Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Pastor Prophet H. Walker Wants Him Out

Bishop Eddie Long Scandal: Pastor Prophet H. Walker Wants Him Out – The pastor of a small South Carolina church (True Light Pentecost Church in Spartanburg) named Bishop Prophet H. Walker has called for Bishop Eddie Long to stand down, and he is hoping others will follow his lead. Despite the allegations cast against the Bishop, many of his fellow pastors are staying loyal to the religious figure.

However, the allegations couldn’t be more serious, even more so considering his position as a trusted member of the church. The anti-gay activist is facing allegations that he seduced four young men. It is reported that Long lured four young men by buying them gifts such as cars, expensive trips, and jewelry, in return for sex.

It has also been reported that Long justified his actions with the four young men with the Holy Scripture. According to sources, Long first made the four young men ‘Spiritual Sons’. However, what people didn’t realize is that being a son would involve an abusive relationship, not only emotionally, but also physically. However, there have been many questions raised about the truth in these allegations. As mentioned above, many people are still standing by Bishop Long, despite what could have happened.

There have also been questions raised over why these four young men have only now decided to report these claims. Given the seriousness of the situation, it is no surprise that someone who has had to deal with something like this would not want to tell anyone. The case will continue, and it is not clear whether or not Bishop Eddie Long will stand down or not.

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  1. I am a Christian woman deeply devoted to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am in complete agreement with the Pastor in his calling Bishop Long to stand down. These allegations are herendous. It is a call to the entire body of Christ to stand up for what is right. If these allegations are indeed truth, Bishop Long not only must stand before the courts of earth, but will also have to answer to the ALMIGHTY. Using the position of Pastor and Sheperd to persuade young Christians to commit such acts is strictly forbidden and shows that the devil is at work on this earth, even within our churces. May God cleanse the Church and purge it of all evil. In Jesus name. Amen.

  2. I want to unite with my brothers and sisters in Christ in the calling of Bishop Long to step down. If the allegations against the Bishop are indeed true, these actions are sinful and he would have caused others to sin as well. The trauma Eddie Long has caused, if in fact he is guilty, reaches much farther than the state of Georgia and the Christians there. We are a united body whose head is Christ the Lord…and it is my prayer that if he is guilty that he be found guilty in the courts of earth as he will be in heaven when he faces God.

  3. i feel that as women and men of God we are called to interceed in prayer for our fellow brother in the Lord. Today him who will it be tomorrow, and if it’s you, you should want to have faith that someone is praying for you and not just judging you.

  4. Where is the New Birth Leadership? Too often especially in mega churches church boards and church councils are just figure heads. Hand picked yes men and women who do not uphold integrity. They literally agree to anything pastors want. It amazes me how intelligent people become stupid when it comes to pastors. Nowhere in Corporate America could a person keep reporting to work with the type of charges that Eddie Long is facing only in the church.

  5. PLEASE read your bible. The church is supposed to judge these types of issues. Paul even turned people over to the devil for the destruction of the flesh. Situations like this is what the prayer of agreement in Matthew was really for. The only criteria is to use RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENT.

  6. I sympathize with Bishop Long but feel that he should proceed on ‘Administrative leave’ to allow the Ministry the space that it needs to breathe, until this court matter is concluded.
    If he is blameless, bless God. If he is culpable, then the law takes its course and may he find mercy with the Lord.
    It certainly is curious that all his accusers would take action simultaneously, as if to suggest that they are acting in concert; or is it simply coincidence. Time will tell.

  7. I do think the Bishop Eddie Long should step down, if not forever at least until the allegations are all cleared up because people are not going to really be listening to him, there minds are going to be wondering throughout the service. God message will never met the people through him. I feel sorry for both parties because I know somewhere in this man’s heart, he really loves the the Lord but allowed the devil to come in. Sometimes it not good for some people to be rich in houses and land because some of us can’t handle it. It takes control over our live and makes us think that we can do whatever we want. I also feel sad for the young men abused in this situation because how will they ever trust again???
    and get over their feelings and aggavations. Lord help them all.

  8. There are no definitive answers, although one must admit that the narcissistic, thug-homo style pictures are difficult to explain. If the charges are true, then Eddie Long is clearly a hypocrite. If the charges are untrue, then Mr. Long is guilty of at least one thing; and that is he is a false teacher … an minister of darkness disguised as an angel of light ( 2 Cor. 11:1-15).

    Lastly, the “Prosperity Gospel” is false doctrine and really no Gospel at all. All those who subscribe and adhere to this erroneous teaching should carefully reconsider their positions on this issue.

  9. Bishop Long has taken a legal position by not stepping down. His attorneys have advised him not to speak to the media, Therefore, he is beibg very cautious. However, I truly believe that he needs some men and women of God to whom he can be accoutable. Those who will watch for his soul. Remember, “Let him who is spritual restore such a one.” Is he accountable to anyone? Or does he just do as he pleases? He needs a Nathan in his life like King David had. David was convicted to repent and the prophet Nathan was sent to him by the Lord. I pray that all parties involved are healed and restored.

  10. yes i agree bishop eddie long schould step down , and how come no one in new birth did anything to report this about eddie long , if god see this , he would not like it, i do belive that eddie long did this my only answer how did he come a bishop i guest money talk and people can not see through the eye of evil.

  11. Funny how these people who claim to be dedicated christians believe the crap about their body before anything is even found true.
    They say things like ‘if’ it’s true, then they harrang long not even knowing what is true. How can those men trust anymore, saying they ‘believe’ as though they knew or things like pastors doing whatever they want because of failed leadership when it’s likely they’ve never been leaders.
    The bible, not dumb religious people, says you don’t take a charge against elders based on the kind of evidence people are using to ‘judge’ lony on, which is allegations.
    To be clear to the religious ignorant, allegations in simple terms means ‘someone said’. If iwanted to defame you, all i have to do is tell a media aource, news channel, etc, that you stole from me even if i was lying, the news channel can report my ‘allegations’ and if you didn’t want to answer their questions, their report would say ‘you denied comment’ and the world would believe me before hearing a single word of truth.

    If the devil’s working, he’s working to divide the church through her inorance and sin nature of accusing their brethren before hearing any truth.

    This, after two thousand years plus, the church is still more like the devil than they are like God.

    Regardless of the outcome, the church’s responsibility is first to believe the best, hope for it then stand behind their brethren before condemning them on ‘he said, she said’ crap that they’re supposed to have outgrown since highschool. Wake up dummies and quit turning your backs on each other before even knowing anything.
    No wonder the church is so irrelevant, if she acts just like the negative thinking worldly people then what’s the purpose of the church if there’s no difference? No purpose at all.

    Even if i was wrong, i’d rather stand before God and tell Him, ‘at least i believed for him before i believed against him’.

    It is the same thing the religious people did to Jesus Christ. Regardless of what good He did, they heard the false allegations against Him and screamed for barrabas. That’s how much ignorant religious people change, they don’t.

    I hope long is innocent and this to be proven he is under fire from the devil who doesn’t need the world to help because the church is already writing him off.
    I would rather believe that long is doing something major for God and is now being attacked for it as it always has been since the beginning.

    Should he be innocent as i believe first, he should not give the devil satisfaction by backng off.

    After peter and his partner were beaten for preaching Jesus at the temple, when they got back to the other disciples and told them, they prayed for boldness, not to back down but to turn it up.

    Scandals, the fake ones are only attempts to break down the group in question, in this case, as is usually, its the church.

    If the man is guilty, let God handle His kids as only He knows, let the church forgive and if they were truly hurt by long, let them find comfort in other leaders they trust and let them stop supporting who they no longer believe.

    Beyond that, the church needs to believe the best first and let God vindicate and judge as he sees fit.

    While the bible is clear that judging is the church’s responsibility it is also clear its not to judge before she knows the truth. The premise of innocent until ‘proven’ guilty is biblically based and must be the premise the church adheres to, otherwise she is no different than the world.

  12. I sympathize with Bishop Long. I was a praise leader and got pregnant out of wedlock.. I don’t have a million dollar ministry but what I had was growing. I sang all the time. Now I don’t have anything left. I want to sing again. I am still blessed with 4 healthy children. I am praying fo a mate who can love me in spite of my past. I have been single 10 years. I don’t make excuses for what I did to get myself here, but we all have flaws, weaknesses, and areas of our lives that God is still perfecting.

  13. I hope that he is not guilty but beware of them. False Prophets that’s in the Land today because 99% of them are Homosexuals and they are everywhere! and many of them are like that because they worshipped the creatures more than the Creator. They are men pleasers. They are in my church and they are in your church and they love to please each other more than they please God and they have changed the truth of God into a lie, and they worshipped each other more than God so Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lust of their own hearts to dishonor their own bodies between themselves. The Power of God changed their nature over. You don’t play with God. He’s not to be played with. These False Prophets don’t know who they are messing with. Note: If you don’t do this thing right, it comes with a Curse and many False Prophets don’t know this. God put this Formula in the earth. Let them all go ahead and take the peoples money and buy cars and jets and big homes and what ever they want and they get rich and don’t use it for the work of the Lord. God got something in store for them. It’s called a Nature Change Over. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature and likewise also the men leaving the natural use of the women burned in their lust one toward another men with men working that which is unseemly and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet and God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient. You don’t mess OVER God and get away with it And it’s the worse Curse that there is on earth. Men with men, women with women…

  14. Only those of you without sin can cast a stone. If you are not a member of the church you are just a person with an irrelevant opinion. He’s our pastor…and we are the only ones who can call for him to step down. Those who are willing to believe allegations with no real evidence are the ones who never liked him in the first place. In your eyes he’s already guilty. Is that what you learned in your church, to be judgemental? Did you learn that a person is guilty as long as there is an allegation? Wow…let me know how that works out for you on judgement day.

  15. First why wait till now to speak up. Why accept the gifts? Fine its a traumatic experience. My view is simple why wait for him to be at his peak before speaking out. How many book deals have they been offered. That a man of God would do such if true is sad. The allegations alone are enough to ruin him. America just loves controversy and bigotry. When a Priest got MARRIED to another man, there wasn’t this much noise. The Anglican communion has been rent in two.

    Negro pastor is ACCUSED ONLY and the world is alight. America needs to stop this media culture where every person who is a victim of a high profile subject becomes a celebrity.

    He is innocent until proven guilty and God knows those who serve him. As for the pastor asking him to stand down. He has gotten his 15mins. He should tend his flock and grow it than complain about another sheperd.

  16. The Bible says, “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” I have read so many different articles on this situation and already Bishop Long has been tried and found guilty. What has happened to prayer? Both parties need as much prayer as possible but all people can do is sentence a man who has not even has his day in court yet. No matter what the final outcome, God is the Judge, Jury and Executioner!

    As far as not listening when Bishop Long is speaking and thinking of other things, I still watch Sunday morning services and Tuesday evening Empowerment services at New Birth over the Internet. Even though all of this has been going on, I still hear God speaking to me through the messages from Bishop Long. I don’t see or hear Bishop Long, God is Who is speaking directly to me and meeting me right where I am in my life.

  17. Judge not lest you be judged. In this time we as Christians are called to pray. I agree with Kam. It is not our place to ask Bishop Long to step down. it is God and his church family. My prayer is that God will show up in this situation and heal and restore peoples faith in the church and its leadership.

  18. I believe in the unyielding power of God. I believe in the saving grace of Jesus. I believe that we are in the End Times.

    What are the signs? Apostate priests bear false witness, false tidings, and false prophecy. False churches are raised in idolatrous image. Woe unto the church leader who drives a Bentley, for he has driven a bargain with Satan!

    In the case of Eddie Long, God calls us to recognize that our nation made a dreadful mistake 150 years ago. God had set a great natural order in our nation, and we destroyed it in the name of a false equality.

    If we had not done this, God’s Grace would shine on us today. The Eddie Longs of the world would not have been able to seize the pulpit. They would have been too busy elsewhere.

    CONSIDER THE WORD OF THE LORD: “When a man strikes his male or female slave with a rod so hard that the slave dies under his hand, he shall be punished. If, however, the slave survives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his own property.” Exodus 21:20-21 NAB


  19. I feel that the Bishop is guilty just listening to Pastor Meredith of Tabernacle Church in ATL he is calling him out. I feel there is some type of connection between them. Maybe they have been together and Pastor Meredith knows something that we don’t know. Homosexuality is a sin Pastor Meredith talks about how he came out within the last 2 years and is pastoring a gay church All of his straight members have left. FALSE PHROPHETS rising in the pulpit for fame ad fortune is WRONG. What has this world become? There are soooo many gay and lesbian individuals today. It’s not a secret anymore to be gay these people have gone full bloom. It’s too bad many young people are living this way. Even though Pastor Meredith has come out afer years of preaching against homosexuality he is still going against God’s will.

  20. Comit your way to the Lord, in all your way acknowledge him and her will bring it to pass. Don’t judge less he be judged. God know all things best. Preachers, leaders, teachers have a high accountability to God in the way they project, interpret and spread the word of God. Homosexuality in every for is wrong, and that is from the word of God. Let’s pray for Bishop Long and may God give him favor as he face these dreadful, scaring allegations.

  21. Comit your way to the Lord, in all your way acknowledge him and he will bring it to pass. Don’t judge less he be judged. God know all things best. Preachers, leaders, teachers have a high accountability to God in the way they project, interpret and spread the word of God. Homosexuality in every form is wrong, and that is from the word of God. Let’s pray for Bishop Long and may God give him favor as he face these dreadful, scaring allegations.

  22. I think we will all agree that the Bishop has not gone to trial yet. He has four accusers, which are probably telling the truth about him. It would be nice for him to step down while this investigation is ongoing.

    Homosexuality has been from biblical times to now and it will forever be. One must be careful about their stand from the pulpit about the issue. The other thing that one must remember, espcially preachers, that church and state does not mingle with their beliefs. The bible was written by man as well. There are things in the bible that are outdated and if occurring now, many of the people would be jailed or placed in mental institutions.

    Homosexuality is here forever whether the preacher speaks against it or not. We had better allow the homophobic Bishop Long to go to trial which I am hoping he does not. It will be worse than now. The whole church will be taken down the tube when it goes to trial and his family as well.

  23. Evangelist Butler, you could have saved your post. No one wants to be preached to about your hatred of homosexuality. That is what got Bishop Long the media attention the hatred talk like what you are posting.

    Chil Evangelist Butler, please chill, save that talk for yourself and your followers.

  24. It’s a sad day when praising the Lord equals too a servant being so brainwashed that they cannot see the TRUE LIGHT. And I think this is the case for the members that remain.
    PLEASE move forward with this protest, allowing this case to go quiet and the man to remain as Pastor will only empower him with the OK to do it again. What message are ppl sending to him that turning the cheek and looking the other way in the name of forgiveness is sending??
    Right now he is most dangerous to see and feel that his actions are upheld in the name of Christianity.

  25. He without sin, cast the first stone.
    As Christians, we must not let worldly systems dictate biblical decisions. Let’s not get caught up in th fanfare. I am praying that it isnt true. If it is, we as the church must be ready to restore such a one. We hate the sin but not the sinner. For God so loved the world that he gave his only son, that who believes should not die but have eternal life. Jesus always condems the act of man, but loves the man. When a sinful act is committed, the person must come clean and admit the sin. I am quite sure that Bishop Long has many preachers who are giving council. Let’s continue to pray for the men who came forth, Bishop Long and his family and the New Birth Church family that the work of the Kingdom continues along with healing.
    if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

  26. i would love to see all pastors and preachers step down from their religious pulpits and arrogance…and their religious followers with them.

  27. The gay movt is more powerful than many think. If you are against them, they will scheme ways to bring you down, they are anti-chrict and anti-god, evil and wicked. I wont be surprised if they are behind all these allegations. They now plant their agents in churches to bring downanointed men of God who preach aginst them.
    One thing I know is The God Almighty will vindicate Bishop Long, He will disappoint the devices of the crafty. Who dares to touch the anointed of the Lord. The Lord will arise and His enemies will scatter. We are in the end times, evil doers are worse but be assures the gates of hell shall not and will not prevail against the church. Halleluya.

  28. I state again. I am not a fan or supporter of Edddie Long. I have never met the man. It is sickening to hear and read statements made by so many so-called christians “He should step down” At the first sign of controversy christians punk out and bow down. To hell with that kind of christianity. If a man or woman is accused of any wrong; prove him/her guilty first!
    Now, if the person know he/she is guilty, then voluntarily step down. Don’t be arrogant and manipulative and try to hold on to the money and lifestyle. Do the right thing. We must realize we are living in times of great need and most people are subject to going against many principles just to make a living. People Lie!
    Lets make sure both accuser(s) and the accussed are closely observed and JUDGED by the wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God. He’s not a Jesus. However, Jesus was brought up on some lame charges too. He was murdered because of those charges.

  29. THE BISHOP TO STEP DOWN FOR WHAT? those people who accuse him have been causing havoc in their lives but never stepped down,leave the man alone,we are tired of satan breaking the church anytime h e wants,and those foolish christians who believe satan i feel sorry for you,DID YOU SEE HIM DO THAT TO THOSE BOYS? WERE YOU THERE? oh,wisen up!open your eyes and see satan is using divide and rule them,if satan can hit the head,the body will suffer,open your eyes!

  30. “Prophet” Walker wants “Bishop” Long to stand down? How about both of them “standing-down” on their self-glossed titles?

  31. I don’t know, Jesus said “he who is without sin cast the first stone”. you know, God got this, so wake up saints & be about our father’s business. Love God hate sin. I would say to the New Birth family : Love All – Worship One. And know, that’s God’s house. “JESUE IS THE ATTITUDE”

  32. Evangilest Butler, my Respect to you. Blasphemy is the worst sin in the eyes of God.
    I think Long should step down. Did he sin? We don’t know. It’s in Jah’s Hands. Being a Black person myself, is the reason I hope he didn’t do it and will not be found falsely accused.
    Eventho the media would question the reason why he steped down, it would be worse than to be falsely accused in the hands of imperfect man. So step down, even as an innocent man, and be falsely accused than to stay standing and be falsely accused. That will destroy that congregation. Again, I don’t know if Long sinned but I will feel very bad for his congregation.
    I can’t blame him because I am a sinful man who got caught breaking a forgivable, Cesar’s, law by speeding, but not Blasphamy which is unforgivable. Respect to you who read. Also to tired to correct every word. Doing this from iPhone(smile)

  33. Please Iet us realise wether Bishop Long is guilty or not. That should not be anybodies business. I bet 99% of us commenting on this issues are not even as close to God as we think and we think we can be comenting on what another person should do. Bishop Long has to answer to God and God alone. I live in london and to be honest I dont really care about this issue yes its frightening but im more concerned with being ready when christ comes back. People are quoting scriptures about what the bible says on sin. The heart of man is desperately wicked. so we are all evil and wicked let no man think he is better than Bishop long. The only way we are Righteouss is through Chrisst.

    Even if what is said about Bisop Long is true, theres no difference between what he is supposed to have done and a man that lies or has pride or hates
    his boss or even thinks about faunication or adultery, sin is sin peopele.

    Forget about this world we live in cause nothing will remain when christ comes back, the Job, The house, the cars, the friendships and family all gone. more over the bible says friendship with the world is enimity with God.

    The Church of christ is not shining like the bride cause of people like us. We sould be praying and fasting not watching the news and tv commenting on every scandal.

    I want to encourage everyone in the world to get right with Christ, die to the flesh and let his spirit live. Cause when he comes back……………… will we be ready

  34. I have never been a follower of Eddie Long, however we need to find something to do other than try to figure out if he should step down or not. Remember there by the grace of God go you or I; then if we are what we profess to be if we profess to be anything, and we know what it is to be that what we profess , would PRAY for the body of Christ, then pray for the persons affected by this situations, pray for the world that Gods word will be received when it goes forward, pray for ourselves that he keeps our mind stayed on him. No one is God but God so let’s not judge but be what he has called us to be.

    PS: to the Sister(praise leader) find a ministry that will restore you. The Gifts and call of God is without repentance that to say God is not sorry for the gift he gave you. Go to God then be restored. Sorry I can’t get the dust out your eye; I’m too busy dealing with the stone in mine. Be blessed in the lord!

  35. It appears this controversy is about to send the church on a gay ”witch-hunt”. I have no respect for church folk that don’t have faith in their profession of faith or maybe they simply have forgotten. Did not Jesus say regarding HIS church that ” the gates of hell will not prevail against it” ?. So first of all, be at peace and calm your fears. Secondly, do not start hating on homosexuals. Many of you have homosexual friends and family members, and you know them to be upright decent people who would never do the things Eddie Long has been accused of. I chose to leave off the title bishop, because I have yet to understand how these men have been given power to establish themselves as bishops,,,,it appears to be about how many thousands of people are in your church and how much money is in your coffers. It is not homosexuals in the pulpit deceiving church folk…it is us allowing ourselves to be blinded by the allure of material gain..this is nothing new…the Social Darwinism movement of the early 20th century ”survival of the fittest” in the economic sense which touted men like the Dale Carnegie appeals to these ”bling bling” mega church pastors, and that philosophy has been ressurrected into religious doctrine to suggest that if you lack material wealth, your life as a christian will be less appealing to unbelievers…this is what the church has come to believe. Jesus said ”seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you.” But the church of today has suggested that we add all these things first, or get God to add them by paying him his ”tithe”….then we can have the wealth and money to attract the unbelivers and lost sinners….this is some backward bible teaching that must be eradicated….not the gay preachers in the pulpit…it is the FALSE DOCTRINE that needs to be destroyed…

  36. In America, I believe you are innocent until PROVEN guilty! Anyone at any time can accuse us of anything…does that mean that’s it’s true? Absolutely NOT. However, there is always three(3) sides to every story . Their side, your side and the truth somewhere in between. Personally, I live in Oklahoma, I am not a member of Bishop Long’s congregation but I have watched him on television occassionally and was blessed by the word received.
    The Wod of God tells us to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling…my prayer is truth be revealed, do I condemn Bishop Long? no
    Do I condemn his accusers? no
    Only God is the judge and He will not be mocked!! As Christians we have a duty to study our word, pray, fast, and live holy. Once you start believing in MAN more than God, then your have set the person before God and YOU are the one guilty of sin..whether it’s your pastor, husband, wife, childern etc….God be with us all

  37. I’ve read so many articles about this issue. Yes, we should be praying for Long but we also have to be realistic. Jamal Parris spoke as victim and some emotions are difficult to fake. It is amazing how “christians” will stand by Eddie and say don’t judge, but aren’ t the young men christians too? Afterall, they were his members and somehow they are now discredited. Dont they deserve the same “judge not lest ye be judged” scripture? I read an earlier post that said why wait until he was at his peak…….well Eddie Long has been driving fancy cars and doing it big for years now. And to imply that they are not telling the truth because they waited is assanine. I was molested and sodamized by a 60+ man at the age of 3. I remember everday and I’m now 34. I NEVER spoke about it until I was 28 years old. And the fact that they all are speaking together or one after the other…..well this happens with rape victims all the time. Speaking from an abuse victim perspective, it’s never too soon or too late. Let’s not be or act in ignorance just because this is going on in the church. Sin will always be and operate in the church as long as we are in flesh bodies and we are on this Earth. Use discernment members of Newbirth. Dont just want what’s best for your leader but be concerned for all involved. After all, what would Jesus do?

    Take care family and pray over your children regardless to who they’re with and where they go!

  38. Religion is trickery, superstition, and shame. It is used to control people. Whatever
    good there is in religion, can be had without it.
    People who talk about their “lord” are talking about an imaginary figure. jesus is
    imaginary. jesus is imaginary. Shout it from rooftops!

  39. My brothers and sisters, you miss the entire point! Sin is still Sin in the Word of God! Sin is still Sin in Gerogia and the entire world! A true man of God would step to the side untill the matter is resolved by the Church! If he or she is right or wrong! It is the Elders job to carry this matter before the church. After a complete investigation has been done.

    The church has lost its way when we dont follow what the Bible says! My brothers and sisters may his church have the backbone to follow the Bible and not a man in Human Flesh.

    Please, GET your eyes off Man and turn to GOD!

  40. Poor Evangelist Butler,

    How ignorant can you be? How silly to think that Jesus wants black people to be your slave! You need to sit down and get a little education because it is evident you have none.

  41. I feel as though this can either way GOD will expose the truth or the enemy is playing how he play no matter what let God be God in this case. God uses you in a huge way so your attacks will be huge I must reflect on all the people who judge this without first exposing their own stuff that no one knows about God still has Bishop in his hand if He tells you to step down then do so until all is say and done STand. I pray that your storm doesn’t last long.

  42. I feel as though this can either way GOD will expose the truth or the enemy is playing how he play no matter what let God be God in this case. God uses you in a huge way so your attacks will be huge I must reflect on all the people who judge this without first exposing their own stuff that no one knows about God still has Bishop in his hand if He tells you to step down then do so until all is say and done STand. I pray that your storm doesn’t last Long.

  43. Brothers & Sisters,
    Greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus the Christ and may he have mercy on us all. I have been following the stories day by day of Bishop Long and this site forced me to comment. It is the comments that comes from the professed Christians that saddens me the most. I have resigned to believe that this is just what they are “STORIES “. The comments that Thomas posted said it all. The Body of Christ is in big trouble not “Bishop Long” I too believe that
    at this is another ploy of the enemy to divide not only the Church but the Black Community. Look at us, assassinating characters again! Who are you to ask the Bishop to step down? Did you call him to preach the Gospel? Let the laws of the Land prevail and Let God deal with the rest. We all can agree on one thing and that is; we are living in a time where the whole world is in turmoil. But, it’s not our place to fix it. We are supose to pray for one another not condemn one another. Let this be a warning to all; Before you be so quick to judge Bishop Long by going to Atlanta and protest on October 31st, search your own closet and remove the homosexuals “SIN”. As true Christians what we need to do is go to Atlanta and do is pray for all that is involved to include the African American Community. I believe with my heart and soul that our faith is on trial and as Bishop Long quoted this is “”This is a Spiritual Warfare.
    Blessings to all!

  44. first let me say this i am a christian. i would like to see bishop eddie long do 1 of 2 things. if you are guilty come clean repent. if your not guilty this coming sunday in front of the congregation and take a lie detector test .

  45. I feel as though this can go either way. GOD will expose the truth or the enemy is playing how he play. No matter what let God be God in this case. If God uses you in a huge way, your attacks will be huge. I must reflect on all the people who judge this without first exposing their own stuff that no one knows about. God still has Bishop in his hand. If He tells you to step down then do so, until all is say and done STAND Bishop. I pray that your storm doesn’t last Long.

  46. Let’s just say that self-proclaimed Bishop Long didn’t engage in sexual behavior with young men. I still find his arrogance, vanity, and immature behavior atrocious.

    What man in his 50’s gives expensive cars and trips to young men? What man in his 50’s sends provocative cell phone images to young men?

    Now let’s bring this down to the church’s level:

    What man of God gives expensive cars and trips to young men? What man of God sends provocative cell phone images to young men?

    What man of God continues to stir up controversy and interfere with the spiritual wellbeing of his flock while embattled in a court action? Sadly, a selfish, egomaniac.

  47. I believe in the unyielding power of God. I believe in the saving grace of Jesus. I believe that we are in the End Times.

    One of the most important Bible verses is also one of the most overlooked. Like EVERY SINGLE WORD in the Good Book, it is God Himself speaking to us. We ignore His Holy Word at our peril.

    GOD SAID: “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk.” (Dt 14:21b) A similar verse is spoken in Exodus 34:26. The fact that God TWICE enjoined us to heed this law should tell us it has great significance.

    What might that be, and how does it relate to the fallen Bishop Eddie Long?

    Bible scholars are agreed. It tells us to avoid placing the young in harm’s way. It instructs us to keep the young safe from the boiling waters of false love — even a mother’s false love. The goat (think of the Judas goat) is often used by God to speak to his need for vengeance “which is mine”. Mother’s milk is the false security offered by idolatrous icons. Boiling is the suffering of the Damned in Hell.

    “You shall not boil a young goat in its mother’s milk,” saith The Lord our God.

    As always, God has foreseen all that lies before us. This verse could not be more clear and contemporary — especially in Atlanta today.

    Eddie Long is the dangerous boiling water cast in the false template of a loving mother’s milk about to destroy the life of another young goat.

    This is unforgivable. God will have His Vengeance!

    Praised be the Lord, and suffer all the young goats to avoid Bishop Eddie Long.

    So saith The Lord.

  48. I am so tired of people atrying to make excuses with the bible, and not wanting to see the truth for what it is. Strip Mr. Long to just being a just man which he is in the eyes of the great I AM. It’s not about man we all know that all have falling short of God’s glory. It’s about God’s truth. The word will forefill God’s prophercy, every secret thing will be revealed. Just as false angel appearing as the lighted angel.
    God wants us to know the truth. Amazing grace how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me, I once ws lost, but now I’m found. Was blind but now I SEE !

    As long as you are in the flesh, no matter who you are ! You are subject to sin. God has no use for the sinful flesh ! Wake up everybody and get out of this dilusional state that continues in spite of the facts.

  49. I am not a typist so I will make this quick and simple. And forgive me for being anxious for wanting to post on this subject. And my errors on previous post . We are all inperfect ! Even Me !

    God said that he would separate the WHEAT and the TARE !
    God will, not man. No matter what the outcome of this mess ! Many shall be blessed from this mess. God is in CONTROL and perfectly worked this all out. GOOD or BAD. God is faithfull in all things.
    Spiritual Awakening from this. You can be in the church and be Spiritual bankruptcy !
    We should all have a Spiritual Awakening from this !

  50. I believe in the unyielding power of God. I believe in the saving grace of Jesus. I believe that we are in the End Times.

    It is essential that we obey The Word in every aspect. We cannot go wrong if we honor God in every detail.

    I have noticed that Bishop Long, among his other offenses, has allowed women to speak from the pulpit. This is blasphemy. Women have no place telling men what to do. Especially Joyce Meyer.

    I love women, but they must stay in their ordained place. They certainly have no business posting on this board either, if they are trying to tell men what to do. That is blasphemy.

    My authority is Scriptural. The Lord has instructed us in 1 Timothy 2:11-12. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”

    The Bible also instructs us, “As in all the congregations of the saints, women should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.” (1 Cor. 14:33b-36 NIV).

    Women posting here must stop. Now. They have no authority over a man.

    Women speaking in our churches must stop. They have no authority over a man.

    Doubt me if you wish. BUT WE CANNOT DOUBT GOD!

    Women must remain silent while we sort this out. It is the express command of The Mighty I Am. Praise Jesus! Ignore the women — especially Bishop Eddie Long, who may have more in common with women than we realize.


  51. This situation is not good for the Christian body! Any one who is over taken in allegations such as these should freely speak the truth! Have you ever seen someone not guilty say that they are not guilty? If Bishop Eddie Long isn’t guilty, why don’t he say so? This have been going on for a while now. I have been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt! But I have not heard him say,”I DID NOT DO THAT!” My father is a prominent pastor about 1.5 hours north of New Birth Missionary Baptist Church! If such allegations came up about him, I personally would ask him to step down! This is because my love for Christ out weigh the love for the lustful desires like air planes, cars, foreign trips, etc. Like the bible says, and also what Prophet H Walker sees in the same bible, Bishop Long should be above reproach! What if New Birth is wrong about their pastor? You can forgive him without Bishop Long being your pastor! There are a lot of upright Christians in the world that dedicate their lives to making sure they don’t fall into divers temptations, but don’t get the opportunity to share Gods word to Gods people because a lot of greedy pastors won’t give them a chance to spread the truth to their congregation! Pastors spend years grinding the minds of congregations to specifically fit their specifications and if it benefit them to add God in the equation they will. If they are wrong about Bishop Long, what does this say about 33,000 members? It says that the whole church is willing to destroy the lives of four young men that simply told the truth about their relationship with the Pastor! What if the young men are telling the truth! You have 33,000 people telling them that they are the filth of the earth! What if they are telling the truth! Then you have 33,000 people so under nourished that they think a lie is the truth and the truth is a lie! We have to remember that these 4 young men are people also! CAN THE BODY OF CHRIST AFFORD NOT TO ASK FOR RESIGNATION? So is it do as I say and not as I do? Why would any pastor or leader send sick spandex pics to young men? Does this mean we have 33,000 members willing to get in their spandex and text their sexy pics to young men and women? NEW BIRTH, PLEASE! Our future is in our youth, not a middle age man who can’t tell you that he didn’t do this! With the same passion that you give your pastor, give it to these young men who are obviously hurting for the truth to be known. How can you sleep, knowing that something is wrong at New Birth! How can you go another day without demanding that Bishop Long put away his lawyers words and tell the people he love everything that could have made these young men feel this way! One thing Bishop Eddie Long can’t say is, I wasn’t there! So demand all details of what went wrong while he was there! This is when true forgiveness can take root and not this showtime at the Appollo talk that you give the news! What if these young men are telling the truth, that puts them closer to God than Bishop Long and 33,000 members!!!

  52. I am very pleased to see that no women have posted here since I recently reminded them of The Lord’s instruction.

    If we love God (and I do) we MUST honor His Word.

    A gentle reminder, dear brothers and sisters in The Lamb: The Lord has instructed us in 1 Timothy 2:11-12. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”

    But to be in silence… There you have it. Woman may NOT presume to instruct men. Any where. Any time. That includes Joyce Meyer, an apostate if I ever heard one.

    Bishop Long has regularly invited women to preach from his pulpit, in express disregard of God’s Wondrous Word. No wonder things are such a mess at New Birth. It is bad enough to diddle young men, and send them Spandex pornography. But allowing women to speak in church? God Himself has condemned it!!

    When The Lamb speaks, the lion must listen! But when women speak in the church, men must NOT listen! That way lies damnation.

  53. I am not without sin. But I will cast the first stone, right in the forehead of Pimp Eddie Long. I will take my chances the Lord knows my heart. C’mon people what more do you need??? A video tape with him in the act. Are you really that stupid? The members of New Birth need to go down and some of the dumbest people in American history. This man has been taking their hard-earned money and making rain on young boys.

  54. One more comment Evangelist Luther stop using selective bible quotes to promote your stupid agenda. The bible has some questionable concepts like:

    Deuteronomy 13:
    8 Thou shalt not consent unto him, nor hearken unto him; neither shall thine eye pity him, neither shalt thou spare, neither shalt thou conceal him: 9 But thou shalt surely kill him; thine hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. 10 And thou shalt stone him with stones, that he die; because he hath sought to thrust thee away from the Lord thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage

  55. On account of ignorance, stunning indifference, and idolatry, numerous supporters of Eddie Long are incognizant of the fact that Mr. Long is a false teacher. Thus, what we are witnessing here is the New Birth of Jim Jones.

  56. NO! Is the Christian army really the only one to bury its wounded!?!?!? Careed you are right. We all make mistakes, but rather than trying to finish what the world has started, revive this man. Because if he is guilty or innocent, he definitely needs our prayers. Stop being foolish and judging people. I bet at least half of us glare at the opposite sex lustfully sometimes, or complain or cuss or whatever. Jesus made it QUITE clear, Judge and you will be judged. Please, brothers and sisters, Bishop, as a brother in Christ, as a family member, needs our support. He is an immortal, with the Holy Ghost inside of him. Treat him as you would want someone to treat you.

  57. I trust that ‘A Slaughter’ is not a woman. If she is, we will not take instruction from her, as that would be un-Biblical. If he is not, we will. REMEMBER……

    1Timothy 2:11-12. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”

    If ‘A Slaughter’ is a man, then we must agree. Deuteronomy is the Revealed Word of God, and must be obeyed in every particular. I find that some of the more obscure Bible verses are often the most enlightening.

    In thanks for the masculine A Slaughter’s citation I kindly offer in return this immortal verse: “No one whose testicles have been crushed or whose penis has been cut off may be admitted into the community of the Lord.” (Deuteronomy 23:2 NAB)

    This clearly warns us against sexual reassignment surgery.

    God foresees all!!

    PRAISE GOD!!! and thank you to A Slaughter for his timely reminder, but no thanks to A Slaughter if it is really Annie Slaughter or something un-Blblical like that.


  58. Evangelist Luther, your map is really outdated. It causes no harm for a woman to speak in church. Some women are better speakers than men. You are really a Taliban leader of your church.


  59. Evangelist Luther Taliban. You are a sick man and just as bad as Bishop Long is seemingly. You are really sick. Go to Afghanistan where you would fit in well with extremist views.

  60. Luther I don’t consider you an evangelist. I am a man. We don’t agree. You are as idiotic as New Birth member. You have a right to be stupid; this is America.

  61. Dear Charles and A Slaughter, my fallen brothers in the risen Christ.

    I am so sorry to read how you have become afraid of the whole and thundering Gospel. You may imagine that you are celestial chefs, free to choose those ingredients that please you and ignore the rest.

    You are not chefs. God is the chef. He provides. We eat. All or nothing. Feast or famine. You don’t get to choose. If you believe the Word, you must believe ALL of the Word. You cannot pick and choose. Do you think God is a bad editor? Do you imagine He did not know how to write self-evident English, Greek and Aramaic? For Heaven’s Sake!

    God is the author. We are the readers.

    You are not free to choose some words, and ignore the others, some sentences and ignore the others, some paragraphs and ignore the rest. Are you qualified to edit God?

    I thought not.

    Do you believe in six or seven of the Commandments, and get to ignore the rest?

    I thought not.

    Do you imagine you are qualified to play Boswell to Dr God? Plato to Socrates?

    You are not qualified to edit God. That belief is hubristic, Satanic, and vain. Did not God also say, “For there are eunuchs, that were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are eunuchs, that were made eunuchs by men: and there are eunuchs, that made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.” (Matthew 19:12 ASV) I thought so!

    Read and grasp the Only Word of the Only God. PRAISE GOD to ETERNITY!! And throw away your blue pencils. You cannot edit God. It’s all or nothing, friends. To put it in terms you will understand: in for a dinar, in for a dirham!!!

  62. I’m sure some will not like it, and some will not believe, but God still speaks to men and women today! We must pray for this man and help him! God has uncovered what was done, please don”t judge because sin is sin. No less and no greater.

  63. Why is it the church is so quick to dismatle a person in clergy. What was the conclusion in the case? If guilty then yes that is a bad thing but a person that does such things can be restored to God with the help of the church prayers and support. Why not restore such a one because Clergy does that for others. It makes difference if folks want to beleive it or not that there is still alot of good people in clergy, while sometimes some may fall but always get back up so stop puring water on a drawning man and pray church folk. Restore a brother/sister and turn the step down into a step up. If not guilty. Well, folks of negative comments will look stupid.

  64. Why would a chistian bother hurt another christian brother that is already put down? I just do not get it. Why is it that most christians pull each other down. It is not often in my lifetime I see christians having unconditioal Godly love toward each other. Is chaistanty real or is just a money market of people greedy for power and money? I just do not get it.

  65. Where is the love? Where is the forgiveness? From these so called christians?
    A clegry bother is supposed to pray for another clergy brother and not cast him aside. What the HELL is going on in church TODAY? No love. NO forgiveness. NO unconditional love. Church folks gettin divorces left and right . I do not understand this mess. Somebody please give me directions to Farrakhan’s church. I need to find the Mosque. I am so sad that things are turning up so ugly. I was looking for christians to have that love of God for their brothers and sisters they talked about. I am disppointed in Pastor Prophet . I thought pastors were compassionate. I used to think years ago that a pastor will never cast anyone aside but always helped someone in prayer , in teaching what Jesus said. Unfortunately in most christan churches there is a never ending list of why you are never good enough. I quit.

  66. Ah. Hail Mary?
    Ahm.Oh. Dear Buddiah?
    Do not get mad at me. I tring to pray. Yall.
    I hope Farrakhan is not mad at me. I was just relly upset and did not know what to do or think and unfortunately I do not know how to take posts off my computer yet but I relly want to go to Minster Farrakhan’s Mosque. I think . I could find peace there. I love New Birth MInisteries and Bishop Eddie Long and his family and I do not want to see that beautiful ministry fall apart. The thought of that is just too hard for me.

  67. its praying time a just man may fall but we the body of christ know they want stay down long, its just a matter of time when they get back up again. yes its praying time and not judging time

  68. Bishop Long is correct. He has five (5) stones and has not known thrown one yet. Fact check, he only needs ONE! God Bless the Bishop. Bishop Long is the only preacher of national significance who is an example showing God’s grace.
    The Church is under attack by powers who do not want wisdom, knowledge, or salvation through Christ. End of story.

  69. My dear George, Avenger and Pastor Duane: we understand your terrible misgivings. The recent history of the church is frightening.

    The Catholic Church has been devastated by the crimes of priests against children. Many parishes and bishoprics have been driven into spiritual and financial bankruptcy by these criminals.

    Among protestants, many have fallen. Contrary to the express Will of God, televangelist Benny Hinn is getting a divorce. Pastor Ted Haggard fell into the meth-laced arms of another man. Rev Jim Bakker went to jail for crooked real estate dealings. Rev Jimmy Swaggart has sinned again and again and again. Evangelist Lonnie Frisbee died of AIDS.

    Rev Billy James Hargis lost his church amid scandals with both men and women. Rev Peter Popoff was revealed to be using radio trickery when he pretended to heard The Word Of God. Rev Robert Tilton was found to have thrown away prayer requests, but kept the money. Rev WV Grant went to jail for tax evasion. Rev Bob Moorehead was arrested for indecent exposure. Rev John Paulk was discovered habituating bars for homosexualists. Rev Kent Hovind went to jail for 58 federal tax offenses. Rev Paul Barnes became an admitted homosexualist. Rev Lonnie Latham preached against homosexualism, but was arrested for propositioning an undercover male police officer.

    Rev Earl Paulk was found out to have committed multiple adulteries. Evangelist Thomas Wesley Weekes the Third was convicted of assault. Rev Joe Barron was arrested for the solicitation of a minor. Rev Tony Alamo is serving 175 years for transporting minors across state lines for sexual purposes. George Rekers, who has made a career out of attacking homosexualists, was found out to have employed a rent boy (ugghh) on his vacations… and we could go on and on and on. And now, scandal threatens the realm of Eddie Long and his Bentleys and Rolexes. And Rolodexes.

    These men of the cloth are more interested in un-cloth.

    What do they have in common?

    They have set themselves up as rivals to God for our affections. NONE OF THEM can be trusted hereafter. They prance and preen (some do a lot of unseemly prancing) and seek our money while soliciting our favor. GOD IS OFFENDED and has brought them down.

    Their entire foundation is un-Biblical.

    Consider what Our Lord instructed in Matthew 6:5. Jesus said, “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. 6But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.”

    Also, many of these men were doomed when they allowed women to speak in the church, contrary to the EXPRESS COMMAND of God in Timothy 1 2:11!

    It might have been best for the church if these fallen preachers had taken the advice so wisely besaged by God in Matthew 19:12!


    Ignore the phonies posing as Christians. They are only in it for the money and the homosexualism.


    Bless you all.

  70. Let me be clear to say that God does not expose his true servants when they have a heart of true repentance. God only allows the enemy to expose his servants when they are walking in disobedience as in the case that led to demise of the prophet Balaam, King Saul, Judas Iscariot and other false prophets in the Bible. However, God did not allow the enemy to expose King David because he had a heart of true repentance. God does not look at a man’s outward appearance but judges the hearts. In 2 Pet. 2 God said that the false prophets follies will be exposed. As Christians we are to not believe every spirit but try the spirits according to 1 John 4. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said that we will know a false prophet by his/her fruits. I find it so ironic that before we became Christians we used to circumspectfully size people up and probably were not so quickly to become fooled by people. Now that we have become Christians or saved, we take other people’s words at face value and we are people to be easily taken advantaged of. Jesus stated in Mathew that the children of darkness are smarter than the children of light. This is a very sad case because we are no longer thinkers and we will follow a leader to hell when we know that their actions are wrong according to Bible. Remember God does not allow the enemy to expose his true servants even if they have committed a wrongful act because they have a heart of true repentance. Haughtiness comes before a fall and pride comes before destruction.

    Becoming His

  71. My Dear Claudette:

    I know you mean well, and that your heart is good.

    Unfortunately, by your post you have attempted to instruct men in the ways of The Lord. God says that women — including you — are forbidden to do so.

    What do we read in The Holy Bible? It is very clear, my dear, and it applies to you and to all women.

    1Timothy 2:11-12. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”

    To be in silence, Claudette. To be in silence.

    I prayerfully ask that the next time you wish to instruct men, you ask your husband for his permission. And then, ask him to post your mutual thoughts. In his name.

    Otherwise, without intending to do so, you will continue to transgress against the Word of God.

    Women are NOT permitted to speak in the church, nor to instruct men IN ANY MATTER. This is the Revealed Word of God.

    Blessings to be are yours, and your husband’s. Timothy spoke for The Lord, and we may not ignore Him.

  72. Elder Tony may be a Branch, but he is not a Tree.

    The Tree of Life is God. It matters not how Long is the Branch, its secondary function is clear. The primary belongs to God, and only God.

    This Branch is attempting to glorify a man. He should be glorifying God. Even worse, he ignores the meaning of The Tree of Life. It is strange that he has forgotten this. Perhaps he is running too hard to defend his friend, the Spandex-wearing Eddie Long. Here is the Word of The Lord.

    “And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” (Genesis 2:9)

    Be mindful of this, Brother Branch. Forsake not The Tree of Life in pursuit of the five stones of vengeance!

    Worship not a man!!


  73. I just have one thing to say ! All you men need to dip yourselves in holy oil and nail yourselves to the cross.I sense a lot of jealous spirits!!!!!!!!!!! Peace and Blessings! Oh! I am a female!lol

  74. My dear Rainwaterette:

    I understand your frustration. It is hard for us to live by the Revealed Word of God. It is hard for men and for women to understand and accept the Godly Instructions.

    It is clearly difficult for Eddie Long to live the life of inspired poverty required by Jesus. Just to remind you, here is what The Word says about wealth:

    Jesus looked at him and said, “How hard it is for the rich to enter the kingdom of God! Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” Luke 18:24-25 (New International Version)

    Eddie Long owns Bentleys and Rolodexes and Spandexes and sports gold and diamonds. His behavior is clearly un-Biblical. Read Luke again, and comparable passages in Matthew, and you will understand.

    I feel no jealousy for the sad situation in which Eddie Long finds himself. Who wants to trade a Bentley for a Beatitudinous Salvation? Not me.

    However, you must also know that you are speaking out of turn, my dear. God clearly says that women MAY NOT instruct men — even fallen men like Eddie Long. Please read carefully. You may move your lips if you wish.

    1Timothy 2:11-12. “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”
    To be in silence, Rainwaterette. To be in silence. That means you. It’s in The Bible.

    The silence of a woman is a beautiful thing. The noise of a woman is an offense before God. Don’t believe me. Believe Timothy in the Holy Book.


  75. Here is another way to express God’s mandate that a woman MAY NOT speak in the church, nor instruct a man in any way.

    Men lead only when they PRAISE THE LAMB.

    Women serve only when they BRAISE THE LAMB.

    I believe this will make 1Timothy 2:11-12 — “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.” even more clear — especially to the female followers of the failed and Spandex-wearing Eddie Long.


  76. Dearest Beloved of Jesus our Lord

    I am an overcomer of attempted murder and rape. And brutally beaten. I grew up watching my mother be silent and submit to abuse, My best friend was married to a pastor who was commiting adultery with several women and got one pregnant. She was told by certain male church leaders to be silent, pray harder and submit. She did. Her Husband Pastor Hayes, brutally murdered her and their daughter shotting them to death. The devil took out that entire family, the Pastor in prison without parolle and the wife and 7 year old daughter dead at his hands. Bye the way, he attended their funeral and thereafter married one of his wealthy mistresses. After Pastor Hayes was found guilty and wasted the tax payers money, he admitted guilt after categorically lying at that time.

    I am a woman who chose to submit, fast, pray and give up my family, friend and be isolated by my husband, a pastor who abused our daughter and I for fourteen years. He went to prison was in and out of jail and on and off of crack cocaine. To make a long story short. The abuse got so bad, the Lord spoke to him and I that the marriage was an abomination and over. Marriage, being a pastor, is not ground for abuse and perversion. Satan is the influence of abuse and sexual perversion. Abusive, sexually perverted marriages that continue in iniquity is destestable and an abomination in the sight of God. God is Holy. His house adorns holiness. Psalm 93.



    I just want to be the rock that cries out, and there is neither male nor female in Christ Jesus in terms of speaking what doth saith the Lord and going ye therefore drawing souls to Jesus (the great commission)

    Too many pedophiles and abusers, and gender confused are in the pulpit pimping and scattering God’s beloved flock, these false leaders are wolves in sheep clothing.

    Jesus said in Matthew 21-23, Workers of iniquity shall not inherit the Kingdom of God, although they prophecied, casted out demons and did marvelous works, Jesus said he shall say depart from me you worker of iniquity–I never knew you.
    Depart means to be casted into the eternal lake of fire.

    What ever happened to decernment of spirits, hearing a true Word from God regarding pedophiles and other workers of iniquities in the pulpit and pews. how shall the flock know who are the false prophets and wolves in sheep clothing? The Holy Spirit is a revealer of Truth. Matthew 24 said in these days of apostasy, many false prophets shall rise. The Holy Sprit leads us to all truth!

    For powerful information on healing abuse, incest and other iniquity deeply rooted in the soul and in the family tree line and other imperative information for these perilous days.

    The below information is interesting, in response to women in the church:

    10 Lies the Church Tells Women

    Mr. Lee Grady

    Ten Lies The Church Tells Women


    By J. Lee Grady

    Even though the Scriptures never portray women as secondary to men, our male-dominated religious system still promotes a warped view of female inferiority. Women are tired of this, and as a man, so am I–because such demeaning attitudes don’t reflect God’s heart.

    Jesus challenged gender prejudice at its core when He directed so much of His ministry toward women. In a Middle Eastern culture that considered women mere property, He healed women, discipled them and commissioned them to minister. Yet today we spend much of our energy denying them opportunities–and using the Bible to defend our prohibitions.

    I’ve identified 10 erroneous views about women that for too long have been circulated in the church, preached from pulpits and written in the study notes of popular Bible translations. I believe we must debunk these lies if we want to see the church fully released to fulfill the Great Commission.


    How sad that so many Christian men view women from a selfish perspective. This view is often promoted by misreading the account of Eve’s creation in Genesis 2:18-25, in which Adam is provided a “helpmate.” The Hebrew word used here often is translated “companion,” denoting intimacy and partnership. But through the centuries it has been used to imply that Eve was some type of domestic appendage.

    We men have assumed that God gave Eve to fulfill Adam’s sexual needs as well as to serve as his cook, laundress and maid. But the Genesis account does not say this.

    After Eve’s creation, God did not tell her: “You are Adam’s helper; I command you to serve him well.” She was not created for servitude; she was fashioned to be a co-laborer with Adam so that they might rule together over creation as God commissioned them to do (see Gen. 1:28).


    From the time she was released from a German death camp in 1944 until her death in 1983, Corrie Ten Boom taught the world about a Savior who could forgive the cruelest Nazi. Yet she never married. Did the fact that she did not have a husband make her less “complete”? Some Christians would say yes.

    We have spent so much energy defending the concept of the biblical family that we are guilty of idolizing it. We’ve preached that a woman’s primary responsibility is to find a godly husband, have lots of babies and stay home to raise them for Christ.

    But marital status is not a qualifier for ministry. The Bible does not even state whether certain key followers of Jesus, such as the 12 disciples, were married or not.

    The highest calling of all believers–married or unmarried–is to develop a relationship with Jesus. Any other earthly relationship is secondary, and Christ Himself warned us never to allow people we love to become idols that distract us from Him.


    Many evangelical churches have preached that women who work outside the home are breaking a scriptural commandment, but this conclusion can be reached only by distorting the biblical record. The woman described in Proverbs 31 is often used to bolster a traditional view of the June Cleaver-style matron who spends her day baking casseroles while her husband is at the office. But a careful reading reveals that the Proverbs 31 woman, in her ancient Middle Eastern context, functioned as a real estate agent and ran a textile business.

    Titus 2:5 instructs women to “take care of their homes” (New Living Translation). But most scholars would agree that this passage simply exhorts married women not to forsake their children.

    It is true that, because of ambition or materialism, some Christian women neglect their children even though the Holy Spirit has urged them to put their career objectives on hold. But rather than placing a legalistic burden on women by telling them that having a career is ungodly, we should tell both men and women to submit their career plans to the Holy Spirit’s direction.


    A distraught Christian woman who was regularly beaten by her husband finally gained the courage to seek counsel from her pastor. After she told him about her husband’s fits of rage, the pastor responded, “If your husband kills you, it will be to the glory of God.”

    The pastor reached this irresponsible conclusion because of a distorted view of “male headship.” We often portray marriage as a hierarchy, with husbands on the throne and wives at the footstool, and we use Scripture to justify this view: “Wives…submit to your husbands as you do to the Lord” (Eph. 5:22).

    We assume this verse means women have no say in family matters or that their opinion is second-rate. In extreme cases, women have been told to submit to abuse in order to honor male headship. But this is not a Christian view.

    Paul also told the Ephesians, “submit to one another” (5:21, emphasis added). I have heard teachings by male clergy on the subject of male headship, but I’ve never heard a pastor encourage men to submit to their wives! Yet in a loving marriage, a man and woman will defer to one another as they make decisions.

    In my 16 years of marriage, my wife and I have had plenty of disagreements. But when we reach an impasse, I don’t announce, “I am the head of this house, so what I say goes.” Rather, Deborah and I either agree to pray about the matter, or we choose to defer to one another.

    The point is never who is in charge. I view my wife as an equal. I am not “over her.” We function as one.


    This idea came from a distorted interpretation of the apostle Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 11:3, “the head of woman is man” (NKJV). People have used these words to bolster the idea that women are subservient to men or that they cannot approach God without a male authority figure in their lives.

    Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 11 about head coverings is a difficult passage, and Bible scholars don’t agree on its meaning. However, most teach that Paul is addressing specific cultural concerns in first-century Corinth and that he is calling for propriety and order in a society where immorality and paganism had blurred gender distinctions.

    Paul was not placing men in a position of generic rulership over women. Because there is “no male or female in Christ” (see Gal. 3:28), women can pray, worship, study the Bible or minister without a man present. How silly to think that a man, because of his gender, could add credibility to prayer or Spirit-empowered ministry! To believe this would be to trust in the flesh.


    Search your concordance. Scripture never describes men as “priests of the home.” This man-made concept was popularized in evangelical churches in the last century. We have one priest, Jesus Christ, whose blood atoned for our sins. It is a mockery of the gospel to suggest that any human being needs an additional priest apart from the Son of God.

    The Bible says all believers are priests (see 1 Pet. 2:9, Rev. 1:6); there is no gender restriction. Husbands function as priests when they pray for their families or when they minister the Word of God to them, and wives also function in this role.

    My experience in marriage has been that God speaks both to me and to my wife. He doesn’t say to me, “Since you are the head of this house, I’ll tell you my plans for your family, and you can tell the others what I said.” Often God has revealed His plans to my wife before I heard anything!

    Christian men need to stop being defensive and recognize that God has called us to function in unity with our wives. We need to listen to their counsel, consider their opinions, and pray together for the mind of the Lord rather than putting our foot down and shouting, “I am the leader of this family, and what I say goes!”


    The most common mistake we make in biblical interpretation occurs when we take one isolated verse and build a doctrine around it–even if the verse seems to contradict other passages. This is often what we do with 1 Tim. 2:12, “I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man” (NASB).

    Most theologians believe that this passage was addressing an isolated situation in Ephesus. They came to this conclusion after studying the myriad of references in the Bible to women in spiritual authority. The Old Testament records that Deborah was a judge over Israel–and God blessed her leadership in battle (see Judg. 4-5). Other women who held authority over men include Miriam, Huldah and Noadiah.

    Jesus issued His first gospel commission to women (see Matt. 28:1-10), and both men and women were empowered to preach on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-4). Priscilla, Chloe and Phoebe were leaders in the early church, and one woman, Junia, is called an apostle by Paul (Rom. 16:7).

    The promise of the prophet Joel was that “sons and daughters” would prophesy after the Holy Spirit was given to the church (Joel 2:28, emphasis added). Yet we have taken one misunderstood verse from Paul’s writings and used it to negate hundreds of other passages that support the full release of women into ministry.


    Since 1 Timothy 2:12 obviously contradicts the overall biblical endorsement of women in authority, how are we to understand it? What is Paul actually saying in this passage?

    In their book I Suffer Not a Woman, Richard and Catherine Clark Kroeger explain that certain cultic worship practices involving female priestesses of Diana had invaded the first-century church. These priestesses promoted blasphemous ideas about sex and spirituality, and they sometimes performed rituals in which they pronounced curses on men and declared female superiority.

    What Paul was most likely saying to the Ephesians was this: “I do not allow a woman to teach these cultic heresies, nor do I allow them to usurp authority from men by performing pagan rituals.” He was not saying, as some Christians have assumed, “I do not allow godly Christian women to teach the Bible.” In his day, Paul would have been thrilled to have had more skilled women who could teach the truth!


    This idea has been taught by twisting the meaning of 1 Timothy 2:14, which says, “It was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression” (NLT). Some have suggested that because Eve was tricked by the devil, women have a stronger propensity toward deception. Others have gone so far as to insist that women are to blame for all the evil in the world and are therefore under a greater curse than men.

    No respectable Bible scholar in the church today would promote such a view. The Bible clearly states that Adam and Eve were both held guilty by God for their disobedience, and they were both punished. In 1 Timothy, Paul cited the creation account not to place extra blame on Eve but to refute a bizarre teaching that was circulating in Asia Minor.

    In the first century, Gnostic heretics were mixing Christianity with paganism. One of their teachings stated that Eve actually liberated the world when she disobeyed God and gained secret knowledge from the devil.

    Paul was not teaching that women are more prone to deception. He was explaining that what Eve did was not right, and that the Christian view of the creation was that Adam and Eve sinned when they listened to the serpent.

    Women are certainly capable of spreading deception because they have a fallen nature as men do, but there is no evidence that they have greater gullibility. That view is rooted in demeaning stereotypes and prejudice.


    Once I was listening to Bible teacher Cindy Jacobs speak at a prayer conference in Colorado. When she approached the pulpit, two men who were sitting in front of me turned to each other and began to pray softly.

    “Lord, we bind the power of the devil from bewitching this audience,” one man said, adding, “We bind the power of Jezebel in the name of Jesus.” These men believed that the crowd would automatically come under a spirit of deception when Jacobs taught them–simply because she was a woman.

    How absurd! Was Barak “deceived” when he took orders from Deborah? (See Judg. 4:14.) Did baby Jesus come under a harmful influence when Anna prophesied over Him? (See Luke 2:36-38.) Was Apollos spiritually emasculated when he submitted to the teaching of Priscilla? (See Acts 18:26.) Of course not!

    To associate godly women with Jezebel, a wicked Old Testament despot, is unfair and offensive, yet men in the church today often pin Jezebel’s label on strong, anointed women because they feel threatened by them.

    Let’s stop the insults. If a woman is using manipulation to usurp authority or if she is spreading heresies, then she certainly deserves the Jezebel label–as do men who do such things. But women who walk in spiritual integrity and preach the Word of God with power deserve our respect.

  77. God have mercy on all of you so called Christians.
    Bishop Eddie Long guilty or not clearly has done more good things by the word God for humanity than any of you calling for him to step down. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone? Furthermore as a Christian and a mortal sinner with secrets you primary focuses should be forgiveness. For every person you deem worthy to take that mans place one thing is for certain he will have SIN.

    You are citizens living in a land that is figurativerly comparable to sodom and egypt! Homosexual fraternities openly proselytize young men and women in your communities and churches and the godless traditions of men are planted in your children before the word of God! Yet so many of you will lynch one of your own and pass judgment as if the sins of humanity as a whole are hidden from God.

    God have mercy on the last Church Age for it is truly worthless and blind

    Wake up.

  78. That’s all very nice, Jacqueline, but completely irrelevant. You might as well quote Freud or Chairman Mao. Your extra-Biblical sources have no bearing on the Revealed Word of God.

    You imagine that Timothy was referring to “certain cultic worship practices involving female priestesses of Diana had invaded the first-century church”? Where do you get this ahistorical nonsense? There is no mention in the Bible of this! There is not even any talk of Celtic worship practices.

    Do you really imagine that you know what “Paul was most likely saying to the Ephesians…”? Most likely?? Are you claiming to be a mind reader? Have you been watching The Mentalist? Do you know any Ephesians? The Word is much more clear than you seem to realize.

    And you claim that “In his day, Paul would have been thrilled to have had more skilled women who could teach the truth!” Really now? How do you know this? Paul was not thrilled by anything that women did, if you read closely.

    All you offer is supposition, presumption, and liberal prejudice my dear. Apparently you prefer President Obama when he talks about the equality of women!!

    Because you believe that women may usurp the role of men, you then believe in a number of false corollaries. You do so without Biblical evidence. You quote non-Biblical sources because you can find no Scripture to support your errant ways.

    Did you get your husband’s permission before coming here and saying these heretical things, my dear? If so, your husband has fallen into devilish ways, confused by Spandex-wearing and Rolex-flashing and Bentley-driving preachers wearing stylish frocks.

    Although I forgive you (there are many silly women who imagine they speak with Biblical Authority, starting with Joyce Meyer), God may not.

    Timothy is VERY CLEAR. You cannot avoid the plain English staring you in the mascara: 1Timothy 2:11-12 — “Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence.”

    BUT TO BE IN SILENCE!! God’s meaning is utterly clear. ALL SUBMISSION!!

    You may resent it. You may even try to resist it. But you may not repeal it! The evil behavior of certain men does not excuse the impious utterings of certain women.

    Men serve only when they PRAISE THE LAMB.

    Women serve only when they BRAISE THE LAMB.

  79. The truth of the matter is that Eddie Longs congregation will follow him clear through the gates of Hell.
    This man has schemed and refuses to say he is innocent (because he knows he isn’t)
    I use to go to his church but I could not join. The reason is I have Discernment. I knew something was wrong just could not put my finger onit.
    He and the other mega preachers twist scriptures to accommondate thier needs.
    There is a female who writes a daily column which consists of maybe 8 paragraphs and now she is asking her readers to send her money.
    This whole thing has gotten out of hand. MONEY IS the Root of ALL Evil.

    Read my page for all updates on Mr Eddie Long!/pages/Eddie-Long-Guilty/133601410020870

  80. Brethren,
    Let us assume Bishop did it. What if he already confessed his sin before God and cleaned up and moved on. Then what is our own problem. We are not God so let the issue lie and keep praying for the saints and especially the leaders because they receive the heat most. to remind us, we are in the end times and the target is the church, whether it’s the gay movt, or the satanist church, or witch coven, believers be on guard and pray, put on ur whole armor. we are in a warfare.e nough of babbling and sleeping. be assured however, the GATES OF hell will not and cannot prevail against THE CHURCH. If he did it and has repented, God will vindicate him and God will take his glory.

  81. “Evangelist” Luther, if you took the time to READ anything in Jacqueline’s post you would recognize that it was backed up with several scriptures. Just to mention a few:

    Was Barak “deceived” when he took orders from Deborah? (See Judg. 4:14.) Did baby Jesus come under a harmful influence when Anna prophesied over Him? (See Luke 2:36-38.) Was Apollos spiritually emasculated when he submitted to the teaching of Priscilla? (See Acts 18:26.) Of course not!

    Oh, and yes I’m a woman but I aint got no husband, so you’re going to have to humble yourself to hear the word of the Lord from me instead. sorry….

    Listening to women is really not such a bad thing, you know. Thank God for your momma instructing you when you were growing up, can I get an amen? After all, if it hadn;t been for the single mothers in our community where would many of us be today? And, if a donkey could instruct a prophet of God, surely a woman could too? Or is a donkey supposed to be greater than a woman now? (Oh my bad, a woman IS meant to be a man’s donkey. GOT it.) lol

  82. If Eddie Long has admitted before God that he did it, his congregation is entitled to know.

    Why? Because, without his public confession, there will always be a dark cloud of doubt swirling around him. Without a public admission, believers will suspect even more — and worse. Without public penance, Eddie Long will go through life with people pointing at him, everywhere.

    Would you trust your teenage boy with him? I thought not!

    Remember the Word of The Lord: “And Nathan said to David, Thou art the man. Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, I anointed thee king over Israel, and I delivered thee out of the hand of Saul; {8} And I gave thee thy master’s house, and thy master’s wives into thy bosom, and gave thee the house of Israel and of Judah; and if that had been too little, I would moreover have given unto thee such and such things. {9} Wherefore hast thou despised the commandment of the LORD, to do evil in his sight? thou hast killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, and hast taken his wife to be thy wife, and hast slain him with the sword of the children of Ammon.” (2 Sam 12:7-9 KJV)

    There we have it: “Thou art the man.”

    If Eddie Long is a man he will repent of his multiple sins (a fifth lawsuit was filed today) before God, and before his cloven flock.

    If Eddie Long does not do this, he is guilty of the venal sin of Concealment. And we all know where THAT can lead!

    If only he was wise enough to conceal his Spandex self-portraits!!


  83. judgement has began at the house of God. watch ! if it does not come to pass than i am false. but it will! the houses of God will be greatly shaken in 2010 and 2011 . the lord will call all who have been used and abused in the house of God to come forth He shall be with you . fear not

  84. I really believe the Bishop should step down just until the situation has resolved itself. However, I don’t think it’s the place for some jack legged preacher (bishop prophet my eye) from another state to make that determination. Clean up your own house MR. Walker, and let New Birth clean up their own. If they still want him to lead, so be it. What’s done in the dark will come out in the light.

  85. Evangelist (whoops…I mean false prophet Luther). You’re a complete idiot; it’s so sad to see that you’re the only one who doesn’t know this. Don’t take out your lack of self esteem towards women (and I’m assuming that someone in your past has hurt you deeply) on all women and try to make it a Biblical command. I’ll be praying for you that you will either get the psychiatric help you so obviously need or that God will heal you emotionally.





  90. Why trust in man? put your trust in god, not in man, pastor or any teacher, don’t take sides take jesus. on judgment day every one stand for himself.

  91. Evangelist Luther

    You are a false prophet and God will correct you when the time comes. You have not yet experienced the power of God and neither have you received the revelation of who Jesus Christ really is. I am not going to get into a verbal fight with you. You need to really read to study the Word of God because foolish men like you are seeking to enter into silly women households that have a knowledge of truth but are not learning from the truth. You have a form of godliness but you deny the deity of God. I curse the religious spirit to its root right now in Jesus Name.

  92. The allegations against Eddie Long (the only legal name he has) per court documents, are there for all to read. No amount of religious protestations is going to change the fact that a judge and jury will decide the outcome. From what I have read in the court documents, it does not look good. One thing that is assured, there will be no scipture quoting, to affirm or deny the allegations. There will be no titles, bishop, reverend, apostle, evangelist etc., acknowleged as credibility of “truthfulness”, only evidence supported by reality. From the comments I have read, it appears that “christians” wish to be the “judges” on this matter, using biblical texts to do so. If one truly believes they can give this type of witness in a courtroom, try it. “Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I BELIEVE, Eddie Long is a “man of God” and should not be judge by you, but God”. If you have seen or heard any evidence that may point to his guilt, remember, “don’t cast stones”. This is not going to happen. Also, no amount of “be quiet”, “shut up”, “don’t judge lest you be judged”, or other such threats is going stop others from expressing their opinions on this matter. My opinion, not God’s, not the sciptures, but my very own, after reading the court documents, I would state. If any of these allegations are fully supported by evidence “rooted in reality” Eddie Long is in a whole heap of trouble. As for H. Walker, asking Eddie Long to step down, unless he has jurisdiciton within the church hierarchy Eddie doesn’t have to. However, if the allegations are true, he will not have a choice. If the allegations are not true, Eddie Long can file a suit, to reclaim his could name, and collect on whatever damage$ due him, including from the plaintiffs lawyers, and carry on with his preaching.

  93. There is going to be a lot of reaping what you have sown, to go around. If Bishop is wrong, he will reap. If everybody who came out of the wood work is wrong, they will reap. So it’s not going to matter who’s right or wrong, someone is going to reap. I’m still praying! carnal christian are in the church, and unsaved don’t want to go to church. Not all saint are living wrong, but there’s enough secret christian with their sin, and open christian with their, and some are helping to heal, we are going to stand before God one day, and we are going to be judge by what we did, what we didn’t do, what we should have done, and the motive of our heart. And there once again we will reap what we have sown. God help us all!

  94. 1 Judge not, that ye be not judged. Matthew 7
    2 For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Mk. 4.24
    3 And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
    4 Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?
    5 Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.
    6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

    For all you so called Christians with your negative aspects on the Eddie Long ISSUE….Let these things be a reminder to you as your so called opinion and thoughts are expressed. If he steps down would this make the problem go away. How will you judge him then? Would you say he is definitely guilty?
    Why must we almost believe the worst of someone?

  95. Jesus condemns the criticizing others while ignoring one’s own faults. A believer must first submit himself to God’s righteous standard before attempting to examine and influence the conduct of other Christians. Judging in an unjust manner also includes condemning a wrongdoer without desiring to see the offender return to God and His ways. Christ is not denying the necessity of exercising a certain degree of discernment or of making value judgments with respect to sin in others. This verse must not be used as excuse fro laxity in exercising church discipline.

  96. I don’t know if Eddie Long is guilty or not those muscle shirts he wore seemed to give a focus on physicality and may have lessened the effect of his words. “Ye who is free of guilt let him throw the first stone” Judge not lest ye be judged!! No man only God can do anything to change this situation. His church has authority over him he is not the owner of the church(Eddie Long) he is a servant to the people!! If they want him to stay he will!! But if God wants him out he will not!! It is God who is sovreign and who rules this world. We can only act on what he permits!All of you calling for his resignation need to let go and let God!! In all thy ways acknowlege him and he will direct your paths!! We are all his servants even the so called Bishop in South Carolina. If he was called for those same allegations I bet he would desire some support from the clergy. He is a hypocrite and so are a lot of you whose covert sins are not exposed to the world!!!

  97. If the Bishop has been persecuted for righteousness, the bible say, Bless are they, and the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Those who uphold God’s standards of truth, justice, and purity, and who at the same time refuse to compromise with the present evil society of the lifestyle of lukewarm believers, will under-go unpopularity , rejection, and criticism. Christians must beware of the temptation to compromise God’s will in order to avoid shame, ridicule, embarrassment, or loss. There is a demonic strategy that is set against those who teach God’s Word and minister to His people. The enemy’s campaign is not only aimed at destroying the shepherd; he also seeks to scatter the sheep. If Satan’s attack is successfu, everyone involved will come out of the battle with less love and a hardened heart. Consequently, persons with the church who become quilty of serious sin or moral transgressions have disqualified themselves from the office of pastor and from any position of high leadership in the local church. Such persons may be abundantly pardoned by the grace of God, but they have lost the ability to serve as models of unfailing perseverance in faith, love, and purity.

  98. In the world system of law it is stated ” One is called innocent until proven guilty…
    OTT we as CHRISTIANS to do the same to a greater degree, this Man is God’s Anointed, what we should be doing is praying for him, those in the body that are passing judgment best be careful, right is right and wrong is wrong, all that is in the dark will come to ligh, God is judge


  99. When a man is seeking to become a Pastor in a Baptist Church is he required to renounce the Holy Spirit?
    Thank You
    Ken Brown

  100. It’s amazing to me how everyone can be so concerned about not judging Eddie Long, that they’ve forgotten about the victims. How about praying for them huh. When the Bible talks about judging…it’s talking about judging someone else’s heart…only God can do that. But we are required to call sin-sin. I don’t care who it is…if you’ve sinned against another…you confess…repent and then you may be restored. Nobody has touched Eddie Long and I don’t know when he became a Prophet (maybe self proclaimed); but if he’s guilty he needs to be dealt with- within the church, and by the laws of this land. He is not exempt from the no no’s of society.

  101. It is very unfortunate that Bishop Edie Long has allowed himself to be in this position that he is in. I pray for him an I am believing that all of this is not true. I am suggesting to Bishop that he now needs to declare him self so that the air can be clear. and if he is guilty, the process of healing, forgiveness and restoration will begin for the young men, his congregation and himself and for Christian community. I believe the longer he keeps silent the more wide the damage will be.

    This is a very sad moment for all church leaders and we must now take time out to reflect on our own life and treat others the way we would like to be treat us.

    I am a strong believer in the Holy Bible and God. a,d God said “surely our sins (not only Bishop Long) will find us out’. Sin is personified and given the characteristics of a bounty hunter. any where we are it will expose us and take us to books.
    I earnestly pray for Bishop Long and all those leaders who are trusted by individuals especially church leaders


  103. pray pray pray for him because jesus don’t want any of us to judge be cause he don’t condem he saves and for gives and god always looking at all of us even when we messup and he will clean us again so stop throwing your stones and hideing your hands you need to give it up so that god can deal and work in this issuse amen

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