Obama: A Terrorist, Gangster, Gay Says Grand Junction Billboard

An unknown organization has placed a giant billboard in Mesa County,Colorado where an Obama’s likeness can be seen dressed as a terrorist, gangster, Mexican bandit and a homosexual with the motto “Vote DemocRAT. Join the game.” written above the drawing.

The billboard which can be seen along Interstate 70 has upset democrats and Republicans from the state.

The artist behind the offensive piece of art has refused to reveal who paid him for it.

According to the local media most people who have seen the painting feel that the message is not only disrespectful, but is in bad taste as well. It will be interesting to see if the billboard is eventually taken down because of the nationwide backlash.

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Why is the world mad at Obama he is not the one who started these issues they where already planned and set out. Now its Obama fought because he was elected, his election was something that the republicans can blame. Why not see equality among the nation. No one should suffer health care, be jobless, able to have shelter, and able to buy food. College should not be so expensive. The people should be able to vote on what the people need and want for bills of laws to be finalized not the government. Because as u can see their will never be equality!!!

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