Rihanna On 20/20 ABC:Rihanna 20/20 Interview

Rihanna On 20/20 ABC

Rihanna On 20/20 ABC:Rihanna 20/20 Interview – Where is Rihanna from? How old is Rihanna? How tall is Rihanna? These are the questions on everybody’s mind after the singer appeared on ABC’s 20/20 this evening, to talk about being beaten by Chris Brown.Robyn Rihanna Fenty aka Rihanna was born February 20, 1988 in Saint Michael, Barbados,but moved to the United States at the age of 16 to become a singer.Brown released the following statement before the interview even aired:

“While I respect Rihanna’s right to discuss the specific events of February 8, I maintain my position that all of the details should remain a private matter between us. I do appreciate her support and wish her the best. I am extremely sorry for what I did, and I accept accountability for my actions. At this point, I am taking the proper steps to learn about me and grow from my mistakes. I only hope that others in similar situations can learn from our experience as well. Abuse of any kind is always wrong. The rest I leave it to God.”

What are your thoughts on 20 20 Rihanna Interview?

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This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. I feel Rihanna should keep her buisness to herself. I feel now she’s looking for the spot light to create a buzz. I don’t feel it’s right to hit a woman but at the same time this 20/20 interview looks more like I’m a victim buy my albums. She’s trying to destroy his career cause of the text. Woman are vindictive and get away with it and they know that, pure evil.

  2. the interview with rhianna was the most honest interview i have ever heard. good for diane sawyer for letting rhianna talk, not interrupt her. good for rhianna for being so honest, she will do more for the education about abuse than anything thing i have seen or heard before. rhianna, stay honest, this will be your greatest achievement.

  3. Rihanna is not ony extremely talented but she has shown herself to be courageous in every way, she took her time to think things over and give her best friend ‘boyfriend’ a chance to get through his court hearing because she really cared for him……then she realized that the one most important thing to do was tell all the girls in the world that it IS wrong to take abuse and that there is a way out and that is to EXIT the relationship. This is the right example to give and these two young individuals will learn and grow up to be two strong and talented individuals. Chris Brown must though keep his word and follow what the courts want for him to heal from past abuse. He’s got to do what it takes to show that he really means it when he says ‘i’m really sorry i did that, and i will never do that again’. Whats in God’s hands is the fact that God will give him strength to never repeat that same mistake so long as Chris Brown is honest. As for Rihanna she already has God’s strength!

  4. Heartfelt and honest. You could feel her confusion in the interview. Having been a victim of domestic abuse, I know how love CAN be blind, I know how hard it is to make that break, I know even after the break how you can second guess your choice to leave. I pray she sticks to her decision. Learn and move on and Chris Brown should do the same.

  5. rihanna i got love for u girl but i think ur confuse u knw how caribbean girls get wen they upset n lets not forget u were angry cause of the other girl I think u lashed over at him n gave him a few while he around the wheel HELLO!!! U BOTH CUD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY HURT or others had u gotten into a car crash wen all tha drama cud have waited until u both reach home n talk about it I dont recall anyone talking about that and sweetie u say u want women to relate to this dont get me wrong ,some r gonna relate, but all those grown women and teenage girls talking bout u should not talk to him let me tell u some of them getten their beating and not letting people know keeoing it to themselves Im proud of u for standing up

  6. To Bless on November 7th…..your perception of things is distorted and wrong……Rihanna’s records will sell either way…..she did everything right…she was a victim of abuse…and she decided that even though she cared deeply for Chris Brown, the world should know that abuse is wrong and that those who are in it should run and EXIT from that relationship……she took her time and gave Chris Brown a chance to have the least harm done from the courts and then she decided to speak to the world about how wrong domestic Abuse is…..Rihanna spoke perfectly well in the interview…..i commend her and all the young girls should look up to her….Diane Sawyer did a fantastic job at allowing Rihanna the chance to think and say her words perfectly right…..Rihanna left nothing out…she said it all and it was a very honest and from the heart.

  7. Re Re i feel you girl. You are so human i cant even beleive you are a celebrity. This happen to women all over the world and i really understand your feelings. I love to see you and Cris together but its reality an i hope he will learn from this.

  8. Bless, thank-you for amazing me with your IGNORANT comment. That is the best one I’ve heard in a while. I love how you stated that she should keep her business to herself and how Chris Brown released the statement say that “details should remain a private matter between us”. Because certainly Brown did just that; he didn’t write an apology song, he didn’t tweet about it on his twitter page and he didn’t go on Larry King live to discuss the matter. Oh wait, he did. That certainly seems like he wants to keep it a private matter. Rihanna is also evil for speaking out because she is “playing” the victim card because she needs it to sell her albums and she is doing it because she realizes she is a not role model for millions of girls and women that are in the same situation and that she will not be able to make a difference and save a life. What were you thinking Rihanna?
    **for those who don’t fully understand sarcasm, above was a prime example**

  9. Rihanna……millions of people out there are veerrryyy proud of you….you are an inspiration to all the young girls out there!!!!! Congratulations on being an extremely intelligent, talented and beautiful young lady!!! You have touched me in the way you have dealt with this and have spoken sooo honestly about it all!!!

  10. i believe that yall should give rihanna crdit for actually speaking out. some of us out here actually whant to know how she felt because rebembner chriss is not the only victims her in fact he is not the victim. for a woman to go puplic about this must be extremly hard.

    her fans want to know her emotions.
    yals her trina juge ehra nd what not but i don’t see anyone telling chriss anything about the incident so y should she keep iquiet.
    if rihanna should keep it private so should chris.

  11. I think that Chris& Rihanna were too young to be in that type of relationship. He had the big head andso did Rhianna.

  12. I will be supporting chris his music is the best, but with her ?? she is using guns and stuff i wont be supporting this girl and she knows she is not innocent.

  13. Rihanna, unacceptable behavior is always unacceptable. We live what we learn as children.

    I was in my 30’s before I obtained the help I needed. I was in an abusive behavior. It did not start that way. He treated me like a queen at first. Slowly things changed. Eventually, all my friends fell by the way side, so I held on to him. I did not know it, but when I was not with him, he would hit my youngest son. He did not tell me because he thought I was happy (I guess because I stayed with him).

    After awhile I suffered from severe headaches that made it impossible for me to think to work. I ended up in the hospital. It was decided that I was depressed. I was given a great counselor. My children told him that my youngest son was being hit. They told their father, and made him promise not to tell me.

    I almost lost custody of my children. I knew that I had to get away from him, so I paid for him an apartment. He came to my house one day when I was not there, and he spanked my son. My son moved, and he left a whelp on his leg. When I found out, I went to him. I told him that if he ever touched my child again, I would make him regret it.

    The DHS became involved. When I told her what happened, and what I did they did nothing to me. I continued to see him for another year after that. I never understood women that stayed with men like that.

    I grew up in a home where unacceptable behavior was acceptable. I learned poor coping skills that worked in that situation, but sucked for adult life. When my father drank, my mother taught me he was ill. He was a wonderful man when he was sober, but when he drank he was not a nice person. He was a binger, so I was able to love my sober father, and realize that he was ill when he was drunk. My mother never allowed hitting of us, but bad things were said at times, abusive language.

    My mother loved him dearly when he was sober, but not drunk. He was sober for 7 years at one time, and it was bliss for her; as well as, all of his children. He was an amazing man, as was my mother. But, what I learned in that home was not healthy.

    The man that abused me, and my son, was an alcoholic as well. We tend to go toward the type of man our father was unless we get help.

    The man quit drinking, and after he was out of my house I continued to see him. I saw him without my children around. He still was abusive. He dissociated, just as you described Chris. He was not himself. At times I would wake up to him hitting me, he would run off; and then later come back as if nothing happened.

    The counselor that I saw encouraged me to get help through Alanon Family Groups. I went, and eventually went to a facility that helps family members of alcoholics. Alcoholism and abuse are a family disease. The cycle has to be broken to get better. New, healthier coping skills need to be learned, or the craziness continues.

    Changing is not easy. When he became sober, I thought my prince would return. That was not the case. He was sick in other ways. I loved him, but to love him was unhealthy for him and my boys. Eventually, I was able to shake him. I had to realize that I am worthy of much more.

    He was my best friend as well, but only on his terms. His terms involved unacceptable behavior. I learned in that facility that unacceptable behavior is always unacceptable. I also had to learn how to love myself enough to get away from him. He had me convinced somehow that he was my last hope for a relationship. What crap.

    A year after I finally was able to get away from him I was still recovering the pain that relationship brought me. I did a lot of work through Alanon Family Groups to get past that pain. I did not wish bad things for him, but I also knew I could never be with him again.

    When I found out he had hurt my child, I was heartbroken. I taught my children some things that were unhealthy staying with someone who hurt me when I did not know he had hurt my child. Even if a man does not hurt the children, the children hurt because they don’t like witnessing their mother being hurt.

    Even when I continued to see him after he became sober without my children around, it was not healthy for them to know this. We have to break the cycle.

    You lived with abuse in your family and he did as well. You accepted unacceptable behavior because that is what you learned as a child. You may not go back with him, but you will gravitate toward the same type of man unless you get help. Studies show evidence of this. He may not be an alcoholic, but he has a problem anyway.

    When the man I was with quit drinking he still hit. After he did not have me and my son to hit, he hit his daughter. There is never a good reason for violence in relationships. Abuse is abuse. It is a family disease, just like alcoholism; and until you change your coping skills you will either go back with him, or you will end up with someone else with these types if problems. Even if you were not letting go of the argument does not mean that you asked for it. There is never a good reason to hit a woman.

    I always wondered why women stayed in these types of relationships until it happened to me. Sometimes they stay because they are afraid to leave. I stayed because I had no one else, or I thought I did not. All of my friends disappeared because they could not stand watching it. Who could blame them.

    I think I was waiting for my prince to return. I thought without alcohol, it would end; but I was very wrong. A friend told me, “He is a very sick man, it is not just alcohol.”

    I knew he had come from an abusive home, and I made excuses for him as a result. This is not a good excuse for unacceptable behavior. I learned that unacceptable behavior is always unacceptable.

    I fought back when it happened when I was awake. This was a wrong message as well. Yes fighting back is good to some extent. We should protect ourselves, but the ultimate way to protect ourselves is by not staying, and getting help to break the chain of the family diseases. There is an answer, and not getting help is not the answer. You learned poor coping skills as well, and until you get help it will happened again, with him or someone else. It does not just magically disappear.

    I have siblings that think they have no problems from how we grew up. My earliest memories in life are fear and confusion. This is not good. A child of 4 or 5 years old should not know this type of fear. I am sure you experienced it as well.

    Learning new coping skills helps us learn how to take care of ourselves, love ourselves enough to learn to forgive, but still take care of ourselves.

    A woman told me, “Once, twice shame on you, thrice shame on me. Just because I forgive someone does not mean that I have to allow them to do it to me again.”

    Like you, I wish good things for him, but I wish it for him away from me. In fact, he asked me to forgive him. I did, but that did not mean that I should spend time with him. I loved him very much. I loved the man he was when I met him, but not the man he became. I pray that he has found peace. From what I understand, he married twice since I was with him.

    As a result of learning new coping skills, I was able to realize that I will always be attracted to alcoholics. I am married to one now. He does not abuse me, and has been sober for 20 years. He still is a very active member in Alcoholics Anonymous. He says someone was there for him when he needed help, and he is going to be there for those who need help.

    In Alanon Family Groups we use the AA book as well. Where it says alcohol, we replace it with “people, places, and situations.” The book gives us a healthy outline for life.

    Only about 30-40% of alcoholics/alanons are able to work this simple program because it is hard to look at oneself. My husband works hard at it, just as I do. We are not joined at the hip, we have our own lives. We are much like toddlers at parallel play. We each have a toy (our things in life that define us, and many people make the mistake of giving up out of the name of love/changing to make them happy. This is what made them attracted to us to begin with), we play with our toy side by side. Sometimes we play with our toys together, and sometimes we even trade toys.

    After finding a God of my own understanding that loves me has been lifesaving. I went to church all my life, and I had a distorted belief of who God is. Today I know he loves me, and I am worthy. I did not know this before. Today, God is everything good I am capable of being. I don’t have to be perfect to be worthy. I can strive for perfection, but it is unattainable. It is the human condition.

    You can heal from this, but it is not easy to look at oneself, and be willing to change. To be open to become a whole person without someone else. A relationship that makes me complete, means that I was lacking; and is probably doomed.

    I wish you the best, as I do Chris. However, I would not take him back unless he receives help, and I suggest you receive it as well. Our family of origin can make a difference whether we make healthy choices and life; and examining this is sooo worthwhile. I knew very little joy in life before I learned to become the person I can love, which means I love myself enough not to accept unacceptable behavior in my life. I pray that you get help, and Chris does as well. Godspeed

  14. Those of you who decide who is good, and who is right because of their music are not realizing that they are just people with a talent. They are just as human as anyone else. Things happen, and they have problems just like everyone else. We should not judge unless we walk in their shoes.

    At least Rihanna is realizing that she is a role model for other young people, obviously due to the comments I have read here. Someone can have great music, and still be in sick relationships, and have serious problems.

    Even the King of Rock and Roll had serious personal problems. It did not make him any less talented.

  15. Instead of judging Chris Brown,we should also ask what was her part in this situation. I was in a similar situation and im fully aware that yes a man should not hit a woman, but depending on the woman she may have also caused physical pain as well. Although my ex was 6ft and im 5’3 i would find things to fight back with. I feel that what she stated on the interview was not completely true. I feel that Rhihanna is not a role model for young girls, she on one hand make Chris Brown go through the system, just to continue seeing him on the side. I wish society would not immediately judge the man right away search for the complete story before making a decision about who someone is !

    I wish covergirl would stop having her in thier commericals. Any items that she sponsors i will have no part of. There are several woman who feel the same.

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