Whitney Houston Tells Rihanna Not To Take Chris Brown Back

Whitney Houston Tells Rihanna Not To Take Chris Brown Back

Whitney Houston Tells Rihanna Not To Take Chris Brown Back – Whitney Houston who was in an abusive relationship with ex-husband Bobby Brown is urging Rihanna not to take Chris Brown back after being assaulted by the star one day before the 51st Annual Grammy Awards.A friend of Rihanna said:

“When Whitney heard what had happened to Rihanna, she was close to tears. Right then she knew she had to contact her and urge her to get out of the relationship while she can. She made it clear that Rihanna should dump Chris.Don’t make the same mistakes I did.
Whitney told her, ‘Whenever you let your heart rule your head, you are bound to run into trouble.
Even after what Chris did to her, Rihanna is crazy about him. They have been talking and have agreed that once the legal problems are ironed out, they will be together.
They have vowed to meet at a secret rendezvous location outside of Los Angeles.”

Bobby Brown and Chris Brown are made for each other.

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. I think this is nuts!!!! These celebrities are role models and what kinda message is it sending to the kids that look up to them. Chris Brown has officially made it okay for men to abuse women and Riahana is giving off the impression that it is okay to allow these men to abuse us!!! I find this not only an outrage, but disappointing.

  2. whitney houston better take her crack head ass on someewhere how da hell she gonna tell that girl what to do..
    if you ask me fuck them to[whitney houston+rihanna]

  3. I think Whitney knows whats she’s talking about but she should ‘ve give the right example instead of opening her crack mouth now. She alread let a lot of wonen think that abuse is ok by going to the court with Bobby! She had to think about women who look(ed) up to her, like Rihanna. But on the other hand she’s also human and everybody needs to start think for thereselfs. I think Rihanna is making a big mistake by going back to Chris because he WILL abuse her again. I feel so sorry for her but also for him because he doesnt seem to be a bad man, i think he has a lots of issues and need help first before getting into a relationship again. We all need to wait and see how this crazy story with a lot untrue rumors end. Peace out!

  4. I’m sick of people refering to these so called celebrities as “role models”. I mean, Rihanna is only a baby; who is yet to realise that it takes much more than sexy looks in a man to be happy with him! Role Models my foot!! As for Chris, he is just carrying on his brother’s (Bobby Brown) legacy. Ride on!!!

  5. I know you are not talking as much as you went crawling back to Bobby Brown …Rhianna is a grown woman and i think she is older enough to make her own desecion she didnt tell you what to do wen you was wit bobby brown so you cant tell a grown woman what to do with her life. I hope you enjoy reading this whitney huston ………. So mind your own business and worry about you and your man………………………..

  6. First of all Rihanna is a grown women if she want to take him back that her. Shit they could get you from bobby brown… She may had that same love you had for bobby… Everybody not perfect so don’t make it like he the only one out there messing up. From my poknt of view they made a cute couple.. If she want him back that her she got to live wit it not us.. I wish yall the best luck… Rihanna if you want your man get him i know he sorry for wat he done to a pretty lady like you.. Everydoby need a second chances.. well i’m out love ya!!!!

  7. first of all whitney you need to get it togather before you tell anybody not to take they man back…. i love you whitney but come on you been back and forth to bobby so you don’t need to tell her not to take nobody back let her make her own discission and worry about rjay new girlfriend.. that’s why you mad, you want her to be lonely like you………

  8. i think if rihanna loves him as she said they must be together is true chris has makes a big mistake and it is not for that she will leave him and suffer with her love

  9. How dare you Whitney to make a comment like this. You need to stay out the media comments at least 5 plus years or better. Remember YOU were a FOOL for YOURS and suddenly you are together. WORK on YOU, YOU need alot of more WORK on Ms. Whitney. Wow, How soon we forget! I haven’t and so does everybody else.

  10. how rihanna gonna listen to whitney of all people, whitney let bobby beat and hit on her over and over again,he even got her hooked on drugs. i think whitney needs to keep her comments to herself.

  11. i fell that no one knows what truly happened except the both of them nd people need to stop trying to predict the incident if he truly did hit her for her to go back that shows weaknesss within her swelf nd for him to hit her it shows weaknesss withing his self however they are both great artist nd i don’;t no the true story so alll i do no is that i enjoy both of their music nd as for booobby nd whitney they may have been in an abusive realationship but people treat him with kindnesss when it was easily shown that he was abusive not meaning in the physical tense but mental. in adddition the advice that was givin from whitney was great an absolute . however it up tto the beholder to take advantage of such advice. nd as for c&r what is done is done nd alll that can happen know is that everyone tries to change their actions in a poditive way.

  12. nd i would greatly like if people stop
    disrespecting whitney she has been there before nd she understands the things that make women wghanbt to stay in an a busive realationship but one thing that weak women dont understand is that a person that treates yew crul nd with hatreted is not a loving person nd i feeel as if whitney sharfed her opion because she is telling rhiannnah that she wishes she could of had the strength back then to overcome her fear nd leave . And i fell that if rhiannnah alllows her self to get back into a realationship with an abusive man who may or may not have previously hit her she should not be suprised about the end result that may come. however many people make mistakes but i feeel that why did rhiannah report the abuse just to take him back . in addition forgivness is the key . nd its perfectly find for her to forgive but she never has to forget but yet realize however ily chris nd i hope that you learn from your mistakes nd stay positive nd as for rhiannah i wish yew the best of luck nd i hope that yew understand my thought in adddition i lovve yew both thats the end ahhah

  13. We should learn from others mistakes. I will not judge Whitney, Bobby, Rihanna or Chris. I know people can change and agree you must love yourself enough to admit you have a problem. Next, seek help and work on being a better person. The truth has a way of coming out and you can’t continue to make the same mistakes. I only know one perfect man who died for all of us. I look up to my parents not celebrities. One must realize tomorrow is not promised and we should always treat others as you expect to be treated. Love peace and happiness!

  14. Jesus CHRIST!!! Some of the comments made here are loveless, since WHEN did chris brown OFFICIALLY make it kool to hit womem, isn’t that a bit much? Some of our hell-has-no-fury-like-a-woman-scorned-people really need to stop this stuff. I’ll bet everyone woman or man that had shit done to them either thought or did wrong, some happen by devine intervention for people to give message of love, not hate. After all what did Jesus pray for those that BEAT-HIS-ASS!!! Did he want vengence or LOVE for them? Now I LOVE whitney, and NONE of God’s people have CRACK’S IN THEIR HEAD!!! You’d better be careful HOW you see God’s people. I have a question for all these so-called lovers of people…Women, when your standing outside a stor window shopping and see a dress, car or something YOU want(as window shopping is shopping without MONEY)and you get it…did the money get it OR the way you thought and felt about what you want get it. You see, things you got in life is because of how you felt and what you thought at the time of wanting it, the money played a very little part as it’s OUR THOUGHTS that make these things come true. PLESE be MINDFUL that as a MAN/WOMAN thinks…SO IT IS!!! Now is GOD right? Or YOU! Men, if you take a trip to china never having been there before, and you get off the plane and someone kicks you in the head, is it his fault or yours? Now Do we believe it’s crazy people in the world…isn’t it crazy that someone kicks you eventhough you’ve never been there? Well it’s quite possible that your BELIEFE in crazy people is the reason you were kicked in the 1’st place. People we use our minds to think and believe all sorts of things, when we get good things it’s US that made it happen, but when we get bad things it ALL someone elses fault. Becareful what WE use OUR MINDS to think as we make things happen by OUR BELIEFS and THOUGHTS more than ANYTHING ELSE. People when asked about marriage today will USUALLY give you a statement about divorce within the same statement while ONLY being asked about MARRIAGE!!! WE plan our divorce as we plan our marriages, think NOT? Check it out for yourselves, and if God says the outter reflects the inner, why is it your reward when something good happens to us but we take NO responsibility when something bad happens to WHO??? US!!! I’m sure God dislikes when we can be responsible for only the good and it’s NEVER OUR FAULT when shit happens to the same person…US!!!

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