Gabourey Sidibe Bobbi Brown Makeup Collection Deal?

Gabourey Sidibe Bobbi Brown Makeup Collection Deal? – Gabourey Sidibe could have a makeup collection in the works. Without too many offers for starring roles in movies rolling in, it is apparent that she will be looking to expand to other industries to capitalize on the fame that she garnered when she starred in “Previous.”

She was able to land a role in “The Big C” on Showtime. She has reportedly been in the offices of Bobbi Brown, who had done the actress’s makeup for the Golden Globe’s. It would not be surprising at all if the two of them were to team up and create a makeup line for “real looking” women who do not look like stick thin models. Sidibe has received a lot of criticism for her weight, but the truth of the matter is that a lot of women can relate to the way that she looks.

“There’s not one model in the book. The girl on the cover was a waitress in our town. A lot of the girls are friends’ daughters and I had a high school kid last year, so a lot of his friends were in it. I had three boys, but I watched these girls grow up from the time they were 3 years old, some of them,” Brown said, furthering speculation that Sidibe could potentially be helping Brown to create a line.

It is nice to see that she is capitalizing on her fame and using it to further other ventures. It will be interesting to see who they market the line of makeup toward.

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Good for you girl! I think you are beautiful, you have a beautiful heart and it shows in your character as a beautiful black women. I admire you truly because you have the courage to do what you’re doing. May Jehovah and our Lord Jesus Christ continue to bless you. I Love you!

  2. Ms. Sidibe is evermore a beautiful example of the “real” American woman. It has little to do with the cosmetics, although they do enhance her beauty. Her facial expression exudes happiness and joy, of which we all need daily and often.

    But, let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that many of us can’t relate to issues about self image. Whenever we are dissatisfied with our appearance, all we have to do is decide to change it, plan the work to make the change, and then work the plan. If change is necessary for health reasons, find additional support. Otherwise, beauty is only in the eyes of the one who sees it. Work it, Miss S!

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