Josh Howard National Anthem Diss Video:Josh Howard Star-Spangled Banner Drama

Josh Howard National Anthem Diss Video:Josh Howard Star-Spangled Banner Drama

Josh Howard National Anthem Diss Video:Josh Howard Star-Spangled Banner Drama – Dallas Mavericks forward Josh Howard is in trouble again.This time,he dissed the national anthem at Allen Iverson’s Celebrity Flag Football game.On a recently leaked video,Josh Howard can be heard saying,the following:

“‘The Star-Spangled Banner’ is going on. I don’t celebrate this [expletive]. I’m black.”

Mavericks owner Mark Cuban,said the team would address this incident at training camp:

“That said, we will be going through some advanced communication skill sessions together this training camp.””I have explained to him that cell phone cameras are not your friend and that what you think you said on camera is never what people will hear when it shows up on YouTube or TV.”

Josh Howard got arrested back in July and was charged with speeding (94 mph in a 55 mph zone), careless and reckless driving, and speed competition in North Carolina.He has to appear in court on Sept. 23.You can watch the video below.

Josh Howard National Anthem Diss Video:Josh Howard Star-Spangled Banner Drama

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. FUCK the star-spangled banner! Who cares if somebody doesn’t feel like singing a stupid fucking song about one of the most corrupt countries in the world! Yeah, let’s all stand up and sing a song that was originally a pub drinking song that just got some new, patriotic lyrics–fuck that stupid shit! ANyway, what a great country, “founded” by a bunch of power-hungry white people, shit, more like STOLEN by a bunch of power-hungry white people! This country belonged to the Native Americans, the REAL original Americans, then was fucking STOLEN, made into a corrupt-ass government that felt it was okay to go to another country and trap a bunch of innocent people and bring them to be slaves–oh, but let’s all stand and sing the stupid fucking pub song, cuz it’s about our flag; FUCK the star-spangled banner! And FUCK all the power-hungry greedy-ass white men who run this country that does not even belong to their asses in the first place!!!

  2. Hey everyone. I would like to apologize for that post I made. I was wrong. I am going to leave the country and move to Iran in a self imposed exile for the vile things I said about the USA. I have also denounced my homosexual life style and will stop smoking crack everyday (at least to start with). If I ever come back it will be a long time. Good bye all and hope your not mad at me.

    p.s. I also have stopped cussing like an ignorant racist person as you can tell.

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