Eddie Long Faith Not Damaged By Church Sex Abuse SCANDAL

Eddie Long Faith Not Damaged By Church Sex Abuse SCANDAL – With Bishop Eddie Long’s name always in the news, some have wondered if the constant scrutiny has damaged his faith. Even though the anti-gay pastor has now been implicated in relationships with several young boys, he has vowed that it has not damaged his faith and that he will continue to preach despite the allegations. Long said that his faith has helped him make it through the recent allegations.

So far, four men have come forward claiming to have had a relationship with long, who has denied these reports. All of them claim that he used trips and money to lure them into a relationship that they did not want to be in. One man alleges that Long fed him sleeping pills in order to sexually abuse him.

Long has remained fairly quiet about the investigation, most likely as per request of his law team. As a prominent pastor, everything that he says is made public and it is probably best for him if he does not comment on it.

Long has received support from members of his church that has spoken out against gay marriage. His ministry is offering counseling to cure homosexuals, and the allegations seem to go against everything that he has preached throughout his time with the church.

It will be interesting to see how things turn out for Long. During a recent sermon he claimed that he has no hatred for those that have made the claims against him, and said the he will continue to pray for them.

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This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. This sh*t is crazy for a man who speaks so much of our precious GOD, who is claiming to be one man but is another man behind closed doors,,, OMG what is goin on in the world today what is happing to these most respected men in our country … All i am saying is WOW

  2. first of all this man is a sissy just look at him i beleive rape everyone of those boys and black people so stupid as to stick with this child rape and miss their head up he need to be hog tied and beat this old sissy should be ashamed of himself i believe those boys he rape them because they look up to him what young man what to put themselve outhere like that he should step down and keep god name out of his sinful mouth…shame on you eddie long shame on you for raping those kids and now you think you have got away with it the bible, shame on you gay old, sissy ugly nigger.

  3. Bishop Eddie Long must have received his Title under the table.
    He must have paid off of the books to get it.
    What eyes were people looking with when they gave called him Bishop.
    He is what he is a gay man and not bi sexual there is a difference
    between the to. He must have fooled his first and his second wife
    or maybe they just like the money that came in from his hustling
    the members of the Church which he does well. He can charm a snake
    he can speak and fool the public he never had me fooled.
    From day one when i saw him performing in the first Church in the
    early eighties i knew what he was about. A Street corner hustler
    I am from New York it is hard to fool a New Yorker.,i never joined his Church
    And nothing belongs to any of us we are borrowing time and space
    life and breath and material things. We were born with nothing and we will
    take nothing with with us when God takes us home..

  4. Honestly, they way things look it does not look good at all for Bishop. But on the other hand I’m sitting back and waiting till its all over before I make any accusations to say that he is guilty! If its true then he need to really serve some prison time for it. But allow the accusers to prove that it is true. Because I’m a Minister and I’ve been through some spiritual attacks by my Mother and all that I was doing was giving God my all as far as service. So I say all that to say that the devil is very tricky, again if he guilty their will be evidence and God will make sure he gets caught. I’m not taking up for him or anything like that I just want everybody to allow it to play all out before they say he is guilty.

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