Bristol Palin Dancing With The Stars In: Brandy Out Of DWTS

Bristol Palin Dancing With The Stars In: Brandy Out Of DWTS – Many people were wondering whether or not if Bristol Palin, daughter of the former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, was going to be one of the finalists to join some of the most talented people on Dancing with the Stars, and Palin fans got what they wished for.

Even though there was a decent amount of skepticism as to whether or not Palin could perform on the floor when the spotlight was shining, she managed to pull through and become one of the few and lucky finalists on the show after it was revealed that singer Brandy was eliminated.

Bristol Palin’s success on the reality TV show is matched only by her mother’s political career which seems to be taking off. One of the reasons that there was speculation as to whether or not she would be counted among the finalists is because in the semi-finals Palin was ranked dead last.

What really managed to push her score up at the last minute was all of the votes that came in from Palin fans and Tea Party members who wanted to see her move on to the finals, despite some opposition and hesitation from the judges. Although she may have entered into the finalist category by way of viewers alone, she is still shining in the spotlight and plans to take advantage of that by doing her best and giving a great performance in the upcoming episodes.

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  1. I think Bristol is a good dancer, but not enough to go all the way, or even as far as she has so far. There is even a site, I dont know what its about exactly because it wasnt finished when I went to chack it out, but I bet it will make sure this mockery of the show relevant for a few more years to come.

  2. i am no republican or tea party member and i am voting for bristol! never liked brandy’s attitude and love bristols!! plus she has grown the most whereas everyone else has an entertainment background. go bristol palin. i am a democrat from nyc so you are winning based on your own merit and poise.

  3. ‘Dancing with the Stars”

    Bristol Palin is not a star,

    she can’t dance,

    she should never have been on the show.

    it is an insult to all of those hardworking stars that took the time and put in the energy to participate.

    and i don’t believe that a majority voted for her.

    the show should be called “dancing with the celebrities’ or ‘dancing with the infamous’

  4. I am appalled that Brandy and Max were eliminated. Maybe we should get Chelsea Clinton on the show and then all the democrats will vote for her. This stuff has got to stop….it’s become political now thanks to having a so called celebrity on (Bristol) whose mother was a vice presidential candidate. Palins ‘s got her tea party fans and the state of Alaska so that helps Bristol. It certainly isn’t her dancing. She’s as bland as tepid water……

  5. Its not about dancing anymore, but became a popularity contest, whoever can come up with the most votes. The show will loose a lot of viewers because of that I certainly will be one of them.

  6. It’s interesting that the focus is on why Bristol is still there and not why is kyle still there. Kyle only does well in jive type dancing. Intricate moves are done by his partner Lacey and he just does simple steps behind her. I think Bruon and Carrie Ann outsmarted themselves giving him 10’s and actually matching his dancing with Brandy’s and Jennifer’s, both of whose performances were awesome. I think the black vote was so intense on getting Kyle in and Bristol out that they forgot to support Brandy and outsmarted themselves. It is tragic that Brandy is not in the finals, but it certainly shouldn’t have been Kyle over Bristol. In reality, there were better ones eliminated that were better than both. But I am very pleased to see the growth of inner strength and confidence that both Kyle and Bristol had; that is the beauty of DWTS’s that makes it a fascinating show.;

  7. That’s it for me. DWTS is dead to me from this week on. It’s not about dance talent. It’s about politics, and I’m no longer interested. Brandy beat out by Bristol? WTF???

  8. The show should change the judging, Palin is not and was not as good as Brandy. Ever since Emmitt Smith the show has gone down hill. I will not watch again.

  9. Bristol has come a long way and I can see how dancing has boosted her confidence, and that’s wonderful to see in a young lady.

    However, this is DANCE competition. Maybe we should leave it to the judges for the future? I’m so disappointed to see Brandy and Max out as Bristol simply is not in their league.

  10. Dancing With the Stars should be a talent contest, not a popularity contest. Unless ABC figures out a way to ensure that top dancers win, the show will fall flat on its face. This is too bad because I have enjoyed watching it.

  11. Come On, People — it is all about ratings and draw…why are you surprised she is still around?

  12. No, Bristow Palin is not winning on her own, the look on her face indicate she know she’s not a good enough dancer to be in the finalist, it’s the tea party checking their power for 2012.

  13. If Bristol wins, I will never watch this show again. Next will be her mother, who will also dance- scatter-footed , and without talen win. Why does ABC want to make this show political, not entertainment?

  14. I am dismayed that DWTS has turned political! “Voting” for Bristol is support for the Tea Party and not for her dancing.

    The skewed voting eliminated the superior dancing of Brandy and Max….and other past competitors that were eliminated in earlier weeks.

    Yes, Bristol has improved…but that it not what this competition is about and the fact that public voting has kept her in this far proves that fact….Listen to the judges!

    It is disheartening to tune in if the best dancers continue to be eliminated. Clearly Bristol is not the best dancer of the bunch. If she wins, it will be because this has turned into a popularity contest and will be an insult to the millions of viewers that believe the motto, “May the best dancer win!”

  15. It is a dancing competition not a political show. Have enjoyed in the past but will quit watching now. Really disappointed the judges did not point it out.

  16. I have watched DWTS for the last time. Nothing is quite so obvious as what has happened. I have nothing againt Bristol except her dancing in no way could quallify her for the position she is in at the moment. Tea Party and Sarah Palin followers have put her in the semi-final spot. No person with any tie to a politician or any well-known individual should ever be a part of a true talent competition.
    Goodbye DWTS.

  17. The show has always been a popularity contest. Her partner said it best. In
    America we can vote. I will keep watching because I enjoy the dancing.

  18. Again, why aren’t you all complaining that kYLE BEAT OUT BRANDY!!!! AFTER ALL, KYLE GOT THE BLACK VOTE THAT WOULD HAVE GONE TO BRANDY. You can’t seriously say that Kyle is better than Bristol. At least she does the intricate steps. Len tells you that every week. Kyle- his great chrisama and attachment to audience, which is not dancing!

  19. I was on aBrandy Dwts site did not click on to this site but since I’m here…Brandy deserved to be in the finals-not Bristol.She really neededto stay in.Her tango was absolute perfection!! The best dance of the season. ! I hope that Brandy realizes even though she didn`t win the much coveted mirrorball trophy she is achampion.I am a 60 y.o.w.w.I hope she will have more confidence and continue to believe in herself.

  20. Frankly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Bristol’s votes have come as a reaction to the cruelty of the blogosphere. Everyone is correct about why she is a “celebrity”, but for many fans, it’s her obvious normality and effort and progress that are endearing. I bet many vote because they want to show it to all of the hate-mongers. Seriously, no hate filled reactions and the corresponding media attention, and her dancing would have limited her advancement. This show isn’t a dance competition, it’s a vote competition and its always been a vote competition. Otherwise, how is it that every NFL player to come on the show except Michael Irvin has lasted until roughly the finals?

  21. I love the Tea Party, but I think something weird happened here in the DWTS voting. It is supposed to be a dance contest but turned into a strange political vote. Though the show is supposed to be light entertainment, it morphed into something else entirely. Please .. can we just get back to entertainment and leave out the politics? Seriously!

  22. ok so i am TEAM BRISTOL!!!! but to speak the truth i did notthink she would hav mad it this far and i say GOOD FOR HER YOU GO GIRL!!!

  23. People lead busy lives and through the day conversing and interrelating with others most times is very consuming. We are most times placed in uncontrollable circumstances. Sometimes fair and sometimes not so fair. At the end of the day we come home to be in a relaxed atmostphere. We get a snack and choose to unwind with Dancing With The Stars. The past ratings of the show should convey to it’s producers what this show has meant to so many. The untimely elimination of past participants and ultimately Brandy and Max of season 11 should stir the hearts of the creators and producers of the show. The answers that we are given regarding the voting is just not enough and it does not satisfy our souls. We the viewers have become vested in the feelings of the professional dancers and the celebrities. I’m sure the events of season 11 could not have been forseen. Please do a quick study of measures to prevent a catastrophe such as this from happening next season which can serve as a positive continuation of the show and also as a thanks to past participants and viewers of the show. I also feel as a viewer that healing is needed fo both the partipants who were eliminated in season 11 as well as the viewers. Many viewers stated not to watch the show ever again; I feel this is not truly the wants of many viewers but this is all we have to fight back with. Please include in your study to seek the tools to apologize to participants with of season 11 and a way to share this apology with the viewers.

  24. Ramona Acord
    Your intentions are quite clear. You keep harping on the Black votes. What do you know everyone else don’t know. Please share how you know how the Black population voted and while you at it please inform us of how the White population voted. Because talent against talent Kyle and Brandy are both better dancers than Bristol. And if skill and talent was the determining factors, Bristol would have been voted off long before these two. Kyle dances circles around Bristol. And compare the two equally is ridiculous. So if you are voting for Bristol who is obviously the least talented for the last several weeks, what’s your reasoning. Everyone has improved some more telling than others. Everyone works hard some more telling than others.

  25. I really don’t think it was the tea party voters that got Palin the votes. I think it was the fact the DWTS rigged the telephone lines so that no one could vote for Brandy and Max. So what I am saying is that if no one could vote for Brandy and Max, Palin would win. DWTS is a joke and I will never watch it again. That is obvious what happen and this is what certain people in the country have done all along; steal what they want and dare anyone to say anything. IS THAT WHERE BULLING CAME FROM or is the moffia still in tack?

  26. Ramona Acord
    Your intentions are quite clear. You keep harping on the Black votes. What do you know everyone else don’t know. Please share how you know how the Black population voted and while you at it please inform us of how the White population voted. Because talent against talent Kyle and Brandy are both better dancers than Bristol. And if skill and talent was the determining factors, Bristol would have been voted off long before these two. Kyle dances circles around Bristol. And compare the two equally is ridiculous. So if you are voting for Bristol who is obviously the least talented for the last several weeks, what’s your reasoning. Everyone has improved some more telling than others. Everyone works hard some more telling than others

  27. It isn’t just Brandy who was elimanated by the lack of Bristols dancing, There were so many dancers better than her. I have watched every season and if there isn’t a change made regarding quality I will not watch another season. Shame on the judges too. Len who is supposedly so into dancing correctly should have seen all the flaws because thousands besides me saw it also. Maybe you need
    new judges too if they are influenced by political means.

  28. I know that this show was a farce in terms of the voting, but this most recent travesty of a top performer like Brandy being kicked off because she was not politically connected is most disgusting. I will get a big laugh when Bristol prevails over the other top performer, Jennifer Gray. Maybe the owners/ABC will be moved to change the voting structure so that the show gets back some credibility. I will not watch it as well – also three others in my household . I am sure to hear the result when Bristol wins, and the even louder outcry of dismay and disbelief.

  29. I’m done with DWTS too – and I’m glad to see that others are. When the judges gave Bristol three 9’s only minutes after giving Brandy and Max the same score, that did it for me. Bristol and Brandy aren’t even in the same universe when it came to their performances.

    I fault the judges as well, fawning over Bristol – after the crowd boo’d when Sarah Palin took her seat in the audience during one of the first weeks, and it became a media controversy, it must have scared the judges to death.

    DWTS is over – just another tool that shows again that this country has no more meritocracy – the hard working don’t win, it’s all about who you know.

    Too bad the people that vote for Bristol (ie the Tea Party and the politically manipulative) don’t care about her at all. I wonder even if Sarah Palin cares about her daughter except for the fact that Bristol is bringing her even more exposure.
    A sad, sad country indeed.

  30. I think Bristol’s win should force DWTS to reveal how it counts viewer votes. How many of Brisol’s votes are from those crazy “robo callers” who bombard the phone lines of politicians they disagree with and who harass the Hawaii County Clerk office multiple times per caller, demanding copies of Obama’s birth certificate (I guess they have a lot of time on their hands).

    Also, how do the votes get weighed? What if a million people call in, and Bristol gets 100,000 and Brandy gets 150,000. How do the call in votes get calculated to determine who gets bumped off?

  31. Very well said Anne, finally someone who make sense. I think everyone is really getting tired of the tea party and their plan to over throw the government and the American people and this whole thing with DWTS is proof they will stop at nothing, We all know Bristol PAYless isn’t that popular with America, this was clear when she and her baby daddy wanted to have a reality show and people wrote in to the network saying they will not watch and of course because of that she didn’t have the show. i guess as an attempt to gain fame she signed up with DWTS. Sarah Payless who is not smarter than a 5th grader deserved to be booed she is a disgrace to woman and to the American People.

  32. Palin can’t dance. Period. She looks like a waterbuffalo at times. He partner litteraly drags her around the floor making sure not to let go too long cuz Bristol gets the ol’ deer in the headlights look.

    With that though, she will win and the judges and the producers of this show will have to rethink its system.
    The judges were outraged that Patridge was voted out and that should have sent a wave of warning signs of what was about to come.
    Jennifer Grey and Brandy had wonderful arm extensions. Bristol used the same arm movements that she would use to take the Peanut Butter off the top shelf.

    Palin is getting the political vote and by the looks of things…Republicans do not know much about dancing.

  33. I realize this show is based on the public’s voting, but to oust Brandy over that club foot Palin is a travesty. It takes me back to Donny Osmond winning over Mia a few seasons ago. I watch for the fun, and I vote regularly, but I believe this round will be my final season of watching that show, just as I did the American Idol.
    It’s totally unfair for people or celebrities that really try to excel in these venues are over shadowed by popularity rather than the indiviuals with talent. Case in point jennifer Hudson.

  34. What is being overlooked is this! How is Bristol Palin a celebrity?? Having a baby out of wedlock doesn’t make you a celebrity. Having a mother who was the VP candidate (And reason why McCain didn’t win ) doesn’t make you a celebrity either! Why is she even on the show??

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