Michael Brea On Killing Mother: I Was Doing The Work Of God

Michael Brea On Killing Mother: I Was Doing The Work Of God – An actor from New York named Michael Brea was recently arrested for murder after he hacked his mother to death using a sword.

He claims that he did not kill her, but rather the demon that was inside her. Michael Brea who is 31-years-old spoke to the Daily News from the prison ward of a local hospital where he is currently being held after the charges were made against him.

He told members of the press as well as police that he was doing the work of God and that nobody could stop him. Both family and friends of the accused said that they knew he wasn’t well before the incident involving his mother occurred.

Despite his brutal actions, relatives of the man say that he is a gentle and spiritual man who was loving most of the time but still in need of help.Yannick Brea who was 55-years-old was found with multiple cuts and stab wounds to her head, ultimately resulting in her death.

Brea had a few small roles in Hollywood movies such as Step Up 3D as well as Ugly Betty.

He stated that leading up to his attack on his mother he had been living in a dark world filled with Masonic symbols and black magic.

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This Post Has 9 Comments

  1. He wasn’t doing the work of god, he was doing the work of evil. Evil came to him as “god” but if he had known more of god he would have known that one of the coman. is THO SHOULD NOT KILL.

  2. he used a masonist sword to slay his mum… this is sum sick sht…
    Stupid lucifer-worshippin mafuker!

  3. @Steeplechase Pete…. u cud not comment on topic? all u cud do was identifying a mistake out of someone’s writing. great.
    we are going far away from religion and God and thats making us do such evil deeds i.e., being nude in public, masturbate-a-thons in name of “charity”, homosexuality, wife swapping, rapes, killing people worshipping evil and now killing one’s own helpless old mother with a 3 feet sword in the name of “God”. One may say Michael Brea may was not mentally stable killing his own mother but fact is there are lot many evil practices going on now proudly and the fact is people are either accepting or are do no care in the name of “freedom” and the fact is later or sooner there will be a day when they will be burning in hell the idea of which is becoming obsolete and one who talks about judgment day or hell or even God is considered “naive”.

  4. haha. THO is THOU… LMFAO.

    I thought this news is a joke at first. never thought it is true. whatever it is, i was shocked to hear about this. it’s like a case of schizophrenia.

  5. Asad, it is sad how delusional you seem to be. If you don’t want people to come back and comment that your grammar is atrocious then learn to spell or at the very least use a spell-checker. “Cud?” That is something that cows chew. “Tho?” The closest that is to being a word is “though,” and only if someone bothered enough about the writer’s sentiments would they bother to spend additional time reading his tripe to decipher that the comment’s author actually meant to say “thou.” However I believe the biggest complaint I have about your comment is how ignorant it is for you to go around calling yourself a Christian and then behaving absolutely nothing like Christ whatsoever. Christ did not aim to spew out hatred and ignorance as you seem to revel in. Instead of taking a book that has been translated who knows how many times literally instead read it to get the underlying meanings in it. Try to make sense of it. Jesus spoke in parables, and never condemned. Who is it that you think you are that you should have the right to do so?

    As for the event covered in this article it is truly a sad story. Michael Brea was obviously quite out of his mind and needs some serious psychiatric help. Blaming it on the devil helps no one here.

  6. @Ray: take it easy man. first off, I wanted to go to topic instead of reminding people of grammar and spell check.
    I told the facts….
    I didn’t suggest you to start hating sinner rather this is the sin we need to hate.
    Man is going away from God and religion no matter what religion(excluding a few cults like scientology 🙂 and is corrupted.
    I did not says Michael Brea was a devil or something… thats so silly to think.
    I said “evil practices” and come on…. do not close your eyes…. and do not tell me there are no evil practices around.
    I do not blame you. There are many who promote “all is well”.
    But the fact is such people are so confused and need help.
    Dear, such confusions need to be addressed even more when they start effecting the lives of others.
    Now please do not start pointing how bad is my English. Peace.

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