50 Cent Floyd Mayweather Joint Album?

50 Cent Floyd Mayweather Joint Album? – In an unexpected twist, 50 Cent and Floyd Mayweather have decided to work on a joint rap album, in an effort to pay homage to each other. Mayweather has been known to rap before, but teaming up with 50 Cent sounds more like a gimmick than a real attempt to put together a solid album. They have been friends for quite some time, and the album is the next step toward furthering their friendship. They hope they will be finished with the album by the time Mayweather and Pacquiao are able to box one another in the ring.

“We’ll probably launch it in the heat of the next bout’, Fifty told MTV. ‘It’ll probably be the biggest fight in the history of the sport. It’ll bring in a truck load of money.”

They have yet to name the album, but said that the album will feature some very aggressive music that will also feature verses from a number of different artists. The collaboration may seem to come out of no where to fans, but friends of the two of them have known that this was a possibility for quite some time.
50 Cent is currently in the process of recording his own solo album, reportedly titled “Black Magic,” which is an album that will be inspired by some of the music that he heard while he was touring overseas and will reportedly have a sound that is different from any of his albums that he has released so far. His last album was certified gold, meaning that it sold more than 500,000 units.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. I alway like Fifty’s music. I think DrDre is prolly the greatest producers of all time.
    Why would he roll wit such a b*tch crew?

    Mayweather’s such a coward, and has been such a disappointment to his fans. When the competition gets tough, he can’t compete. He doesn’t even try. He just throws out foolish accusations like a fed, so he don’t have to.

    I’m so disappointed in him, i can’t even bring myself to check his skills on the mic. I hope Fif don’t have to much invested in this album.

  2. mayweather need to pull 50’s d*ck out his a$$ n’ quit bein’ a b*tch.

    …As boxing fan, that is.

    …As a human, i can appreciate what they’ve found in each other, and their courageous life choices. Good for them.

  3. 50 cent, Good luck to you . You a becoming a good actor. keep up the good work.
    From one who loves your music. window shopper. (smile)

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