Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Adopting

Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Adopting

Mariah Carey And Nick Cannon Adopting – Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon who have been struggling to start a family have decided to adopt a baby girl from the US or from Africa.The duo concluded that adopting would be a good option after several false alarms and more than a year of trying unsuccessfully to conceive.A friend of the couple told GLOBE:

“One recent night, Mariah woke up sobbing to Nick that she was so sorry she couldn’t give him a baby. He was angel. He held her and promised they’d get through this together.She feels like she’s been hit by a truck. The bottom line is that she can’t handle the emotional trauma of any more false starts.After seeing her dream of motherhood crumble, Mariah and Nick agreed to adopt.Nick told Mariah, ‘You’ll be a terrific mom. There are plenty of kids who need homes and we’ve got so much love to give. And who knows? Anything can happen. Maybe we’ll get lucky someday and have one of our own.”

Here are few pics of the two going to dinner in L.A.last night.

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This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. She looks like she’s gone back to the early 90’s. Her get-up reminds me of her first couple videos. With the curly hair and black dress.

  2. Wow maybe they’ll get “lucky and have one of their own” So what will their adopted child become after they get luck?? A mistake, a stand-in until the “real” child came along. People with this attitude shouldn’t be allowed to adopt since it’s just a second rate option for them. Use your vast amount of money on invitro Mariah, don’t bring an innocent adopted child into your home.

  3. Elaine you sound stupid, people adopt and have their own kids too. Look at Brad and Angilina, Madonna and so many others.

  4. So many kids need good homes. Mr & Mrs Cannon appear to be fun and loving–what every child needs. Just hope they don’t let external pressures push them to making a life time committment.

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