Ailene Brown And Shmeco Thomas: Tj Maxx Body Fat Shoplifters

Several women attempted to shoplift items from a TJ Maxx in Oklahoma by concealing them in their body fat, something which not many other people have tried before.

Apparently Ailene Brown who is 28 and Shmeco Thomas who is 37 tried to smuggle out three different pairs of boots in her breasts as well as three different pairs of jeans, a pair of gloves, and a wallet.

Brown used a knife to cut off all of the security tags so that the sensors did not catch them at the door, according to police.

The two women were unsuccessful in their 2600 dollars heist though and were charged with felony shoplifting.
In Oklahoma, you can be charged with a felony for shoplifting if it is past a certain amount in stolen goods.

Apparently the women stole enough to get them charged with this crime, something that is not seen a lot but does happen.

Police commented that it was one of the first times they have ever seen anyone try to hide items on their person with excess fat. Right now it is unclear what will happen to the women until they go before a judge, but right now they are facing at least a year in jail each.

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This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. This makes no sense! They should be ashamed of themsleves.

    What an emabarassment.

    Can you say it with me “Sweaty Bu–ies”!

  2. if they weren’t so greedy about it they may have gotten away with it I don’ see how they thought no one would notice all the extra odd shaped bulgdes from their body. Dumb*ss’s

  3. If they weren’t so greedy about it they may have gotten away with it.
    I don’t see how they thought no one would notice all the extra odd shaped buldges on their body.

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