Chris Rock Blasts Bill Clinton On David Letterman Show

Chris Rock Blasts Bill Clinton On David Letterman Show

Chris Rock Blasts Bill Clinton On David Letterman ShowChris Rock and Bill Clinton were both guests of the David Letterman show last night.Chris Rock called out Bill Clinton for not fully endorsing Barack Obama.Chris Rock said of Clinton’s performance:

“Is it me, or he [Clinton] didn’t want to say the name Barack Obama? He did not … He went through everything he could do … “Well like Hillary would want to do with the economy…” Hillary ain’t running. Hillary’s not running. What the hell?”

Some openly speculate that the Clintons want Obama to lose so that Hillary will have a better shot in 2012.You can watch the video after the jump.

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  1. I saw Chris Rock last night on the David Letterman Show. At first he came across solid, stating that President Clinton was very intelligent regarding his talk about complicated issues. I thought, however, when Mr. Rock dissed the former President when Clinton was speaking about his wife, he actually hurt the Obama campaign. I’m planning to vote for Obama though Chris Rock’s rude comments seemed disrespectful and crude toward a former president that served this country well. Of course, President Clinton would support his wife, yet he is out on the trail in support of Barack Obama as well. When President Clinton left the stage he left with the upswing that Obama will be and needs to be the next president of the United States. Unfortunately, Chris Rock, selfishly came in and took that momentum away. Chris, you don’t know when to “shut up.” You made a fool out of yourself, Chris, and you lost the good feeling in the audience. It was actually embarassing to watch. United we stand, divided we fall.

  2. I like Rock, but dude, you had to make an ass of yourself and bring up the criminial, Michael Vick. Bad analogy – hunting – isn’t illegal – killing dogs is – especially when these dogs are supposedly your fricking pets. I personally loathe hunting, but really, you seem to actually have pity with Vick – that was just absurd.

  3. cry a river, build a bridge and get over it losers. that’s the kind of ppl i can’t stand the one who have no sense of humor and can’t take jokes. and he had the audience laughing throughout.he hadn’t lost the good feeling in the audience. what’s ur guys problem of a few jokes? he’s a friggin COMEDIAN! what else is he supposed to do?i’ll admit he could have been a little more respective and mature. but for friggin mother of nature, GET A SENSE OF HUMOR! and i’m not gonna look at him any different than i usually do. so rock on mr.rock!

  4. Priss hit the nail on the head… the dude is a COMEDIAN!!! Just as you can’t expect a dog to be anymore than a dog, you can’t expect a comedian to be anything but what he is. It was FUNNY. Dang! Get your panties out of a bunch. Unlodge the pole from your a**.

  5. Thought Bill Clinton was great on Letterman Show , but Chris Rock wants everyone to fall over Obama always–so negative. I voted for Obama, but everyone does not owe him allegiance and should feel free to speak their own mind. (That’s why I switched to be an Independent now when I vote). I do have a mind of my own and no one Party, be it Democratic or Republican will get just a straight vote from me.

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