GLAAD Hancock Protest:Hancock Homophobic

GLAAD Hancock Protest:Hancock Homophobic

GLAAD Hancock Protest:Hancock Homophobic – The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) is attacking Will Smith’s new movie “Hancock” for homophobia.GLAAD is upset at Will for using the term “homo” in the film.GLAAD reps said:

It’s a “cheap, unfunny shot at gay people.” They also say “Hancock’s use of the slur sends a problematic message that it’s okay to discriminate using such hateful words.”

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This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. that is so stupid. What about the movies that call out Jews, Blacks, and Any other person out, What about moves like duce bigalow that make fun of people with illnesses. Gays and Lesbians need to get over themselves and stop complianing about stuff that happens everyday on thousands of movies to everybody.

  2. KeKE, not every gay and lesbian american is sitting around and whining about every little thing that happens to them. I’d never sleep if I did. Please don’t generalize.

  3. KeKE- every one of the groups that you mentioned have watchdog groups that respond to these types of slurs and stereotypes in entertainment media. Unless one voices their anger against it, people will continue to use these kinds of hateful depictions without thinking of their effects. PS: Use spell-check.

  4. Amazing, something I don’t get, why do gays and some lesbians always have to protest ? against Movies songs etc. and people who question them “in the way they do” ?

    Recently I saw a video of some protesters of a gay march or parade they hold.
    I mean why Hold it? whats the benefit of it? but whats even worse why the fuck block the traffic for several days. we could could barely go to work without one of them comes and starts dancing like a yea fag.

    same day we hear that the gay folks was upset over people calling them fag’s.
    well you are sure as hell one if you swing a big ass dildo over your head while screaming in a rythem to RAINING MEN,

    Then why the fuck woulden’t I think thats wierd
    sadly most of us has this sad opp. if its different its gay.

    I don’t want my kids to see that, and no kid should see it, now it brings me back to them adopting god i hope no one allows them to because the day they get a kid, think of the kids, and your childhood at school ehh, they would get bullied all the way to college, so god forbid it,

    I hate “Gay’s” I hate them to death and I think it should be illegal, put the damn things in jail or send them to Guantanamo I think some of those dudes are lonely.

    Note : The term “Gay” and “Fag” are meant as that particular kind of people who are not only gays but they don’t act normal they are like super gays. if i were talking about homosexual people id be a lot different since I can’t say anything bad about them. Quite nice people some of them
    Super gays or FAGS ” burn the shit!”

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