Kat Stacks Drama

Kat Stacks Drama – Kat Stacks is the so-called next “Superhead” and this groupie has been revealing her promiscuous deeds with celebrities via the internet.
In her recent “infamous groupie chronicles,” Stacks, real name Andrea Herrera, is calling out every single male rapper of Young Money in retaliation for allegedly hacking her Twitter account – while blasting their personal phone numbers online for millions of viewers to hear in a YouTube video. According to NecoleBitchie.com, the shenanigans may be coming to a screeching halt. Stacks supposedly stopped cooperating with a guy who was acting as her “manager” on Twitter that had set up a few interviews in New York, including Angela Yee’s lip service. He had high hopes of Stacks reaching Superhead’s level of success but he won’t see those plans into fruition, unless of course, they get on one accord before Child Protective Services takes her down.

The mom of one may eventually be out of commission if Child Protective Services can prove negligence on her part towards her son. The rapper magnet is accusing the Young Money crew for reporting her to CPS, and blew up about it in a series of tweets on her Twitter page recently.
“Social Services just left my house cause a Rapper reported me. They saw I’m a good mother & they investigated my condo. Sorry hater,” she tweeted. “You guys wanna be evil? Now I’m coming even harder. I love my son to death, I give him everything. So your hater attempt failed.
“I live in a 3 bedroom condo & my son has his own beautifully furnished room. He has everything, unlike the Young Money roommates,” she continued. “I seriously can’t believe they went that far. First they hacked my Twitter & now they had Social Services at my door. Anyways, I’m pissed right now. You don’t play with somebody’s innocent child.”
While Kat Stacks claims Child Protective Services left her home without her son in hand; we’re sure the investigation is still wide open as they will likely further look into her Twitter account, various online and offline activities, among other things.
If she manages to ride out her 15 minutes of fame, it’s rumored the “gangsta groupie” has a book deal in the works. Stay tuned as more drama unfold.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. kissing and telling will get you no where. you will be known for the rest of your
    life as a loser looking to get money from sugar daddy. you admitted to it yourself .
    who cares if a celebrity wanted sex? they are human. they are not perfect. just like everyone else. and yes, some do drugs. did they murder someone…no.

    you will be living under a bridge in no time soon.

  2. She does not articulate herself very well. Im so annoyed about all these “exposed” stories about sleeping with celebrities and bragging about sleeping with the entire crew and writing a book about it. It really makes me cringe to think that even though shes exposing you, you still decide to sleep with her..disguisting..but if thats how she decides to get her money then do what you do because its obvious that the rappers just wont learn

  3. what a piece of trash. Child Protection Services should take away her kid. She has no source of income other than shady illegal activities. Being a parent is a privilege not a right.

  4. I just heard about her for the 1st time yesterday and how she tried to expose Soulja Boy as a coke head. After doing some reading and video watching, to me she’s nothing more than a childish slut. From the people Kat “allegedly” slept with is nothing at all compared to Superhead and that’s nothing to brag about either. I didn’t like nor was keen about someone coming out with a book talking about who banged them, etc. If you want to brag about something brag about something that’s meaningful and beneficial. What she’s doing is no different than some chick going on Muary Povich to do a paternity test for the 3rd to find out who’s the baby’s daddy.

  5. Kat your nothin but a groupie wit a big mouth sweety!! Im sure othas know bout ya “Big Mouth” more than othaz..hmm..Ya need to just b a woman and keep ya legs and mouth closed..No one likes A Road Runner of the mouth..And i heard bout u talkin trash bout my girl Summer!! Watch it Kat, dont cross ya boundaries,and get ya self screwed in the end!!

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