Kwame Kilpatrick Latest News: Sentenced To Prison

kwame kilpatrick latest news,

Kwame Kilpatrick Latest News: Sentenced To Prison – Former Detroit mayor, Kwame Kilpatrick has been sentenced to five years in prison, as of Tuesday. The sentence comes after Kilpatrick had violated the terms of his 2008 probation. He was originally convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice. Kilpatrick, who is 39, allegedly attempted to hide a number of assets and was not completely truthful with the court regarding his finances. It was found that Kilpatrick owed the city of Detroit nearly $1 million in restitution.
“Your continued attempt to cast yourself as the victim, your lack of forthrightness, your lack of contriteness, and your lack of humility only serve to affirm you have not learned your lesson. Clearly rehabilitation has failed,” the judge told Kilpatrick in court.

The prosecutors had been asking for substantially less time, and many in the court room were shocked when the five year sentence was handed down to Kilpatrick. Kilpatrick had resigned as mayor of the city in 2008, and would go on to spend four months in jail during that time. He was also forced to surrender his law license. His largest offense, in the eyes of the law was that he had lied under oath while in the court room, and had tried to claim that the charges that had been brought against him were racially motivated.

Judge Groner went on to say that Kilpatrick had nearly committed perjury again in 2009, when he said that the terms of his probation were unfair, and claimed that his net income on a monthly basis was only $6. This was proven to be untrue, as he had also received a $240,000 loan and a $50,000 gift from several Detroit businesses.

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This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Sorry Keisha……Kwame got what he deserved. This guy just doesn’t and will never get it. His arrogance and total disrespect for the court system and all the people of Detroit finally caught up with him.

  2. As an African American, I beleive the sentence Kwame Kilpatrick received was fair and appropriate. His lack of humility is outlandish. I dare he beleive he can steal tax payers money and only pay back forty thousands of a million dollar debt, then go buy himself a million dollar home in Texas and get his wife fifteen thousand dollars worth of plastic surgery and buy a new truck “a cadillac at that.” As African American we can’t always use the “Race Card” it’s about doing what we know is right “period.”

    I served 21 years in the Marine Corps and I always told my African American troops, don’t blame it on “The Man” blame it on yourself “The Man” laws and by-laws are clear, but you just choose not to adhere to “The Man” rules and regulations, so therefore “The Man” must deal with you. Now here’s the real kicker, guess what my African sisters and brothers, sometimes “The Man” in the Marine Corps had nappy hair and brown eyes just like you and I.

    So I ask you again is it all about race “No” it’s all about “A Man” (Mr. Kilpatrick) who feels that he is above the law, “A Boy” who tried to wear a mans pants. Every man; black, white, hispantic or Asian knows that he has to take responsibility or accountability for his actions and conduct, but a boy blames it on “The Man”.

  3. Good. When will elected officials get off their soap boxes and realize they work for us, and not the other way around? Kwame is just another poor example of leadership in action. He is an embarrassment to the city of Detroit and anyone with any integrity. The people who are in support of him have extremely low standards. Wake up!! Vote wisely!

  4. the sentence was fine. what do you expect when you lie, cheat, and steal? do you think anyone else would have been able to get away with what he pulled? no. would any regular citizen get loans and gifts to bail us out? no. he lived the high life for how many years off of the city and you think 5 years is too harsh? what planet are you from? what about the dead stripper coverup? why has that still not come to light? how would you like to be her family and not get any justice for this long? who wants to bet, after five years (or less if his pockets are stll deeper than he admits) he writes a book or God forbid, tries to run for mayor again. how many idiots out there would buy his book? oh wait, I’ll bet many of you can’t even read. “don’t be dissin’ Kwame, he be our hero!”

  5. How about this for a similarity? Kwame is a real life penguin (from batman returns).

    “You gotta admit, I’ve played this city like a harp from Hell!”

    “Just relax. I’ll take care of the squealing, wretched, pinhead puppets of Gotham! (Detroit)”

    remake him as penguin, put it in the box office, use what would be his profits to pay back the city. problem (almost) solved.

  6. Kwame is a hot mess!!! Why didn’t his wife or family tell him to do the right thing and pay the City of Detroit!!!! Kwame didn’t have the right people around him!!!! It’s so sad that he was the Mayor of the “D” and he didn’t understand that there is consequences for his “DUMB” actions!!!!!!!!

  7. I think that the punishment was too harsh. It is all about politics. I know what he did was wrong but 5 years? He should have to pay restitution and maybe get one year. It is all about politics. Ask yourself this? Would a white man get the same punishment. Watch them put a white man in the mayors seat. They were investigating him from the time he was elected. What he did was definitely wrong. But I believe that the punishment is way too harsh.

  8. I just hate that as an african american many times we cannot be trusted in a position of trust. I think that he is a total embarrassment not only to blacks but to fathers, husband, lawyers, and human beings in general. He lived a lavish lifestyle at the expense of the city and its poor taxpayers. He and his wife felt that they were above reproach. Well to him and his corruption I say good riddens! I think that it is time for people to start paying for their deliberate actions that they committ against others. This man is right where he beongs.

  9. first of all, was that real time, the video? the judge continued reading the sentence and the guard had already cuffed him? that seemed somewhat odd as well as kilpatrick’s annoyance with the guy cuffing him. seems like a bit of tension was happening during that scene. well, i had no idea that kilpatrick was a trained lawyer too??? he deserves every second of those five years…his biggest crime is the cheating on his wife and family…he thought he was above the law and untouchable and look where that got him…things fell apart…turning and turning in the widening gyre. the falcon could not hear the falconer! imagine! i have no sympathy for his behind…a disgrace to say the least…when we as african americans reach that high, we have a duty to perform right for the people…he went out like a wet puppy from that court room.

  10. to brianne henninger. give me a break! cut the crap with if this was a white man thing! if this was a white man he would have been fried to a crisp! a white man can’t even use the race card! and i was married to an african american and my son is half. big deal, your white. your just trying to show the world your sorry for the horrible things that have been done to blacks! what have you really done, if anything for black folks? you are an idiot! kwami used everyone and cares only about himself. he has embarrased his race and the city of detroit to no end you cant see past your nose can you. pore little white girl. get real. people get thrown in jail for 2 yrs sometimes for just driving on a suspended license! use your head! its about time a decent judge stood up to corruption in this town!

  11. by the way what is a whit woman? brianne, i’m not trying to be to harsh on you but in my experience with racial issues in the last 27 years being related to a black family i can honestly tell you that i can see when race is an issue. in this case it is a simple copout. this had to be done. believe me if he was white he would not have just been slapped on the wrist. now adays our society is tuffer on corrupt white leaders then ever in the history of this nation. kwami could have told the truth from the beginning and just gotten that slap on the wrist but he thought he could make a mockery of the system and beat it. this man thought wrong and his color made no difference. last time i checked detroit was 70 to 80 % black, like my marine friend said, sometimes the man is black. ( i was army but i’ll let it slide jarhead!) just kidding! god bless you all and understand that its getting close to the day where we don’t need the race card anymore. i’v seen huge changes in people in the last 27 years that i have been keeping track. things are improving.

  12. Brianne??? For real? Why are you commenting on something if you have no idea what you’re saying? He was given the chance to pay the restitution and he was also originally sentenced to only 4 months jail! Did you not read the article on which you are commenting on??? It even says what he was originally sentenced!
    Quote “It was found that Kilpatrick owed the city of Detroit nearly $1 million in restitution.”
    Quote “Kilpatrick had resigned as mayor of the city in 2008, and would go on to spend four months in jail during that time.”

    He got what he deserved, no questions asked. Do the crime, you get the time. Race has nothing to do with it…

  13. I am visiting from Oakland to the D. I will be here until Saturday. I honestly feel bad for his mother, The Honorable Congresswoman Kilpatrick who lost her seat because of this fool. Kwame had the balls to show up the Congressional Black Caucus last year. I felt so bad for his mother. I do not know how the man looks at himself? But I will agree with Brianne on the fact that white officials, when they do things, they only get a “slap on the hand”..One word that argues this….”BLAKO” of Illinois. What he did is almost as bad as Kwame..selling the President’s Senate Seat to the highest bidder…SMDH!

  14. Raped and Pillaged the City.
    He is not the first ones but he thought as others had as others had before him that he could not be caught and that he was above the Law.

    ever since the Ottawa, Detroit has been under siege.
    the citizens are not represented by politicians only made to be sheep to the slaughter.

    Detroit has become a Psychological experiment in how far a citiy can fall and still consider itself a city at all.
    The blind eyes of the elected officials has made Detroit a third world country within a country.

    Kwame Kilpatrick just didn’t pay his tribute to the right organization

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