Joel Osteen: Homosexuality Is A Sin

47-year-old Joel Osteen is pastor of Lakewood Church in Houston, Texas. Senator John McCain has called Osteen “inspirational.” It has yet to be revealed what McCain thought of Osteen’s latest remarks on homosexuality.

On CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight,” Osteen was pressed to address the issue, which remains extremely controversial amongst conservative political circles. Morgan asked Osteen directly, “Is homosexuality a sin?”

Osteen replied, “Yes, I’ve always believed, Piers, the scripture shows that it’s a sin.” Osteen did, however, state that he had no desire to bash homosexuality. He further stated he did not want to play the role of judge.

The interview took a twist when Morgan asked about Elton John, who is a friend of Osteen. Recently, John had a surrogate child with David Furnish, his partner. Morgan asked why they were sinners in Osteen’s eyes.

Osteen responded by reverting back to the scripture. Yet, he stated, “I’m not the judge. You know, God didn’t tell me to go around judging everybody.”

The evangelical community has yet to respond to Osteen’s position. The evangelical community has previously been critical of Osteen, with theologian Michael Horton stating that Osteen’s methods of teaching amounts to heresy.

His position on homosexuality will likely strengthen his position with that particular group.

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This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Homosexuality is the worst sin you can ever imagine,joel has just called it sin that is what it is.

  2. I’m an atheist, so apparently I’m the biggest sinner in the world according to him. But I really think Osteen was treated poorly by Piers Morgan in this interview. The man believes what he wants to believe and ridiculing it is in poor taste. His description of his belief was very tasteful I think.

  3. Joel actually gave me a GREAT knob job at 24Hour Fitness here in Houston.

    Remarkable oral skills.

  4. The Bible also says that greed is a sin, and Joel Osteen has millions of dollars worth of luxury cars and mansions, which he flies to and from in private jets.

  5. Good for him, homosexuality is a very big sin, , , the followers of sodom will be burning in hell. How can the world keep quiet in this issue when they know its wrong?

  6. Great Interview Pastor Joel Osteen! Homosexuality is a Sin! But as you said, so is lying,adultery,cheating, etc! It’s not easy Pastor to stand up and be called a hater when you love people as much as you do! But stand strong Pastor Joel. It is the truth that will set them free! Remember the words of our KING!
    John 15:20
    A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. NKJV
    I have a testimony “video” of Jesus setting a women free from the “SIN” of homosexuality! Here’s my site!
    I’m proud of you Joel Osteen. Continue to fight the good fight of faith! Your in our prayers brother.

  7. I am deeply offended by Mr Osteens comments on CNN, to be in the idea system that being Gay is a choice or a sin, is shallow at best and morally irresponsible at worst. The bible has been used in so many ways to hurt, to hate to discriminate. There are many lines in the so called “scripture” that can not be taken as the ultimate truth. In the end Mr Osteen is a part of the force, the idea system, the public leaders that are the motivation of gay teens killing themselves. These young men have mistakingly bought into the idea that being Gay is a Mr Osteen chose to say on national TV “A Sin”. I don’t want this kinda of GOD, its ugly and hurts others. So many parts of the Bible call to love and acceptance and being a force for good in life. Such a sad day for any of the young Gay men or any of the Gay individuals in this world that had to listen to the hypocritical words of a man of GOD pass out a message of destruction to gay individuals, self esteem and self worth. I can honestly say that I was open to Mr Osteens message and speeches on TV, until today. His comments to suggest that being gay is inherently some type of choice is as old as the idea that being, white, black, latino, female or male is a choice. All of Gods creation was created that way. The difference in each other is not a choice of humans, it is the mark of the divine creator. What Mr Osteen set into motion by suggesting that being Gay is wrong will have a ripple effect out into everyone who watches the broadcast. I hope that one day Mr Osteen will have a change of heart and learn to love everyone, not just the individuals he believes are right according to the Bible. Love is not about what Mr Osteen did on TV. And I’ll pray to my God for him to have a miracle in his thinking and not be a part of the message that motivates young gay men to hate themselves to such a deep level that they take their own life. As MLK said in one of his speeches, “The time is always right, to fight for what is right”. And Mr Osteens comments are not right.

  8. homosexuality has been in the news lately? I read the NY Times and the NY Post and listen to the BBC everyday. Did I miss something? Why did Piers Morgan ask this question? Who the heck cares if Joel thinks homosexuality is a sin or not? I agree with Kevin. Piers Morgan clearly did not have a neutral view in this interview. He clearly was trying to embarrass Joel. Does it seem that Piers Morgan thinks he knows all about homosexuality because he knows Elton John. I thought this was suppose to be an interview not a debate.

  9. Greed is not defined as having a lot of money. It is defined as worshiping material things over God. Just because he has nice things has nothing to do with him being greedy. You don’t make that call.
    I also now have no respect for Piers Morgan. I am not even a big proponent of Joel Osteen just because he does avoid the topic of sin… but at least he was respectful and not hateful towards Piers. I think Piers will be taking much more flack for this in the coming months than Joel Osteen.

  10. He didn’t say that homosexuality was the ONLY sin there is. Its just one of the many. The bible states it and there you have it.

  11. After reading the comments from Joel’s interview, I did not find anything wrong in what he said. According to the Bible, the city of Sodom & Gomorah was destroyed because the people had become so perverted. Men were not only being lovers of each other, but were involved in all kinds of incestuous and deviant sexual behavior. But, the bible is explicit when it says those acts of wanting to love the same sex so much that the men of the city wanted to have sex with the male angels left God with no choice but take it off the map. No procreation can come from two people of the same sex. The worst thing that ever happened was when they decided to say it was alright to come out of the closet. It is deviant behavior, just like conduct disorder

  12. After reading the comments concerning Joel’s interview, it was obvious that many took his statement out of context. Mr. Olsteen did not say that God hated anyone. God is love. His statement that HOMOSEXUALITY is a sin is correct. All Christians know this is so, because God said so.
    Furthermore, he does not mention all of the sins, because the interviewer focused his question on the homosexual issue. Also, HOMOSEXUALiTY is an
    orientation of sexual preference. God says Man & Woman were to procreate to produce children. Non of the homosexuals born had to come from the mating between two people of the opposite sex.
    Yes, God is love. He also says, I am the Good Shepard Though he tells the truth, they refused to listen, because they were not of his sheep. So, though the Head Priest and others had him crucified, he never said he did not love them.
    Joel never said he hated anyone. Declaring what is true according to God is not a reason to destroy a Good Man.

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