Don Lemon:Was A Victim Of A Pedophile As A Kid – Bishop Eddie Long Scandal Aftermath

Don Lemon:Was a Victim of a Pedophile As a Kid – Bishop Eddie Long Scandal Aftermath – While covering the biggest news story to hit the black community since the Chris Brown scandal Don Lemon revealed something very private to his viewers.

During a conversation with few of Bishop Eddie Long’s supporters the CNN anchor admitted on air for the very first time that he was sexually abused by a pedophile as a kid.

The journalist said:

“I have never admitted this on television.I am a victim of a pedophile when I was a kid. Someone who was much older than me.I have never admitted that on television. I didn’t tell my mom that until I was 30 years old.”

We can clearly see that it was a tough decision to talk about something so painful and so personal -but we can only hope that his confession will help others who may have been through the same predicament.

During the segment something interesting popped up- why are all of the Christians praying for Bishop Eddie Long and leaving out the four male teenage members of his church who may have been taken advantage of?
Did it ever occur to Eddie Long’s church members that there is a tiny possibility that he might have done the things he is accused of just like the thousands of catholic priests who have slept with little boys?

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  1. Discernment – CHURCH – Discernment

    What signs did we miss here?

    Let’s start with HOOPING. Do you think Jesus hooped? He was a quiet, peaceful, HUMBLE man. The son of God, yet He let Himself be hung on a cross for all of our sins, when He had every power to just – get down. He was about His Father’s business. He didn’t speak loudly in a practiced rhythmed cadence to entertain people, He just quietly spoke the word, truth.

    The SHOW. Do you think He couldn’t have gotten a few guys to carry Him around on an elevated matt to show his superiority ( Bentley), worn robs of fine cloth with emblems saying JESUS – SON OF GOD on them, had the finest gold from all the earth hanging off of him? Jesus did nothing to outwardly show people who He was, the Son of God. He was humble, unconcerned with the temporal, focused on healing the sick and the hurting, not his ostentatious home, over the top car, designer wardrobe, or wowing his Kingdom.

    Whether Eddie Long through cohesion molested young boys or not, this church should have used discernment to see their pastor was not focused on the things of God. Don’t give me that his outwardly shows of wealth were just to show God will abundantly bless you. Yes, God will abundantly bless us and He expects us to be good stewards of our money. Spending money excessively on temporal items is not what He had in mind. The “Church” should have noticed the pride on this man. It came though the door 10 minutes before he did. The physical appearance, the obsession with the perfect male body ( narcissism), the trappings of extreme wealth, the wearing of the robes to draw attention to himself, the goofy hair, the loud over the top voice, all of these things scream low-self esteem that manifests itself in false pride. It’s huge on this man……………..Church…..discernement!

    I live in North Atlanta and never have attended this man’s church although I have watched him preach on TV several times. The things above are what struck me most, not the word coming out of his mouth, it was blurred by the pride the oozed from him. I had been told years ago that he “preferred men”, was discusted by it, but never gave it much thought. He was not someone who I sensed any sincerity about the Word of God from, so his actions meant nothing to me. Whether it is true or not is between him and God. If it involves children, that is a different story. Just because the state of Georgia says 16 is an age of consent, doesn’t make it right, it is wrong. These are still CHILDREN and these young boys will be scarred for life if this is true. I do agree what is hidden in the dark will come into the light. Let’s see what happens. One allegation could be suspect, but 4?

    As I read though here and see the “Church” say we are under attack and this is the enemy it makes my skin crawl. The only way the devil can get to us is though an OPEN DOOR. What are they being taught at New Birth? Are they learning the actual Word and true spiritual warfare, or just throwing around scriptures where they think it fits?

    Most likely the majority of the members of New Birth are going to be behind Long for several reasons. One, they have no discernment. Two, they have put all their faith in this MAN instead of God, so his fall makes them question God’s existence, truth. Three, it’s a black thing, ya’ll know what I mean. It is a tight knit group that will not admit failure on any level because it takes away from our heritage. OJ didn’t kill his wife, because he was black, Obama for president, soley on the fact that he is black. It validates our personal existence. I know, the truth is harsh, but it is the truth. The CHURCH should be about the people of God, not about skin color or heritage. The heritage should be about being the children of God, period.

    Church, are you there to belong to an exclusive club, there because it is primarily a black church, there because the pastor is so charismatic, because there are many singles and your looking for a mate, what is your reason? Do you know that in an anointed church where the Pastor is truly a man of God, the anointing lies at the head. How are you going to get to the head in times of need if you are one of 25k people? Discernment. Ask God about this.

    In all of this my personal disappointment comes from Bernice King. I have watched and listened to that woman preach. She is truly an anointed Saint who has been given much in wisdom, spiritual gifts, heritage. I’m so saddened that she is apart of this ministry.

    Being a Christian is not easy, of course, neither was hanging off the cross. It is a daily decision to follow God. To pray, to study, to yield. We are in the end times. I seriously don’t know how the church is all going to come together, but God does. We ALL need to focus on Him, pray for discernment. He called us ALL for reason. Step away from yourself and seek Him.

  2. There is no one that is perfect and is without Sin, For we were all born in Sin and shaped in Iniquity. All things happen for a reason and nothing can happen before the time. There are too much Judges on this earth who Judge people, but look at yourself before judging others. Whether or not it happen God is in control Pray for one another and don’t judge each other, for judgment belongs to God and God alone. That’s why we fall short short is life because We make other peoples business Our own. ”If my people who are call by me name will Humble themselves and Pray, Seek my face and Turn from their Wicked ways, Then will I hear from Heaven Forgive their sins and I (the lord) WILL HEAL THEIR LAND..

  3. Mr. Jackson I am deeply grateful for the “WISDOM” you expressed. Finally, someone who echoed my “VERY” SAME EXACT THOUGHTS. The “CHURCH” as in the “BODY OF CHRIST” MUST AWAKEN OUT OF OUR STUPOR”. We are all to be held “ACCOUNTABLE” for our “DEEDS” and not feign “IGNORANCE”.. We are quick to remind others that we are to be “FORGIVEN” NO MATTER WHAT, AND THIS IS TRUE”. However, we seem to totally disregard the Scripture regarding the LAWS OF RECIPROCITY. For “WHATSOEVER A MAN SOWETH, THAT SHALL HE ALSO REAP”, AND JUDGEMENT MUST FIRST START AT THE HOUSE OF GOD! I personally have a problem with an entire church not being able to “DISCERN” THAT SOMETHING IS NOT QUITE RIGHT! Especially as a “CHILD OF GOD” WITH THE SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD LIVING ON THE INSIDE OF YOU, BUT YOU CAN’T DISCERN THAT SOMETHING IS WRONG HERE. I have watched this man on television, and I never could quite put my finger on exactly what it was about him that just did not quite seem TRANSPARENT.

  4. Discernment is key!! But if you have a pastor who teaches carnality,…what more are you going to get out of the followers?..He dresses in tight shirts on the pullpit,..he takes his 16 yr old daughter to an Usher concert, and brags about it to his congregation. He allows T.I to preach at his church??!!! What the heck can T.I say to the body of christ but that he’s a sinner and need to be saved!…Please christian people don’t stay in that frame of mind…seek real teaching!!!

  5. Whether Bishop Long did or did not, HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN. Society is pushing it because it is a money maker. For example: His & His or Her & Her towel sets, etc. I truly believe the gay rights groups are behind it all. I wonder how much and how many gifts these young men are now receiving for their allegations? If Bishop Long can maintain a 25K congregation, just think of how many true believers of God that are in that 25K. So he must be preaching and teaching something right. New Birth, stand behind your Pastor no matter what.
    This is only a test for you all and not the Pastor. So pass the test. Love your Pastor more, pray for him more, encorage him more. Do what is expected of you as the children of God that you. Now is not the time to turn your back on him.
    Remember the last time you sinned.

  6. they aplauded him,praised him, screamed for him,played music for him,cried for him,standing ovations for him,and he never said a word….simular to a michale Jackson concert,guess what people, many of the members know this mans life style or at least suspected it,if u think u love the Lord listen to this scripture,because the spirit of the anti christ is one that deludes one to believe a lie rather than the truth..he been acused of homosexual acts with young men,If this is true,and it probably is, we need to pray he humble himself, and repent, in addition to this church, your applauds strengthens and encourages this spirit in the church, If this be true you help send him to Hell, and ur self, discernment is completly gone, Did u know the same spirit that is on this leader has partnered with this place of worship, its hiding in the atmosphere its not about judgeing,homosexuality is already judged have u forgotton,leviticus20:13 if a man lie with mankind as he lieth with a women,both have committed ABOMINATION surely they shall be put to DEATH,tired of hearing these carnal people saying, judge not, judge not,sin is judged whosoever was not found written in the lambs book of life was cast in the lake of fire,Even him whose comming is after the working of satan with all power, signs, lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they recieve not the Love of the Truth,that they might b saved,For this cause God shall send them strong Delusions that they should believe a lie, that they all might b damed who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness..2 thessalonians 2:9-12 I pray the Lord Hand shake you and wake u up…..PEACE…


  7. They aplauded him,Praised him, Screamed for him,Played music for him,Cried for him,Standing ovations for him,and he never said a word….simular to a michale Jackson concert,guess what people, many of the members know this mans life style or at least suspected it,if u think u love the Lord listen to this scripture,because the spirit of the anti christ is one that deludes one to believe a lie rather than the truth..he been acused of homosexual acts with young men,If this is true,and it probably is, we need to pray he humbles himself, and repents, in addition to this church, your applauds strengthens and encourages this spirit in the church, If this be true you help send him to Hell, and ur self also discernment is completly gone, Did u know the same spirit that is on this leader has partnered with this place of worship, its hiding in the atmosphere its not about judgeing,homosexuality is already judged have u forgotton,leviticus20:13 if a man lie with mankind as he lieth with a women,both have committed ABOMINATION surely they shall be put to DEATH,tired of hearing these carnal people saying, judge not, judge not,sin is judged already, whosoever was not found written in the lambs book of life was cast in the lake of fire,Even him whose comming is after the working of satan with all power, signs, lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish because they recieve not the Love of the Truth,that they might b saved,For this cause God shall send them strong Delusions that they should believe a lie, that they all might b damed who believe not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness..2 thessalonians 2:9-12 SCARY I pray the Lord Hand shake you and wake u up..b4 its 2 late… theHOLYGHOST………..


  8. bishop long is a man in the flesh….he is a man of God in the spirit….he is forgiven by God if he is guilty and repented we have no heaven or hell to send him to..our position is to pray for all involved…quit embracing negativity…stop waiting for our leaders to fall…if they do help them up dust the dirt from their backside then encourage them to get right……our errors do not remove our gift of salvation from us…we backslide ..sin ….but our heavenly father awaits our return to our sanity and Him i do not condone sin…we all daily commit sin if we are truthful to evil look or words not spoken in love is a sin because it is not the character of let us pray and seek the words of understanding and forgiveness in our hearts judging is the Lord”s…..pray pastor longs church members not forget that it is about serving the Lord,learning the word so as they can become disciples for Jesus…stay focused on the will of God their lives pastor long delivers the word of God…we are all sinners trying to walk in the will of God for our lives….we have no time for distractions..regardless to what is going on around us …..give God the praise and glory for second chances(many of have passed second already myself included…lets keep everyone especially for our leaders lifted up in prayer

  9. Mr. Jackson, I do appreciate your intelligent comments and have the same sentiment, especially about discernment. Pray for discernment, people.
    But here are a few of my own thoughts. You are right–self esteem lack speaks out in this issue.

    OK, Bishop, BIshop, Bishop (as you are called). YOU must have been molested or coerced as a young man. I hate to think your mentor, Paulk , may have done this to you at the same age or better as you are right now. YOU were probably the same age as they are now. You have been hiding a secret, got caught up in the money and fame and power and just seduced those who loved you most.
    YOU cheated on your wife and kids with these kids. Making them think “they were your special ones”. Now they sound like scorned lovers. They found out they were not the only other woman/lover. They still love you, but want you to pay. YOUR ministers are also involved, especially that MOMAN man who owned the house that one of the boys stayed in. The others who the cars belonged/registered to, those ministers were probably involved, too. ALL YOU need JESUS. PAY FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP!!!! If you like men, don’t put your wife through more scrutiny.
    PEOPLE STOP putting these MEN over GOD!!!! GOD is who you need to worship, not “Pastor” or should I say “Passa”, as many church folk say. Respect him, listen to the WORD, if it is really the word, but never worship men. I have barely heard the word GOD in any sentence. It is all about him, Eddie Long.
    MEN sin. YOU sin. WE sin. There is no perfect man. Even so, EDDIE LONG was wrong. HE did something. IN his statement, he came and said “I have never said I was a perfect man” –CLUE #1. Clue #2, he stopped supporting Jammal’s family. Did you hear the young man say something like, he stopped supporting our families, etc…after he didn’t need us or the use of us anymore??? Come on, He was lovers with a few of them. I don’t believe they were molested or total victims. They feel bad now because FLESH and MATERIAL things ruled them so hard that they were willing to sell their bodies for all of these trips, jewelry and money. They did not realize what they were doing. Clue # 3- The young man said he cried over and over on the rides home and spoke of cologne. Clue # 4-THE DARNED WIG. Come on now Eddie. Take it OFF. Clue #5- Eddie kept wearing his little brother’s shirts. After a while after he got his body in shape, it was no longer cute. At first, it’s an old man thinking he is hip. He kept wearing them. Signs of a gay man. The cars were not that great(Malibu, old Mustang and Intrepid), but they were transportation to youngsters. Clue #6- The photos with the boys, especially one of them. On one, they look like a “couple”. Why didn’t he protect himself and take one of his own kids with him on these trips? Why didn’t he take his wife?? Then he would not be accused.
    His wife may have known he had those struggles, but man…I know she never thought she would be humiliated like this. His kids, I feel for.
    He could have been having flashbacks from his youth and someone doing this to him. So over and over, as he plays this in his mind, he acts it out on the kids and like an abusive husband, (or wife-these days), he buys gifts for unspoken apologies to them.
    HE SHOULD APOLOGIZE to all of them and pay out of his OWN pocket, for professional help for these men, himself and his family! Now, if they( young men filing suits) are not careful, and don’t get help, they will coerce other men or have sex with them and other men and not even know if they are straight or gay cuz you have turned them out. Let the vicious circle stop here. YOU have been turned out, now turning others out. Maybe you thought it was love cuz someone said that to you. REPENT, PRAY & Ask GOD to help you, too.
    Be blessed and listen to GOD and not MONEY!!1
    YES YOU did alot for the community, but now what have you done for it now?
    ONE mistake should not count out the good that one does, but this mistake was over and over. ANd if you “came to yourself, as the prodigal son did”, then good, but YOU NEED JESUS. FORGIVE and LOVE YOURSELF first. APOLOGIZE and beg your wife’s forgiveness and your kids and grands, if you have any.

  10. I meant to say beg GOD’s forgiveness first, then your wife and kids and family’s. GOD always comes first. Sorry.

  11. Very Well spoken Mr. Jackson and soooooo true, my very thoughts exactly. There is a true “Church” and you definitely are part of it.

  12. Latalane, Kay Kay, & All,
    Thank you for all the nice comments. It makes my heart feel good to hear other Christians speak who truly are seeking the Lord. Blessings All!

  13. thank u mr. johnson a copy shoud be sent to all church and pastors around the world God gAve that to you

  14. First , Eddie Long congregation members need to stop trying to save him because he is in the wrong. I truly am proud of the 4 young men. They are speaking up against whats wrong even if that means going against a man and his 25k + congregation. Eddie Long is a HYPOCRITE !

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