Paul LePage: NAACP Can Kiss My Butt

Paul LePage, the Governor of Maine, has lived up to his reputation for making controversial statements- this time he is targeting the NAACP.

During an interview with a local station, he said bluntly that the organisation can kiss his butt and added:

“They are a special interest. End of story … and I’m not going to be held hostage by special interests.And if they want, they can look at my family picture. My son happens to be black, so they can do whatever they’d like about it.”

LePage initially made the statement after he was criticized by the organization for failing to attend an event which was related to Martin Luther King Day.

The governor claims that he won’t be held captive by any special interest group or apologize for his actions as he did nothing wrong.

The new Republican governor of Maine who is a Tea Party darling went after President Obama last year saying he can “go to hell.”

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Boy, the Governor is really mean, cruel and racist! He believes in equality before the law! Next thing you know, he will expect people to be responsible for their own actions. His actions will really make some people who expect something for nothing, really, really, really mad.

  2. Aside from the comment he made about the NAACP, that is no way to conduct himself. This is not an issue of Le Page’s politics or views on race, but an issue of how he conducted himself, and that he spoke with no class and respect. If one is going to lead a state, and govern them, they have to be able to hold themselves with class, and represent the state. By telling Obama to go to hell, making the comment about trans-gender children, and now this kiss my butt comment, he is showing a pattern of his lack of responsibility, maturity, and ability to govern Maine with class. As a Maine resident attending high school, I groaned at this recent remark and asked myself how this lunatic made it into office. He needs to remember that the majority of the state did not vote for him, and he better get his act together!

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