Why Did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Why Did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize?

Why Did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize? – The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded on Friday to President Barack Obama and the world has one question.Why did Obama win the Nobel Peace Prize? The Norweigan Nobel Committee answered the question by saying for :

“his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

But most of Obama’s supporters who were happily shocked he had won the prize so early in his presidency will say he won thanks to his promises towards a better world and they hope he will take the necessary actions to keep his words.Here is what the president said in his acceptance speech:

I am both surprised and deeply humbled by the decision of the Nobel Committee. Let me be clear: I do not view it as a recognition of my own accomplishments, but rather as an affirmation of American leadership on behalf of aspirations held by people in all nations.
To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who’ve been honored by this prize — men and women who’ve inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace.

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This Post Has 14 Comments

  1. The underlying cause of the current economic misery is the excessively high oil price .Responsible for hiking it up are mainly two countries: Saudia and Norway.
    If genuine betterment is ever to come the President of the USA might have to take some “real action” unlikelly to go down well with the usurers.
    This is simply an effort to buy him off in advance. he should have declined the price.

  2. Way to Go President Obama, May the Lord continue to show forth his favor and blessings on and through your life and time serving the United States of America. Your so deserving of the Noble Peace Price. Haters don’t hate celebrate……..

  3. well i hope obama can deliver on what he said , at least %10 of it cause i know he wont on all of it.. Im black and i support Obama but i just want to see rather than hear.. So we will see in another 4 years.. Time tells it all….

  4. Will someone please tell me what are the requirements to get a Noble Peace Award, also what is the time frame to get one?

  5. I believe that President obama is an honorable man and while I still have
    some questions about him, I can honestly say that he didnot deserve the
    Nobel Peace Prize. There are far more people who have worked really hard in
    this country in trying to bring about world peace. It’s like becoming a new employee on a job. You don’t walk into a company and become the employee of
    the year. This is something that has to be earned. We all know that President Obama has not truly earned this. For some unknown reasons it has been given
    to him.You have to prove your yourself to win such a prize. He has only been in
    office for nine and a half months.Is it because he is saying what people want to
    hear? I think that he should do the honorable thing and relinguish it.By the way
    this has nothing to do with race. I happen to be a black southerner.

  6. YAY OBAMA SKIIIIIIIIIP ALL YOU HATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Ref Nevia & Adam: Also to be a week tardy turning in your paperwork!

    NOBAMA has taken this country into unheard of debt, and hopes to go further, by offering people money without long term quality programs to get this paid back. When our tax dollars go to pay bonuses to those who couldn’t do their job to begin with amazes me.

    Furthermore, since Willie signed the NAFTA treaty that took manufacturing jobs out of this country, we have gone downhill. After roads are built, where are the jobs coming from then? More Stimulus money??

    Where are we going to find a country willing to loan us more money since China has indicated they are through loaning fund, especially when the President ticks off world leaders with his antics?

    Those who think he is doing alright, I hope you’re ready for unbelievable taxes in the future to pay for all this including inappropriate socialist health care.

  8. Maybe the next Peace Prize winner will say that he/she will PROMISE to do something also, like kick Obama out of Office.

  9. to adam; bush was in office 8 years and did less for america than obama did in those 12 days.why should bush care, the family fortune was made off of oil and slavery

  10. So obama won the peace prize then sent in more troops to afghanistan. Way to go. Promote peace through war and violence. What a joke the nobel prize means nothing now and everyone who won it in the past has been spit on.

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