Russell Simmons On Not Dating Black Women

Russell Simmons On Not Dating Black Women – Russell Simmons did some blogging to ask people to leave him alone for dating non black women.He wrote:

I am of the view as a philanthropist and businessman that all press is good if it can help me as a brand or bring in more money to my five charities-especially in this time of economic crisis when every charity is struggling to keep afloat.However,I do find this blatent racism offensive. Just last week I was out with my friend Veronica Verikova and the next day had to read about “uncle Russell’s brand new blonde bust down”. She doesn’t deserve that, nobody does! And yes, it is offensive.Some people believe that if you date a person from another race you are somehow denying who you are. They believe that dating someone with a different skin color somehow makes you a self-hater, loathing that which makes you yourself. They believe that it’s an insult to your parents, ancestors, heritage and community. I find this view much more telling about the people who say this than about those who do find a physical, spiritual, mental and emotional connection with someone who looks different than themselves.

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  1. Damn. Still beating this dead horse, are we?
    If we’re supposed to get to the point where race “isn’t an issue” (like work, elections, etc), are we supposed to all of a sudden see that this guy is black, this guy is white, this girl is black, or this girl is white when it comes to dating?

    If people are expected to harbor racist views when it comes to dating, why should we be upset when it spills over into the workforce or somewhere else?

    If he’s finding a girl that is “best suited for the position” then I don’t think there is anything wrong with what he is doing. If he intentionally doesn’t even consider a black woman to date, then he deserves the blogging he gets AND MORE. Racism is racism. It’s not cool no matter where it occurs.

  2. It’s not so much about interracial dating. Black women see their Black men flocking to white women and other races. No other race is doing this but Black men. They have become a commodity…. a spectacle. If you love someone of another race then so be it. But Black men are embarrassing their race and they are doing it in front of the entire world. Why are Black men the only ones who seem infatuated with white women.

  3. He did not state why he dates outside of his race. I think he doesn’t want the public to really know why he doesn’t date black women. I think the truth would be too much for him to reveal to the public. Even though he is helping black communities he may think he would be too stereotyped as being part of that community if he were to date or marry a black woman. It is all about status in my opinion.

  4. I believe in all kinds of love. But what I do know that most white women would not be with you if you were not famous and rich. They are taught from birth to go after they type individuals. For those white women that are with the average, poor joe, then I believe it is, possibly, love. White women always have an agenda, mainly, about them. They will set you up and destroy you. People will not learn, so continue on Black men. Give it all away, and they will continue to reap the benefits of your hard work, while they find every kind of way to continually oppress you and your people. We are still slaves. Rich blacks you are just allowed to live on a better plantation that I.

  5. I can see why some brothers only date white women. Some of them are the kind of square dude that couldn’t attract a black woman if he bathed in negro pheromones from con­cen­trate. (Tiger Woods) Montel Williams fits into this cat­e­gory. I remem­ber when a black woman stood up while Montel was in the audi­ence tak­ing ques­tions and asked him why he never dated black women. After look­ing uncom­fort­able, he shrugged his shoul­ders and said that before he became famous, he could always get a date with a white woman, but couldn’t even BUY a date with a black woman. Now they all want to date him. WTF?!? Denis Rodman said the same thing.

    Some of them are so ugly (Lamar Odom, Lebron James, Denis Rodman- double whammy ) no decent black woman would have them if they were broke. Like Denis Rodman they prob­a­bly couldn’t get a date with a black woman in high­school their for­ma­tive years. But no mat­ter how geeky, straight lace, ugly, broke, stu­pid or oth­er­wise a hot mess they could always get a date with white women some of whom were fine. Russel Simmons looks like a toad, but I heard he has game and could always get women even before he got paid. I’m willing to bet his game always only worked on every woman but a black one.

    They’re just stick­ing with their bread and but­ter. The only rea­son any of you are com­plain­ing about it is because these men are suc­cess­ful. If a jet, pitch, and crispy broke-ologist brother were stand­ing at the bus stop with a vanilla woman and five cap­puc­cino babies, you’d all be say­ing good rid­dance to his decrepit, dilap­i­dated, des­ti­tute black ass.

    I’m a brother that loves all women. I take ‘em 18 to 50, white, yel­low, red, brown, and crispy. Out of my two best girl­friends one was Asian and the other was so black at sun­set she turned invis­i­ble and at day­break you couldn’t tell her from my shadow. I loved them both. Too bad it didn’t work out.

  6. I read that you got some (if’s) yourself brother…I can understand the start at age 18, but why you stopping at 50? Women of (all) & (every) are still rocking it (whatever IT is) after 50 as well…Don’t short sheet us! lol

  7. Hey Russ,

    If you date everything other than your own kind, you DO have an issue with your own kind period. It’s basic psychology….don’t believe me, look it up. Now, if one happens to find love of the opposite race that’s one thing. However, Russell you do not seem to be looking for the black female. We are everywhere. Your preference is non-black and that is all I want you to do is acknowledge this and stop acting like black women suffered a severe brain injury after being hit by a semi-truck when we point this out to you. It’s perplexing how you “do not discriminate” in your dating colors from the crayon box however you clearly do not like the black crayon as you never pick it! So, take your enlightened, yoga, vegan eating public denial and shove it up your McAss!

  8. Russell Simmons is a lying toad. While he has no problem exploiting black culture, which includes black women, and selling them high interest debit cards and his pathetic brand, he has no real value for them as a potential mate. Dr. Alvin Pouissaint, famous psychologist, stated in1991in Jet Magazine that any man who consistently dates and mates outside of his race suffers from an inferiority complex. These famous negro men who were nurtured and singlehandedly reared by their black mothers have always valued women other than black women. They were brainwashed during their childhood and never learned to value themselves or anyone who is a mirror reflection of them and they certainly don’t want children who look like them. When white men date outside of their race, they do not condemn the women who gave them life. Negro men are self hating and there’s nothing a black woman can do for them but rear them and turn them over to white, asian, latino, other, etc. women, whom they value.

  9. You are so right! Black women should not wait for the “right Black man”. Black women should date other races as well. There are so many handsome, self- sufficient races of men out there. I am so sick of the Black man’s oppression cry. The truth of the matter is the Black oppresses himself. All Black men aren’t pathetic, self loathing, unstructured individuals, but too many of them are.

  10. @Linda Smith. Thanks for your enlightened comment. I could not agree more. Gonna follow up and read the article.

  11. I think that some of the problem is that black men have a self esteem problem. They hate themselves because the way they have been treated by white men.

    I think it is true that alot of them date white women because they can’t get dates with black women or it is too difficult. I am a black woman and a lot of us can be difficult to date.

    And I agree it can be embarrasing for so many black men to date outside there race. However, Dr. King’s dream was for us to judge each other by the content of one’s character. So we need to get over it. Black men can date whoever they want. Maybe we need to start looking outside our race too instead of settling for worthless black men.

  12. I believe he chooses to date those other women because they won’t call him on his questionable lifestyle. They don’t care and a sista would have an issue with her mate being bisexual or gay. He knows it so stick with the Asian or White women who don’t care. He should just be true to himself and come out…

  13. As far as I’m concerned, there a some black men that other races can just have. Before he got married to Kimora, Russell bragged that he could take her meet royalty and also to the ghetto (not a direct quote). Judging by her tacky reality show, Kimora has no taste nor class.

    Even my Swedish wonder why black men (particularly athletes) consistently pursue them but not black women. I guess we’re good enough to raise them, but not good enough to date.

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