Michael Vick Wants A Dog

Michael Vick, the quarterback for the Eagles, has recently said that he would not mind owning a dog again, even though he spent 19 months in a federal penitentiary on dog fighting charges.

The recent comments by Vic have caused uproar among some of the people who abhorred him after the original charges were filed.

“I would love to have another dog. My entire life I grew up with a pet in my house. The last few years were the first that I haven’t had one. My daughter is used to it, my son is used to it. It’s just different. I feel bad for them and the entire situation, what I did. It could be part of my rehabilitation process showing people I do care about animals sincerely and genuinely,” Vick recently said.

Part of the conditions of his release from the penitentiary were that he would never own a dog again. However, it seems that he doesn’t feel that is quite a justified punishment.

“I could take care of an animal in my household. If they want to monitor me doing it, then they can,” he said. “Whatever animal I’d have would live a happy life. I know that.”

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This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. It’s a joy to watch Vic growing and changing. With the help of the Humane Society, I predict that one day Vick and his family will do as much for dogs as he has for the NFL.

    Good luck, Vick! Not everyone thinks that ‘people like you’ can never change.

    Just please know that a pet is a lifetime commitment. If you find you really can’t do it, there are people you can turn to.

    The strongest men know when to ask for help.

    Best wishes to you and your kids!


  3. Yea, good luck Vick on torturing more dogs! He’s only sorry he got caught. He has a criminal mentality and will always go back to that lifestyle. It was not for money but his own satisfaction (he was a druggie, too). His whole life he had a dog to fight and mistreat. It’s all he knows. He’s a monster and if you disagree check out “The Lost Dogs”. It details how he personally killed these poor dogs and took pleasure out of it. He drowned them, slammed their heads into the ground, hung them, starved them, neglected them, left their wounds untreated, beat them to death with hammers and shovels, shaved the females teeth down so they could be raped and breed til they were sick, burned testicles off. These dogs didn’t get a 2nd chance so why should he? It a teacher or doctor gets a felony they can’t go back to their job so why should he? He is a psycho in every sense. He may be good on the field but off the field he is just a time bomb waiting to go off. He wants another dog to make fight and make $ being he’s still in debt. Good luck rotting in hell Vick.

  4. Michael Vick is an Idiot – after torturing and killing dogs and then going to prision for it – this fool as the audacity to say, he wants a dog. Why not give him a Crocodile, that would be a good pet for him.

  5. I think that if he is allowed to have a dog, then his children should be taken away!!!! This man should not be allowed to play football or even have a pet goldfish…. Maybe if somone let a dog attack him, then he would see how it feels to be maled!!!! Having a dogs teeth removed for his “fighting pleasure” is ridiculous and so is he!! I am outraged!!!!!!

  6. Anyone who defends this creep certainly do not love dogs as much as I do! People are always all about second chances. I feel as though they think anything is okay as long as you apologize and beg for a second chance. If you did the right thing to begin with, you would not need another chance, period! So, choke on that Michael “Dog Hater” Vick!


  8. This doesn’t make any sense. This man has served his time. If it were a WHITE male he could have 50 dogs. It’s not like this is the first time that’s it’s been done. Get the f**k over it.

  9. You have got to be blind, dumb or not a human to believe someone who once saw all dogs as “tools” to benefit him could love an animal! Child molesyters are not allowed to be near children, sex offenders are not allowed in school areas but we are considering letting a know animal abuser have a dog? This is completely wrong on all levels. If you support him or others like him you are just as sick as dog fighters and karma is a b*tch.

  10. No forgiveness for a murdering bastard. I would love to be in a room with him for a few hours. I cannot believe there are so many people out there that forget so quickly. @Bobby… Play God? No my friend. Society needs to be rid of people like this. Skeletons? Sounds to me like you have a few. I have none and will gladly be the judge and executioner. Go to hell Vic. Find a cave and stay there because you are going to be haunted for life. There are too many of us, normal, sane people to allow you to EVER forget what you did. You know why? Because those poor dogs can’t.

  11. Come on this guy needs a brake he has been tortured anough about his pass. His family shouldnt suffer not having a dog because of what he did. He did his time and is changing a lot and is trying to start his life over. Just give him a dog and see where it goes from there. all he wants is trust…..

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