Aretha Franklin Weight Loss Goal

Grammy Award-winning singer Aretha Franklin is now 68-years-old. In December, she underwent surgery, choosing not to reveal what it was for.

She did, however, state that it was “more than a minor surgery.”

Since the surgery, Franklin has been noticeably slimmer. She revealed that she is working on losing more weight, as she plans to return to the stage to perform in May for the first time after her surgery. Franklin states, “I want to not only maintain the weight that I am at now, but better it, by one dress size.”

Franklin is taking her exercise regiment serious as well, as she has been working out and walking three times a week. Yet, Franklin accredits her improved diet for her drop in weight. The only thing Franklin was not happy with was giving up her pigs’ feet and ham hocks. Franklin, however, did reveal that she was happy with her new and improved Whole Foods-type diet.

Regarding the pigs’ feet, Franklin states, “They’re off my diet. They just don’t really fit with Whole Goods. I had it for enough years that I don’t miss it. You can’t continue to eat things that are not good for you.”

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