is nothing new…Naomi has a history of dating billionares. Naomi is a beautiful super model. All men want her…black, white, arab, you name it! Do your homework dumb asses, she always keeps a rich man on her arm and their always white!!! So hate on the white man not her!

  23. I get so tired of people thinking that they can only marry someone, who is they’re own race. That doesn’t guarantee anything…Marriage is what you make it, and it should be someone that you’re in love with. If this man wants a “russian” he can have it. But, he obviously don’t want that. Everytime I see these two, they’re together. It looks like they’re in love to me. We cannot tell people how they should live they’re lives. If they love each other…they should get married and make it official. And for the record…she’s wealthy too..and has her own money.

  24. Go Naomi.!!!!…..Bigots go and die! The world keeps evolving while you stay behind choking with HATE. I am black and proudly black..AND HAPPILY MARRIED to a BLUE BLOOD!!!!!!
    You MUST HAVE black blood in you like most supremecist bigots.

  25. I think her russian man is super fine. I may have to visit russia myself. Best of luck to them and their marriage. I wonder whats taking so long for it to happen?

  26. how many of you folks out there realize that everybody has a “type”? i know that all of you have had a friend who continually dates losers with the same personality traits and the only difference is their ethnicity.age, penal status and addiction preference. the only constant in this equation is the friend/family member. Naomi has a now, history of “bad behavior”, to put it mildly. now here is the “funny” part, all of Vlad’s friends and family have TOLD him the same thing we have told people we know “dude, you know that chick is crazy,” and you know that people make their won choices. everyone on this earth has a God given right to make their own pattern of bad/good choices. we dont know if Vlad has a history of dating women like some of the characters in movies such as “FATAL ATTRACTION, THE ROOMATE, SINGLE WHITE FEMALE and PLAY MISTY FOR ME”. you dont know how many crazy Russian women he had dated. any bets on if Naomi will make it to the alter? all of her other millionaires wised up and dumped her.

  27. 1st of all this is not the 1st time white and black have gotten together. She has money used to a lavish lifestyle. What about princess Diana and Charles? What was her occupation before? I doubt she was a millionaire. When another color likes a black woman openly it is all negative. Too each his own. Best of luck to them. He could have went with the old “lighter is better” but he likes a dark skinned black woman that says a lot!

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